The Emerald Dragonfly

With its main base in Yelean The Emerald Dragonfly operates in open secrecy, through shady deals with politicians and bribes to various guard houses they are able to maintain their racketeering. Citizens are well aware of the existence of The Emerald Dragonfly, though for the average person they aren't much of a worry, and in some towns they are quite welcomed due to their charitable actions.   When the going gets tough for a town or settlement the High Hand has been known to send extra goods through the network, this can include medicines, food, warm clothes etc. This seems to be done under the belief that too much scarcity brings out violence, and the High Hand prefers to keep violence to a minimum. The added provisions also help keep operations under the rug when officials start asking too many questions, as a fed mouth is often a quiet one.   The Emerald Dragonfly detests illicit humanoid trafficking and will go out of their way to free those in wrongful or dangerous captivity. In the last decade or so there seems to have been a rise in kidnappings and whispers of folks being sold into slavery, the High Hand has been putting resources towards weeding out those who would do such a thing, though to limited success, where one falls another takes their place.   Outright murder on a job is explicitly banned within the organization, if a job goes sideways it's best to flee the scene and try again another day. The only time a murder is acceptable (and even then there are still consequences) is when done in self defense, and even in those scenarios the High Hand would rather the perpetrators be brought down non-lethally.   Drug smuggling is permissible in the guild for common drugs, the more uncommon and rare drugs are prohibited from being trafficked and if caught the one who was will face expulsion and potential life-long consequences.


  • High Hand - Leader of the Emerald Dragonfly
  • Leads - The people in the main HQ in Yelean that deal with the daily comings and goings of the guild, they give out tasks and rewards, few get past them to meet the High Hand
  • Captains - Tertiary leaders found in other cities, they run rackets and supply fencing services in their respective towns
  • Cutpurse - Associates allowed to operate under the Emerald Dragonfly
  • Culture

    Core beliefs:
  • If it's not bolted down it's up for the taking.
  • We don't steal from the downtrodden.
  •   Core Rules:
  • Stealing from organization members is grounds for release.
  • No murder, illicit humanoid trafficking, or drug smuggling. There are ways to gain money and influence without soiling the hands.
  •   Identifying a fellow Dragonfly:
  • Most thieves know at least basic sign language and will use simple call signs to identify themselves during normal conversations; what might appear to be fixing one's hair would be interpreted by a fellow thief as a sign this person has connections to the Dragonflies.
  • Some members and establishments will incorporate a dragonfly into their attire, tattoos, or artwork on their building. Most try to be more subtle than wearing a brooch of a dragonfly and instead will hide the design in the mix of other competing patters.
  • Public Agenda

    To remove sources of nefarious dealings such as slave traders, drug cartels and humanoid trafficking.   To establish a stronger foothold in the border towns, especially after having been driven out of Silverkeep


    The main HQ in Yelean operates out of two buildings, the southernmost tavern and the church nearby, both buildings have secret entrances in them to secret tunnels dug towards the crypts where there is a larger hideout area as well as the vault.   The tavern is mostly used for longer meetings done in private, as the lower level rooms are only available to be rented by members of the guild, all of which have access to the tunnels.   The church is often used for quicker meetings, there are a few members of the clergy who are part of the guild as well and will bring members to their side rooms for 'counsel', typically this is done to exchange quick information or to hand out a new task. The secret tunnel from the church is often used to leave the underground area as a larger group when church is letting out, no one will notice a few extra faces in the crowd.   The guild has a nice sum of money kept in the vault in Yelean and it's typically added to not taken from, with exceptions for when larger bribes are needed, or when new equipment/bases need to be built/purchased. All of the previous heist items are kept in the atrium area of the underground, in nice glass cases.   The Emerald Dragonfly and the Succulent Sapphire have a working agreement with the following benefits:   Protection: The Succulent Sapphire is a powerful and respected organization with its own security resources. By partnering with the union, the Emerald Dragonfly gains a measure of protection and security for its own operations and members, including a regulated safe environment for members who need to lie low for a time.   Resources: The Succulent Sapphire is a profitable business with significant financial resources. By partnering with the union, the Emerald Dragonfly gains access to some of these resources and use them to further its own goals and initiatives.   Influence: The Succulent Sapphire is well-connected and respected within its own industry and beyond. By partnering with the union, the Emerald Dragonfly gains access to this network and uses it to expand its own influence and power.   In return, The Emerald Dragonfly could offer the Succulent Sapphire a number of benefits as well. For example:   Security: The Succulent Sapphire is a high-profile target for theft and other criminal activities. Having contacts within the Emerald Dragonfly helps the union to better protect its assets and employees by providing inside information about potential threats and helping to deter criminal activity.   Information: The Emerald Dragonfly often has valuable information about local criminal networks, political maneuvering, and other important matters. By leveraging its contacts within the thieves guild, The Succulent Sapphire has gained access to this information and uses it to inform its own business decisions and strategies.   Influence: The Emerald Dragonfly is a powerful organization with its own network of allies and enemies. By cultivating a relationship with the thieves guild, The Succulent Sapphire has access to this network and uses it to expand its own influence and power.


    Founded 363 years ago by someone stricken from the record, the guild has had its hands in many pots over the years and have made a great number of connections, from common street urchins to some of the highest officials in the country.   Leadership is often earned by a proving challenge where the highest in the guild are given a nigh impossible heist, the last heist was 15 years ago and was to liberate a ruby encrusted collar necklace from some nobility visiting Blackcrag. The current High Hand wears that same ruby necklace from time to time to remind everyone of his accomplishment.   Other thieves guilds have tried to stake a claim in Odril, and a few others do exist, but most have been weeded out and absorbed by the Emerald Dragonfly.

    Quick as the wind, soft as a feather

    Founding Date
    Guild, Thieves

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