Quinneon Burrfoot Character in Haranshire | World Anvil

Quinneon Burrfoot

Quinneon Burrfoot (a.k.a. Quinn)

QUINNEON As you approach Quinneon, who is also known as Quin among his friends, you are immediately greeted by a burst of vibrant energy and a warm smile. Despite his inherent connection to the shadows, Quinn defies expectations by embracing bright and colorful attire that perfectly matches his outgoing personality.   Dressed in a kaleidoscope of hues, Quinn's clothing is a delightful blend of vibrant shades and eye-catching patterns. Their wardrobe consists of flowing tunics, and trousers adorned with intricate embroidery and playful designs. Each garment seems to radiate with its own unique color, as if capturing the essence of a brilliant sunrise or a blooming garden.   Quinn's hair, still retaining its dark shade, is adorned with colorful beads, and feathers that sway with every movement, adding an extra touch of whimsy to their appearance. His locks are styled in a way that combines elegance and liveliness, framing his face with a vibrant cascade of vibrant strands.   His eyes, like shimmering orbs, sparkle with an infectious charisma. They are filled with warmth and a genuine interest in those around them, making you feel instantly at ease in his presence. Quinn's expressions are animated and expressive, as they effortlessly convey their emotions and connect with others on a deep level.   As you draw nearer, you notice the intricate tattoos adorning Quinn's arms and hands. The tattoos, just like his clothing, are a riot of colors and intricate designs that seem to tell a story. They depict symbols of friendship, joy, and adventure, reflecting Quinn's zest for life and his vibrant outlook on the world.   Moving with a natural grace and charm, Quinn's presence commands attention wherever he goes. His confident demeanor and magnetic personality draw people in, effortlessly enchanting those around him. He simply has a way of making everyone feel special and valued, as if they possess an innate understanding of what brings out the best in others.   Approaching Quinn, you feel a wave of positive energy wash over you, as if he can brighten even the darkest corners of your soul. His friendly and outgoing nature invites you to join him in his quest for joy, laughter, and shared adventures. Quinn is a beacon of light in a world that can sometimes be shadowed, and being in their presence is like basking in the warm glow of a summer's day.   Fahlkor Fahlkor, the astral dragon eidolon, is truly a magnificent and enchanting creature. With its awe-inspiring combination of dragon and lynx features, it commands attention and captivates all who lay eyes upon it. Its appearance in the astral realm is a testament to its celestial nature and the cosmic powers it embodies.   The shimmering silver fur, adorned with iridescent patches that shift and change color, gives Fahlkor an ethereal and otherworldly quality. The soft luminescence emanating from its fur casts a gentle glow, adding to its mystical allure. Every movement and shift in light reveals new shades and hues, reminiscent of the vibrant colors found within the astral plane.   Fahlkor's head is a masterful fusion of dragon and lynx traits, showcasing both power and grace. The elongated face and feline-like eyes, tinged with hues of blue and purple, convey a sense of wisdom and mysticism. The upright, tufted ears and curving draconic horns add an element of regal elegance to its countenance, further emphasizing its celestial lineage.   The eidolon's body, with its lean and muscular form, evokes the agility and grace of a lynx. Its strong limbs, sharp claws shimmering with astral energy, and padded paws enable it to move with silent precision. The row of fin-like spines along its back serves as a visual representation of its emotions and a means of communication, their flickering and rippling motions conveying its innermost feelings.   Fahlkor's wings are a true marvel, combining the ethereal patterns of a lynx's fur with the majesty of draconic wings. These large, semi-transparent wings, with their mesmerizing colors and intricate designs, allow the eidolon to glide effortlessly through the astral plane, effortlessly riding the currents of astral energy. Their unfurling reveals a breathtaking display of shifting hues and patterns, enhancing Fahlkor's celestial presence.   As Fahlkor moves, it exudes confidence and grace, its furred dragon-like tail swaying in harmony with its every step. The feathers at the tail's tip add an extra touch of enchantment, trailing shimmering stardust that further accentuates the eidolon's connection to the cosmic forces of the astral realm.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Standing at a height of 3'5" and weighing 38 pounds, Quinn's halfling stature exudes a compact and agile physique. Despite his small frame, he possesses a surprising strength and resilience, defying expectations with his determination and spirit.

Body Features

His tanned skin tone bears testament to his time spent under the sun's gentle caress. The warmth of the sun's rays has bestowed a healthy glow upon him, enhancing his natural features and hinting at the adventures he has undertaken.

Facial Features

His eyes captivate those who gaze into them, showcasing a mesmerizing blend of purple and blue hues. Sparkling flecks within his eyes add a touch of mystique, hinting at the depth of his character and the secrets that lie within. They serve as windows to his soul, reflecting his emotions and innermost thoughts.   Quinn's hair, styled in a striking combination of black with hints of blue, lends an air of uniqueness to his appearance. The subtle interplay of colors adds a touch of intrigue to his overall look, setting him apart from others. His hair, like the night sky adorned with stars, complements his features and adds to his distinctive presence.

Identifying Characteristics

With his unique combination of captivating eyes, striking hair, and tanned complexion, Quinn carries a distinctive presence wherever he goes. His appearance reflects his adventurous spirit, hinting at the tales and experiences that shape his journey through the world.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Quinneon, known affectionately to his friends as Quinn, had a deep bond with his pet lynx, Fahl, during their childhood adventures together. Unfortunately, tragedy struck when Fahl encountered a group of merciless orc raiders on the hills surrounding Harlaton. Despite Quinn's best efforts to protect his loyal companion, Fahl was beaten to death, leaving Quinn devastated.   Driven by grief and desperation, Quinn turned to the occult teachings passed down from his parents. He sought to bring Fahl back to life, drawing upon his nascent magical abilities as a summoner. However, something unexpected occurred during the resurrection ritual. As Quinn tapped into the arcane forces, Fahl's features began to shift and merge, taking on a more dragonic aspect. The lynx transformed into a magnificent creature named Fahlkor, an Eidolon that combined the traits of both a lynx and a dragon.   This event marked a turning point in Quinn's life. The discovery of his summoning powers, coupled with the manifestation of Fahlkor as his Eidolon, fueled his determination to delve deeper into his magical nature. Recognizing that he needed guidance and training to fully grasp and control his newfound abilities, Quinn embarked on a journey of study and self-discovery…   During his year away from Harlaton, Quinn sought out mentors and magical tutors who could help him unlock the secrets of summoning and harness his innate potential. He delved into his spellcasting abilities and deepened his understanding of the arcane arts. Through rigorous practice and guidance, he began to master the art of summoning, forging an unbreakable bond with Fahlkor, his loyal and now-dragonic companion.   With his training complete, Quinn returns to Harlaton, fulfilling the promise made to his childhood friends. The loss of Fahl and the subsequent transformation of Fahlkor have shaped him into a more seasoned and focused individual. He brings with him not only the skills of a summoner but also a profound appreciation for life's fragility and the power of arcane forces.   Quinn's return to Harlaton reunites him with his companions, who may have undergone their own transformative experiences over the past year. Together, they can reminisce about their shared adventures, share their newfound knowledge and abilities, and prepare for the journey that lies ahead. The reunion at "The Pitcher and Pitchfork" becomes a poignant moment, filled with bittersweet memories of the past and a shared determination to face the challenges of the future.

Gender Identity

External Plumbing




Quinn's upbringing was shaped by his parents' non-traditional beliefs and their interest in the occult. He received most of his education at home, where his parents imparted their unconventional wisdom. Additionally, he underwent a few years of structured training with a hermit friend of his parents, who further expanded his knowledge and introduced him to various disciplines, including magic.   This upbringing fostered Quinn's curiosity and thirst for knowledge, making him an avid learner. He constantly seeks out new information and experiences, always eager to explore different subjects and uncover hidden truths. His passion for learning extends to a wide range of topics, from ancient texts to arcane arts and philosophical discussions. Quinn's unconventional education and relentless pursuit of knowledge have shaped his unique perspective on the world.

Mental Trauma

Quinn's profound grief over the death of his pet Fahl triggered a surge of power within him, awakening his dormant draconic heritage. This newfound power allowed Quinn to summon and transform Fahl's spirit into his loyal dragon eidolon, Fahlkor. Fahlkor became Quinn's constant companion, serving as his muse and a source of strength. Their bond is a testament to Quinn's resilience and his ability to channel his emotions into powerful summoning abilities. Together, Quinn and Fahlkor venture forth, drawing upon their shared experiences to overcome obstacles and protect those they care about. Their symbiotic relationship fuels Quinn's magical prowess and inspires him to embrace his draconic lineage.

Intellectual Characteristics

Quinn possesses a keen intellect and a natural curiosity that drives his quest for knowledge. He has a thirst for learning and a desire to understand the mysteries of the world around him. With an above-average intelligence, Quinn is quick to grasp new concepts and make connections between different pieces of information. He has a sharp analytical mind and enjoys engaging in intellectual discussions and debates. Quinn is open-minded and willing to consider different perspectives, allowing him to approach problems from various angles and find innovative solutions. He has a talent for problem-solving and critical thinking, often using his intellect to unravel complex puzzles or unravel arcane mysteries. Quinn's intellectual characteristics are complemented by his creativity, as he often thinks outside the box and embraces unconventional ideas. He enjoys exploring new ideas and theories, pushing the boundaries of his understanding, and expanding his intellectual horizons.

Morality & Philosophy

Quinn's morality and philosophy can be described as compassionate and open-minded. He believes in the inherent worth and potential of every individual, and he strives to treat others with kindness and understanding. Quinn values personal freedom and respects the autonomy and choices of others. He believes in the power of knowledge and seeks to expand his understanding of the world through continuous learning and exploration. Quinn has a deep appreciation for the natural world and recognizes the interconnectedness of all living beings. He often finds inspiration in the mystical and the occult, embracing the unknown and the unconventional. Quinn's experiences have shaped his perspective, and he carries a sense of empathy and empathy for those who have suffered loss and adversity. Overall, his moral compass guides him to make choices that promote harmony, growth, and the well-being of both individuals and the broader community.

Personality Characteristics


Quinn is primarily motivated by a thirst for knowledge and a deep curiosity about the world. He has a genuine passion for learning and understanding the mysteries that surround him. Quinn is driven by a desire to uncover hidden truths, explore the arcane arts, and expand his own understanding of the universe. He is constantly seeking new experiences and challenges that will broaden his horizons and push the boundaries of his knowledge. Quinn's motivations are fueled by his innate intellectual curiosity and his belief that knowledge is power. He seeks to acquire wisdom and mastery in order to better understand himself and the world around him. Additionally, Quinn is motivated by a sense of personal growth and self-improvement. He strives to constantly develop his skills and abilities, pushing himself to reach new heights of magical proficiency and intellectual prowess. Ultimately, Quinn's motivations are centered around his quest for knowledge, personal growth, and the pursuit of truth and understanding.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Arcane Lore: Quinn possesses a deep understanding of arcane knowledge, unraveling the mysteries of magic and utilizing it to his advantage.
  • Persuasion: With his charismatic demeanor and eloquent speech, Quinn excels at convincing and swaying others to his point of view.
  • Performance: Quinn has a natural talent for entertaining others, captivating audiences with his enchanting performances and captivating presence.
  • Deception: Skilled in the art of deception, Quinn can manipulate situations and hide his true intentions, adeptly weaving webs of illusion and misdirection.
  • Athletics: Quinn lacks physical prowess and struggles with activities requiring strength, endurance, or physical exertion.
  • Crafting: While he appreciates craftsmanship, Quinn's practical skills in creating or constructing items are limited, often resulting in less-than-desirable outcomes.
  • Stealth: Quinn's larger-than-life personality and tendency to draw attention make him less adept at blending into the shadows or moving unnoticed.
  • Survival: Despite his intellectual abilities, Quinn finds himself out of his element when it comes to wilderness survival, struggling with tasks such as navigation, foraging, and outdoor survival skills.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Magic and the arcane arts: Quinn has a deep fascination with magic and enjoys studying and experimenting with different spells and mystical phenomena.
  • Performing and entertaining: Quinn takes great pleasure in showcasing his talents on stage, relishing the attention and applause of an audience.
  • Learning and acquiring knowledge: Quinn has an insatiable thirst for knowledge and enjoys delving into books, seeking out new information, and expanding his understanding of the world.
  • Unique and eccentric individuals: Quinn is drawn to those who march to the beat of their own drum, appreciating their individuality and embracing their quirks.
  • Mundane routines: Quinn finds mundane, repetitive tasks and routines dull and stifling, preferring a life filled with excitement and unpredictability.
  • Closed-mindedness: Quinn has little patience for those who cling stubbornly to traditional beliefs and reject new ideas without open-mindedness or critical thinking.
  • Unnecessary violence: While Quinn is not a pacifist, he dislikes unnecessary violence and prefers to find peaceful solutions whenever possible.
  • Boredom: Quinn abhors being bored and constantly seeks out new adventures, experiences, and challenges to keep life interesting and engaging.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Curiosity: Quinn possesses an insatiable curiosity and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. He constantly seeks to explore new ideas, concepts, and experiences, always eager to learn and discover.
  • Optimism: Quinn maintains a positive outlook on life, always seeing the silver lining and finding hope even in the most challenging circumstances. His optimism inspires others and helps him navigate obstacles with resilience and determination.
  • Agile Acrobat: Quinn possesses exceptional agility and acrobatic skills. He can perform impressive feats of balance, flexibility, and aerial maneuvers, making him a formidable presence in physical challenges and allowing him to navigate tricky terrain with grace and precision.
  • Silver Tongue: Quinn has a way with words and possesses exceptional persuasive abilities. His eloquence, charm, and quick thinking make him a skilled negotiator and diplomat, capable of swaying opinions and resolving conflicts through diplomacy.
  • Mystic Bond: Quinn has a deep connection to the mystical realms and possesses innate magical abilities. He can tap into arcane energies, summon otherworldly entities, and manipulate magical forces with finesse. His bond with magic grants him a unique advantage in spellcasting and allows him to access spells and abilities beyond the reach of ordinary individuals.
  • Master Performer: Quinn is a masterful performer, capable of captivating audiences with his musical talent, storytelling prowess, and dramatic flair. He can command attention, evoke emotions, and create memorable experiences through his performances, making him a sought-after entertainer and a source of inspiration for others.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Impulsivity: Quinn has a tendency to act on impulse without fully considering the consequences. He may make rash decisions or take risks without weighing the potential outcomes, leading to unpredictable situations and potential complications.
  • Restlessness: Quinn is often plagued by a sense of restlessness and a constant need for novelty and excitement. He may become easily bored or dissatisfied with routine, seeking constant stimulation and novelty, which can lead to a lack of focus and commitment in certain areas.
  • Overconfidence: Quinn's natural charisma and talents can sometimes lead him to overestimate his abilities. He may become overconfident in his skills and underestimate the challenges ahead, which can result in recklessness or underpreparedness for certain situations.
  • Disorganization: Despite his intellectual capabilities, Quinn has a tendency to be disorganized and scattered. He may struggle with keeping track of his belongings, maintaining a structured schedule, or following through with plans and commitments, which can lead to occasional chaos and missed opportunities.
  • It's important to note that flaws and vices are an integral part of a character's development and can contribute to their growth and the narrative. They create opportunities for character arcs and personal challenges that can be overcome or learned from throughout the story.

Personality Quirks

  • Hair Touching: Quinn has a habit of unconsciously running his fingers through his hair or adjusting his hairstyle when he's deep in thought or feeling nervous.
  • Foot Tapping: When Quinn is excited or impatient, he tends to tap his foot rapidly, creating a rhythmic sound that can be both energizing and slightly distracting.
  • Colorful Wardrobe: Quinn has a penchant for wearing vibrant and eye-catching clothing. His wardrobe consists of a wide array of colorful tunics, trousers, and accessories, reflecting his lively and expressive personality.
  • Whimsical Accessories: Quinn is often seen wearing playful and whimsical accessories like beaded necklaces, feathered earrings, or ribbons tied around his wrists. These accessories add an extra touch of whimsy and individuality to his appearance.
  • These ticks and quirks add depth and uniqueness to Quinn's character, making him memorable and distinct in his mannerisms and style. They can also serve as potential sources of character development and interaction with others.


  • Daily Bathing: Quinn makes it a habit to take a bath or shower every day, ensuring he feels clean and refreshed. He pays attention to thorough cleansing of his body, using scented soaps or oils to add a pleasant aroma to his skin.
  • Hair Care: Quinn takes care of his hair by regularly washing and conditioning it. He keeps his hair clean, soft, and well-groomed, ensuring it is free from tangles and knots. Quinn may also apply various hair products to style his locks, giving them a vibrant and lively appearance.
  • Dental Hygiene: Quinn understands the importance of oral health and maintains a diligent dental care routine. He brushes his teeth at least twice a day, using minty toothpaste to keep his breath fresh. Quinn may also use mouthwash to further ensure cleanliness and to maintain a bright smile.
  • Scented Fragrances: Quinn enjoys using scented perfumes or colognes to add a pleasant fragrance to his presence. He carefully selects fragrances that suit his personality and preferences, applying them sparingly to avoid overpowering others.
  • Clean Clothing: Quinn takes care to keep his clothing clean and fresh. He regularly washes his garments and pays attention to any stains or odors, ensuring his outfits always look and smell pleasant.
Overall, Quinn values cleanliness and personal care, understanding that it contributes to his overall appearance and how he presents himself to others. His commitment to hygiene reflects his desire to make a positive impression and maintain a sense of self-respect.


Contacts & Relations

Quinn has a wide network of contacts and relations, ranging from close friends to acquaintances. Here are some notable individuals in Quinn's life:
  • Fahlkor (Eidolon): Fahlkor, Quinn's dragon eidolon and muse, shares a deep bond with him. They have a unique connection and work together in combat and exploration. Fahlkor serves as Quinn's loyal companion and confidant.
  • Ava: Ava is a trusted friend and fellow adventurer. Quinn has a close relationship with Ava, and they often rely on each other during their journeys. They share a camaraderie and understanding that comes from facing various challenges together.
  • Maura: Quinn has a friendly and supportive relationship with Maura, appreciating her magical abilities and herbal knowledge. They often collaborate on finding solutions and learning about the mystical aspects of their world.
  • Chinatsu: Quinn has developed a friendship with Chinatsu, recognizing their skill in gunslinging and appreciating their witty banter. They share a sense of adventure and often engage in friendly competitions to showcase their marksmanship.
  • Theo: Quinn has a respectful and collaborative relationship with Theo, appreciating his druidic abilities and connection with nature. They often exchange knowledge and insights about magical and natural phenomena.
  • Sharos: Sharos is a recent addition to Quinn's circle, but their shared experiences and common goals have quickly forged a bond of friendship and trust. Quinn admires Sharos' dedication to his faith and his skills as a holy warrior.
  • Balton: Balton, the owner of Balton's Arrows, is a friendly acquaintance of Quinn. They often engage in conversations about archery and trade tips and tricks related to their shared interest in ranged weaponry.
  • Samson: Quinn has recently crossed paths with Samson, a farmer who was held captive by bandits. While their relationship is still developing, Quinn sympathizes with Samson's plight and is interested in learning more about his experiences.
Quinn's contacts and relations extend beyond these individuals, as he often meets new people during his adventures. He values the connections he forms with others and recognizes the importance of building and maintaining relationships in the world he explores.

Religious Views

Quinn's spiritual and religious views can be described as open-minded and nature-centric. He finds spiritual fulfillment in his connection with the natural world and sees beauty and divinity in all living beings. While he does not adhere to any specific religious doctrine, he draws wisdom from various faiths and philosophies, embracing a holistic perspective. Quinn's spiritual path is characterized by personal exploration, self-awareness, and a commitment to finding inner harmony. He respects the beliefs of others and encourages individual autonomy in their own spiritual journeys.

Social Aptitude

Quinn possesses a remarkable social aptitude that is marked by warmth, charisma, and a natural ability to connect with others. He is naturally outgoing and thrives in social settings, effortlessly engaging in conversations and building rapport with people from all walks of life. Quinn's genuine interest in others and empathetic nature allows him to easily understand and relate to their experiences and emotions. He possesses excellent communication skills and is skilled at expressing his thoughts and feelings, often using humor and charm to create a lighthearted and enjoyable atmosphere. Quinn's social aptitude also extends to his ability to navigate social dynamics and defuse tense situations, making him a valuable mediator and peacemaker among his companions. Overall, his social adeptness enables him to form strong relationships and leave a positive impression wherever he goes.


Quinn's mannerisms reflect his energetic and enthusiastic personality. He is known for his animated gestures and expressions, using his entire body to convey his emotions and ideas. When engaged in conversation, Quinn leans in attentively, his eyes sparkling with interest as he actively listens to others. He has a tendency to speak with his hands, gesturing and emphasizing his words to make his points more vivid and engaging. Quinn's mannerisms also include a propensity for playful teasing and light-hearted banter, often using humor to lighten the mood and create a sense of camaraderie. He is a natural performer, and his theatrical flair is evident in the way he moves and carries himself, exuding confidence and charisma. Despite his lively nature, Quinn is considerate of others' personal space and boundaries, adjusting his mannerisms accordingly to ensure everyone feels comfortable in his presence.

Hobbies & Pets

Quinn has a wide range of hobbies that reflect his curious and adventurous nature. Some of his possible hobbies include: Storytelling and Performance: Quinn loves to entertain others with his storytelling skills and performances. He enjoys crafting imaginative tales, acting out characters, and captivating his audience with his vibrant personality.
  • Exploring Nature: Quinn has a deep appreciation for the natural world. He enjoys spending time in the outdoors, exploring forests, meadows, and other natural landscapes. He might engage in activities like hiking, bird-watching, or simply immersing himself in the beauty of nature.
  • Arts and Crafts: Quinn has a creative side and may dabble in various arts and crafts. He might enjoy painting, sketching, or crafting intricate designs. He appreciates the beauty of visual arts and finds joy in expressing himself through creative endeavors.
  • Music and Instrument Playing: Quinn has a love for music and may play musical instruments. He might strum a guitar, play the flute, or even experiment with unconventional instruments. Music is a way for him to express his emotions and connect with others on a deeper level.
  • Collecting Trinkets and Curiosities: Quinn has a penchant for collecting small trinkets and curiosities. He enjoys finding unique and interesting items during his travels and cherishes them as keepsakes or symbols of his adventures.
  • Learning and Studying: Quinn has a thirst for knowledge and enjoys learning about various subjects. He may spend his free time reading books, studying ancient texts, or engaging in intellectual discussions with others. He is always seeking to expand his understanding of the world around him.
These are just a few possible hobbies for Quinn, but his adventurous spirit and open-mindedness make him open to trying new activities and exploring different interests as well.


Quinn's speech reflects his lively and charismatic personality. He has a way with words and is known for his expressive and animated manner of speaking. Here are some key aspects of Quinn's speech: Enthusiasm: Quinn's words are often infused with enthusiasm and energy. He speaks with a zest for life and a genuine excitement that can be infectious to those around him. His passion for storytelling and entertaining others is evident in the way he delivers his words.
  • Expressiveness: Quinn is a natural storyteller, and his speech is marked by vivid descriptions and colorful language. He paints pictures with his words, using expressive gestures and facial expressions to enhance his storytelling. He has a knack for bringing characters and events to life through his vivid storytelling abilities.
  • Wit and Humor: Quinn has a quick wit and a playful sense of humor. He enjoys making others laugh and will often incorporate humor into his conversations and interactions. His jokes and clever remarks add a lightheartedness to his speech, making him an entertaining companion to be around.
  • Charismatic Tone: Quinn's speech has a charismatic tone that draws people in. He has a way of captivating his audience and keeping their attention with his engaging and charismatic presence. His voice carries a certain charm that makes people feel comfortable and eager to listen to what he has to say.
  • Adaptability: Quinn is skilled at adapting his speech to different situations and individuals. He can adjust his tone and style of communication based on the people he is interacting with, making him relatable and able to connect with a wide range of individuals.
  Overall, Quinn's speech is characterized by enthusiasm, expressiveness, wit, charisma, and adaptability. He uses his words to entertain, inspire, and forge connections with those around him.

Wealth & Financial state

Quinn's wealth can be described as moderate, although he maintains the appearance of someone who possesses more wealth than he actually does. While he may not be considered wealthy by traditional standards, he knows how to present himself in a way that suggests he has a certain level of affluence. This is achieved through his choice of clothing, accessories, and overall demeanor.   In summary, Quinn may not be wealthy in terms of material possessions and assets, but his carefully crafted image and confident demeanor create an illusion of prosperity, enabling him to move in circles associated with wealth and influence.

Quinn was born and raised in Harlton, playing, camping, and pretending to be adventurers with many local children and his pet Lynx Fahl. A life changing event took place altering Quinn and the Lynx. He left for 3 years...

View Character Profile
Date of Birth
1st day of January, 1523
Harlaton, Haranshire
A Swirl of Purple and Blue Hues with sparling flecks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Magic is the language through which the universe speaks. I aim to be fluent."
  • "The pursuit of wisdom is a lifelong journey, and I am an avid traveler."
  • "I dance amidst the stars of arcane secrets, ever hungry for their whispered truths."
  • "The boundaries of reality are mere illusions waiting to be shattered by understanding."
  • "In the realm of knowledge, there are no limits, only uncharted territories waiting to be explored."
Known Languages
Common, Halfling, Draconic

Mutants in the Mire

Ah, gather 'round, my brave companions, for I have a tale to tell that'll make your hairs stand on end and your hearts race like wild stallions! In the murky depths of the Shrieken Mire, we stumbled upon a sight so bizarre, it'd make the most twisted tales of goblins and ghouls pale in comparison.   Picture this - four giants, towering like mountains, with limbs that stretched out like vines, all twisted and mangled by some malevolent force! Their faces, my friends, or should I say their lack thereof, were like a void, as if the gods themselves had forgotten to carve them! I swear, it sent shivers down my spine like a goblin playing the fiddle on a moonless night.   And their skin! Oh, their skin was as pale as the moonlight dancing on a marsh's surface, so ghostly you'd think they were spirits haunting the mire. They moved, oh yes, but not like any giants I've ever heard of. It was like watching a twisted dance of shadows, their bodies contorting and swaying with an unnatural grace.   Now, I know you might think I'm exaggerating, but I assure you, dear friends, I speak the truth! These were no ordinary giants, but monstrous, otherworldly creatures, born from the very nightmares that plague our darkest dreams.   The legends say they were crafted by wicked sorcerers from distant lands, who wielded powers beyond mortal comprehension. They sought to create beings of immense power, to serve their vile purposes and sow chaos throughout the lands. And by the seven hells, they succeeded!   But fear not, for we, the valiant adventurers, stood our ground, our hearts brimming with courage and our spirits unyielding. We may not have fought them head-on, for discretion is the better part of valor, but we survived to tell the tale!   So, my dear companions, let this tale be a lesson and a warning. The Shrieken Mire is no place for the faint of heart or the feeble of spirit. But fear not, for we shall continue to brave these perilous lands, facing dangers that would make lesser souls tremble.   And remember, when you tell this tale to others, be sure to embellish it just a tad. After all, what's an adventurer without a bit of flair and drama, eh? Onwards, my friends, to more thrilling escapades and legendary encounters!

Arriving in Thurmaster

Arriving in Thurmaster Date: 11th of May, 1542   Today was a mixed bag of experiences. We ventured through the captivating Red Wood, where we were fortunate enough to discover and savor some delectable redfruit. The taste was divine, a refreshing break from our arduous journey. Nature never ceases to amaze me.   However, our arrival in Thurmaster left me feeling disheartened. This town, if one could even call it that, exudes a palpable sense of gloom and desolation. The buildings are dilapidated, and the overall atmosphere is devoid of life. I had hoped for a more vibrant and lively settlement, but alas, my expectations were shattered.   Barranas' Store mirrored the town's dismal state. The shelves were sparsely stocked, and the prices were exorbitant. Negotiating with Barranas was a futile effort, but I managed to sell some crocodile parts and salvage a small sum of gold. It was a meager victory amidst the dreariness that engulfed us.   Our lodging at The Hound and Tails proved to be equally disappointing. The inn exuded a sense of neglect, and the shared rooms were infested with fleas and lice. To make matters worse, the mutton stew I ingested had an adverse effect on my stomach. I should have heeded Maura's warning.   Despite the town's dismal state, we were presented with potential opportunities to earn coin. Squire Marlen mentioned various tasks, including investigating giant footprints at the mire, exploring a crypt, and dealing with the menace of rat-dogs. The prospect of these challenges excited me, offering a chance to prove our worth and add some much-needed adventure to this bleak environment.   Yet, as the day came to an end, I couldn't help but empathize with Ava's decision to return to Harlaton. Thurmaster's desolation and lackluster offerings make it difficult to find solace here. However, we must persevere, for the promise of rewards and the potential for unexpected surprises lie just beyond the town's dreary facade.   May brighter days be ahead.   Quinn

A Day in Harlaton
4th of May, 1542

The bustling atmosphere of the Harlaton Market filled the air as we arrived, ready to immerse ourselves in the lively scene. Ava went ahead to assist Balton with some wood while I stayed behind, taking in the sights and sounds of the market. The talk of the town revolved around the growing concern over the expanding New Mire, with blame being assigned and questions raised about Old Man Carman's role in the matter.   As I observed the crowd, my attention was drawn to Will The Beekeeper, engaging in heated gossip about the New Mire. His disdainful glances in Maura's direction piqued my curiosity, and it seemed that others were equally engrossed in his words.   Suddenly, a commotion broke out as Albin came rushing towards us, closely pursued by a menacing black cat. Without hesitation, Gordrenn stepped forward to protect Albin, but he was quickly overpowered by the feline's assault. Swiftly, the rest of our group rallied together, forcing the cat to retreat. In the midst of the chaos, Ava returned to witness the cat's hasty departure and engaged in a brief conversation with Theo regarding Gordrenn's injuries.   Albin explained that he, Bron, and Katrin had been playing outside of town when the cat attacked them, causing them to scatter. Despite our attempts to convince him otherwise, Albin insisted on helping us locate the missing children, feeling responsible for their well-being.   With Albin as our guide, we embarked on a journey to their last known whereabouts. Fahlkor, my loyal eidolon, adeptly tracked the trail left by Bron and Katrin. After a thorough search, we stumbled upon Katrin's abandoned crossbow, which I handed to Chinatsu. The trail led us up a steep ascent along one of The Terraces and across a field of rutabagas. Eventually, we found Katrin perched in a tree, who directed us to a small hole where Bron had sought refuge.   The entrance to the hole was narrow, requiring Chinatsu to transform into a fox and venture inside. As he descended, the slippery walls and steep slope proved treacherous, resulting in a minor mishap. Once inside, Chinatsu discovered a small boy and an unmoving figure. Our focus shifted to finding a way to rescue them, but we soon realized that the cave ceiling was infested with bloodsuckers.   Meanwhile, Ava successfully convinced Katrin and Albin to return home while ensuring them that we would rescue Bron. Determined, the entire party descended into the cave, aided by Maura's dancing lights illuminating our path. Amidst the dim light, I noticed a desiccated corpse with a floating stone near its head. Without hesitation, I retrieved the stone and a money pouch from the corpse's belt.   Together, we fought off multiple waves of bloodseekers, valiantly defending ourselves while ensuring everyone's safety. The harrowing ordeal concluded with our successful escape from the cave, our mission accomplished and the children rescued.   In the aftermath of the chaotic events, I couldn't help but reflect on the interconnectedness of fate and the bravery exhibited by our group. As we returned to Harlaton, the weight of our recent experience mingled with a sense of accomplishment, knowing that we had made a difference in the lives of those we had saved.