Tsavo Character in Hanaq | World Anvil
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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As expected for somegrpyh so invested in weightlifting and combat since their chickhood, Tsavo has a ripped physique all around that's mostly focused on power and speed. Her talons in particular have immense grabbing strength that could chuck stuff as big as large earth mare barbarians.

Apparel & Accessories

Tsavo wears a somewhat tattered silk noblemare shirt and baggy pants. Her talons and paws were usually wrapped by monk tape until their innate power surged forth, allowing her to free them from their binds.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tsavo was born under the wings of an aristocratic, wealthy noble family, granting privileges most would sacrifice everything for. Unfortunately, her social and intellectual skills proved to be far less pronounced than her siblings, bringing about increasing disapproval and passive-aggressive hostility. Such harsh rejection soon led the young chick to develop an ironclad fixation on bettering herself through spending her time in the grand archives until she figured out most of her kin were merely there due to their noble ties.
  This marked the turning point where she promptly discarded whatever insights the arrogant hens in their ivory towers and almost exclusively focused on combat training, seeing it as a way to truly take her life for her own rather than simply follow her masters. In fact, she devoted so much of her passion and fury into it that her own trainer was forced to delegate her training to a lone earth stallion hermit. This soon proved to be a blessing for the audacious chick, quickly finding his teachings to be far more credible when backed by his masterful skills. A few years of training later, she soon found herself ready to properly embark on uncharted waters, obtain its riches and power and come back with the force of a crushing avalanche, ready to overthrow the wimpy nobles that thought so highly of themselves.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Jumped into a moving pirate ship
  • Vanquishing the demonic presence from Mercy Eden (plus saving a future demon hunter colt)
  • Taking down the largest pirate faction in Mercy
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  • Getting wedded

Personality Characteristics


After experiencing life outside the underground to its fullest, Tsavo is left with an innate thirst to continue exploring the cosmos with her ragtag team of runaways and become even more powerful to see how much she's missed out and conquer the challenges that come with the search.
  However, she also has a deep grudge against the two cloven skanks that talked trash, beat her up and continuously wiped Ping's foster mom's mind. When the time is right, Tsavo will find them and enact her retribution.

Vices & Personality flaws

Tsavo can't help but get into conflict sometimes when things get too stale and quiet, preferring active war over peace if she were being honest. This extends to her social relationships as well, much to the struggle for the rest of the team.


Contacts & Relations


  A Mercy Eden colt survivor whose bravery led him to be captured by demons. He was rescued by the Sock Puppets and inspired by Tsavo's fighting style.

Ping Wing

  It's complicated.


  A shady but helpful dork when the need arises.

Family Ties

Out of Tsavo's known family relatives, only Akun's location is confirmed to be in Mercy Eden

Akun the Breaker

One of Tsavo's cousins and one of the few noblebirds that actively challenged Tsavo's martial prowess when she began her relentless crusade to become indomitable. She opted to directly oppose her unarmed methods in favor of more conventional weaponry, which the fellow secretary bird surprisingly appreciated. However, it took her up until the rebellious noblechick's escape to squeeze out her first decisive victory against her after her own grueling training and contact aquisitions.
  Akun sadly got mixed up with the moon pirates that terrorized the Mercy region, becoming a slave to their whims until the Sock Pirates busted their cartel and freed her along with the rest of Mercy Eden's population.  


  Tsavo's mother. A conniving, fashionable schemer at heart, yet the one thing she couldn't properly plan around was her youngest chick. She tried countless times to subtly guide her to what the matriarch wanted her chick to be only to fail at every step, which led to her resentment and contempt after Tsavo's chickhood. These feelings exacerbated after her chick's brutish departure leaving her husband devastated.
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She's also secretly spying on the other noble families in the underground through her own spy network, the Rattlesnakes, always trying to be three steps ahead of them and possibly obtain even more power and influence.


  Tsavo's father. A usually fair, noble yet strict rooster seeking to balance out everyone's interests. He tried his best to convince her youngest chick to follow proper noblechick etiquette and secure her future. Now he solemnly laments about her escape, believing he's failed her and leading him to be consumed in his work as a noble to atone for it.


  Tsavo's eldest sister. Essentially a younger, brasher image of Absco, subtly lording over her status to everyone around her. Usually have an escort of 4 guards following her at all times and dresses in the most fashionable clothing money can buy, yet she's not as seemingly vain and hedonistic as she seems.
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One of the main reasons Tsavo hates nobles, as Absco relentlessly bullied, belittled and sabotaged whatever accomplishments she made due to their unrefined and brutish attributes.


  Tsavo's second eldest sister. A run of the mill, unremarkable noblemare, specially compared to both sisters' opposing personalities. She usually serves as a historian under her father.
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Underneath her bland facade hides an uncontrollable desire to devote herself to a higher power, trying her hardest to attain the enlightment an otherwordly deity can only provide. She's currently investigating ways to perhaps gain blessings.


  Tsavo's eldest brother, behind Absco and Elinah. An utterly carefree, hedonistic and passionate griffon, particularly entranced by the artistic world and worldly pleasures. Luckily for him, his parents and wide circle of friends are all too happy to provide him his every request thanks to his natural charm and air of mystique hidden underneath his good vibes.
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After Tsavo's escape, he had recently toyed with the idea of possibly leaving the confines of the underground to see what could the outside world provide, slowly building his contact list to find the best way to keep his status and comfortably explore the world himself


  Tsavo's second eldest brother. A rather softspoken and polite bird, as well as an avid reader of both fiction and non-fiction. Usually helps his father by keeping tabs on both the economy and society shifts.
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Despite his cordial disposition, Natori can be a rather cruel and cold-hearted rooster if his analytical mind deems it interesting enough. Has secretly aided Absco in her bullying against Tsavo.

Tsavo is a young secretary bird lion griffiness dressed in a dishelved noblemare shirt and baggy pants looking to break free of her nepotistic background and become strong enough to face it head on her own way.

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The House of Secretary Birds, Coredeep
3' 11''
Aligned Organization

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