Haranfruit Item in Haranshire | World Anvil


Haranfruit, or simply "redfruit" by the people of Thurmaster, is the popular fruit found only in The Redwood forest. It possesses a captivating blend of characteristics that make it both delightful to the taste buds and beneficial to one's well-being.   Visually, the Haranfruit resembles a pomegranate in size, with its rounded shape and slightly dimpled skin. However, its skin exhibits a vibrant palette of hues, ranging from deep crimson to rich maroon, evoking the enchanting aura of the redwood forest itself. When gently squeezed, the skin yields slightly, indicating the juiciness that lies within.   Upon slicing open the Haranfruit, one is greeted with a marvelous sight. The interior flesh, reminiscent of a succulent peach, boasts a soft and luscious texture. Its color mirrors the warmth of a summer sunset, with shades of golden yellow and blush-pink intermingling beautifully.   But it is the flavor that truly captivates the senses. The Haranfruit offers a symphony of sweetness and tartness, perfectly balanced to tantalize the palate. Each bite releases a burst of tropical and citrusy notes, complemented by a subtle undertone of floral essence. The juice is abundant and refreshing, leaving a lingering, delightful aftertaste that leaves one yearning for more.   Apart from its exceptional flavor, the Haranfruit possesses minor healing properties, making it valued beyond its culinary appeal. It is known to contain natural antioxidants and vitamins that promote vitality and overall well-being. Consuming the fruit is said to invigorate the body and uplift the spirit, offering a gentle sense of rejuvenation.   The Haranfruit finds its way into a variety of popular uses. In the realm of cuisine, it serves as a versatile ingredient, enhancing both sweet and savory dishes. Its juicy segments are often added to fruit salads, imparting their distinct flavor and adding a burst of color. The flesh can be used to create exquisite jams, jellies, and syrups, which capture the essence of the fruit's unique taste.   In the realm of beverages, the Haranfruit shines as well. Its juice is sought after for its natural sweetness, and it is often used in refreshing fruit punches, smoothies, and cocktails. Some connoisseurs even ferment the juice to create a delightful Haranfruit wine, which further highlights the fruit's exquisite flavors.   Beyond its culinary applications, the Haranfruit is also cherished for its decorative qualities. Its vibrant appearance makes it a striking addition to fruit displays, centerpieces, and even botanical-themed art installations.  

Game Mechanics

A creature can Interact with the Haranfruit to regain 1d4+1 HP; this is a healing vitality effect. The creature feels full for 10 minutes, during which it has resistance 2 to void damage and can't eat another piece of Haranfruit.   Haranfruit doesn't travel well, and if not properly prepared, it loses these properties in 24 hours, but retains its delicious taste for another 3-5 days. After that it is too rotted to eat.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink