The Rose

The mysterious leader of The Order of the Marked Sisters, known only as "The Rose." No one knows her true identity or even if she is the same person who held the title before her. But her reputation precedes her, and her name strikes fear into the hearts of her enemies.
  She is a tall and imposing figure, with long black hair that cascades down her back like a waterfall. Her piercing blue eyes are sharp and calculating, often peering out from a her smooth porcelain mask.   The Rose is a master of the art of assassination, and her skills are unmatched by anyone in the guild. She is a silent and deadly predator, able to move through crowds unnoticed and strike her targets with precision and grace.   Despite her fearsome reputation, The Rose is known to be a fair and just leader, always putting the needs of the guild and its members first. She is fiercely protective of her sisters, and will stop at nothing to ensure their safety and success.   Many rumors surround The Rose's true identity, but none have been confirmed. Some say she is a former member of the guild who rose through the ranks to become its leader, others believe she is a powerful sorceress who uses her magic to aid the guild's operations.   But regardless of her true identity, one thing is certain: The Rose is a force to be reckoned with, and any who cross her or her sisters will meet a swift and deadly end.  
Aligned Organization
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