Tauster Character in Haranshire | World Anvil


Tauster, the aging wizard residing in Thurmaster, possesses a distinct persona that reflects his physical stature and tumultuous past. Standing at a mere 5'3" and plagued by a consciousness of his lack of height, Tauster often carries himself with an air of self-consciousness. His thin frame bears the contradictory evidence of a slight paunch, hinting at his penchant for indulging in life's comforts, including the pleasures of his herb garden and the solace of his books.   Tauster's physical appearance mirrors the passage of time, his thinning hair cascading in considerable length, accompanied by a well-groomed beard. His watery light blue eyes, once vibrant, now display the early signs of cloudy cataracts, adding a touch of weariness to his countenance. Despite his physical insecurities, Tauster possesses an affable nature, engaging in sociable conversations with others. However, his discomfort in the presence of intellectual company is apparent, as if he harbors a lingering sense of unease or inadequacy.   A persistent rumor regarding Tauster's past has contributed to his grumpy disposition and the nickname bestowed upon him by the people of Thurmaster— "Salty Tausty." The tale speaks of an argument with his Guildmaster, which ultimately led to his banishment from his former guild. It is said that the Guildmaster, brandishing a slug, claimed it to be the polymorphed form of a disobedient mage, who suffered the consequences for defying authority. The nickname serves as a constant reminder of this clash, leaving Tauster resentful and withdrawn, yearning for a peaceful and inconspicuous life.   While Tauster relishes retirement and the pursuit of knowledge within the pages of his books, there remains an underlying desire to unleash his magical prowess. Although he refrains from public displays of spellcasting, there are occasions when Tauster cannot resist the urge to release a burst of invocations and evocations, reveling in the power and spectacle of his craft. These displays of fiery spells have become a cherished tradition during harvest-time bonfires and celebrations in Thurmaster, endearing him to the villagers who appreciate his protective capabilities.   Despite his recluse tendencies, Tauster's presence in the village is valued by the locals, who recognize the benefits of having a wizard capable of casting formidable spells. For the past 15 years, he has become an integral part of Thurmaster's fabric, even if his motivations for staying in such a humble hamlet remain shrouded in mystery. A trace of paranoia lingers within Tauster, particularly concerning his old Guildmaster, leading him to regularly employ the detect scrying spell as a precautionary measure. Although his fears may be irrational, paranoia often takes hold of the mind without relent.   Tauster is not an adventurer by nature, nor does he seek entanglements in the web of conflicts. His deepest fear lies in attracting the attention of his former Guildmaster, anticipating the arrival of dire consequences should trouble find its way to his doorstep. Such anxieties may be unfounded, but irrational fears often take root and refuse to be easily dismissed. Thus, Tauster finds solace in his chosen life of tranquility, treading cautiously in the realm of magic while harboring a guarded heart, forever wary of the looming shadow of his past.
Current Location
Date of Birth
November 26th
Year of Birth
1467 CY 75 Years old
140 pounds
Ruled Locations