Marlen Character in Haranshire | World Anvil


Squire Marlen

Marlen, the squire who now oversees the day-to-day affairs of Thurmaster, cuts a figure that commands both unease and begrudging respect from the villagers. His stern countenance is framed by a prominent beak-like nose and piercing, beady eyes that seem to regard the world with unyielding scrutiny. His tall, thin frame moves with an awkward gait, his long legs often appearing uneven, causing children to mimic his peculiar stride in jest.   Despite Marlen's physical idiosyncrasies, it is his role and authority within the village that truly sets him apart. As the representative of Duke Parlfray, he bears the weighty responsibility of collecting taxes and tithes, a task that evokes both dread and frustration from the townsfolk. Aware of their displeasure, Marlen carries himself with an air of superiority, his sense of entitlement bolstered by his association with the Duke's household.   Within his own residence, Marlen commands a small retinue of four of Count Parlfray's guards, whose mere presence instills an atmosphere of authority and law enforcement. These guards serve as a constant reminder of the Duke's reach and the consequences of crossing the line. Villagers think twice before engaging in any wrongdoing, knowing that Marlen's role as magistrate grants him the power to dispense swift and often unforgiving justice for misdemeanors.   However, it is Marlen's control over the village's finances that truly solidifies his position of influence. Acting as Thurmaster's unofficial banker, the majority of the village's funds pass through his hands. With a meticulous attention to detail, he keeps the coffers secure, ensuring that the Duke's resources remain intact and under his watchful gaze.   Though disliked by many, Marlen's authority cannot be denied. He wields power over the villagers, their livelihoods, and their future. His austere demeanor and penchant for spot fines have earned him a reputation as a strict enforcer of the law. And so, the villagers give him a wide berth, treading carefully around his presence, for they know all too well that crossing Marlen's path can have dire consequences for their fortunes and freedoms.   In this way, Marlen stands as the Burgomeister of Thurmaster, both feared and respected, an embodiment of the Duke's authority and the instrument through which the village is governed, even as whispers of discontent and resentment linger in the shadows.
Current Location
Date of Birth
June 12th
Year of Birth
1479 CY 63 Years old
225 pounds
Aligned Organization