Arin Telrean

  Arin Telrean was born to a half-elven mother and human father in the town of Yelean. As a child, Arin was fascinated by the wilderness that surrounded the town, and spent much of his free time exploring the woods and hills beyond the town's borders.   As he grew older, Arin's love of exploration and adventure only deepened, and he soon became a skilled ranger and tracker. He joined The Verdant Order at a young age, eager to put his skills to use and explore the unknown corners of the world.   Over the years, Arin distinguished himself as one of the guild's most talented and dedicated members, earning the respect and admiration of his fellow adventurers. He was often called upon to lead missions and expeditions, and became known for his calm and level-headed approach to even the most dangerous situations.   Despite his many accomplishments, however, Arin never forgot his roots in Yelean, or his deep love for the natural world. He worked tirelessly to promote sustainable exploration and conservation, and often spoke out against those who would exploit the wilderness for their own gain.   When the previous Guildmaster of The Verdant Order announced his retirement, Arin was the clear choice to take his place. He was elected by a near-unanimous vote of the guild's members, and has since worked tirelessly to maintain the guild's reputation and expand its influence.   Through it all, Arin has remained humble and grounded, always mindful of the risks and challenges that come with the life of an adventurer. He remains deeply committed to The Verdant Order and its mission, and is widely regarded as one of the guild's greatest assets.   Arin is known for his calm and measured demeanor, as well as his deep respect for the natural world. He is a strong advocate for sustainable exploration and conservation, and has worked to ensure that The Verdant Order's activities do not harm the delicate balance of the region's ecosystem.  
Current Location
Date of Birth
12th of Rova
Aligned Organization