Weismar Character in Haranshire | World Anvil


Weismar, the gruff and weathered innkeeper of the Hound and Tails, commands a presence that matches his rough exterior. His face bears the marks of time, displaying the toll of long nights and hard days spent tending to the needs of patrons. His hair has thinned, revealing patches of baldness, while a smattering of liver spots adorns his weathered skin. Weismar's bulbous red nose, a testament to his fondness for the tavern's libations, adds a touch of color to his otherwise worn visage.   With a toothless grin, Weismar rarely leaves his post behind the bar, where he keeps a watchful eye on the bustling activity of the tavern. His surly demeanor and gruff mannerisms can initially intimidate newcomers, as he doesn't suffer fools gladly. However, beneath the grizzled exterior lies a sense of duty and loyalty to his establishment and its regular patrons.   Weismar relies heavily on his three waitresses, Anth, Cynders, and Gloris, who efficiently navigate the tavern floor, ensuring that tankards are filled, orders are taken, and nobody gets too disorderly. His reliance on his staff allows him to remain stationed at the bar, where he oversees the flow of drinks and occasionally shares a gruff word or two with patrons who dare to engage him in conversation.   Entertainers are met with a level of skepticism from Weismar, as he views their presence as unnecessary distractions that disrupt the rhythm of the tavern. However, he occasionally relents, allowing one of the old storytellers to occupy a spot by the fire, their tales serving as a means to captivate the younger patrons and maintain a semblance of order.   Despite the appearance of the inn and the lack of quality among its offerings, Weismar genuinely feels he serves a purpose to Thurmaster and the town owes him a great deal of gratitude. The towns lack of celebration in his honor is a constant thorn in his side.
Current Location
Date of Birth
February 22nd
Year of Birth
1486 CY 56 Years old
thin and grey