
  Veshkarr was born into a small, isolated lizardfolk village located on one of the many volcanic islands in a remote archipelago. The village was hidden away from the rest of the world, and its people had little contact with outsiders. From a young age, Veshkarr was trained in the art of combat by his tribe's most skilled warriors, and he quickly showed a natural talent for swordsmanship and tactics.   As he grew older, Veshkarr became increasingly curious about the world beyond his village. He had heard stories of distant lands and epic battles, and he longed to see them for himself. So when a band of adventurers stumbled upon his village while exploring the archipelago, Veshkarr saw an opportunity to explore the world outside his own.   He joined the adventurers on their journey, quickly proving himself as a skilled fighter and a valuable member of their team. They traveled across the sea, battling monsters and exploring ancient ruins, and Veshkarr felt more alive than he ever had before.   Eventually, the adventurers made their way to Yelean and encountered The Verdant Order. Veshkarr was immediately drawn to the guild's mission and their dedication to protecting the natural world, and he decided to join their ranks. Over the years, he rose through the guild's ranks, eventually becoming their Master of Arms.   Veshkarr still feels a deep connection to his homeland and his lizardfolk heritage. He often travels back to the volcanic archipelago to visit his family and his tribe, and to share stories of his adventures with them. He is proud of where he comes from, but he also knows that his true calling lies in protecting the people and places he loves, wherever they may be.   Veshkarr is known throughout the Verdant Order for his unparalleled combat skills and his unshakable commitment to their cause. He was appointed as Master of Arms by Guildmaster Arin Telrean in recognition of his many years of service and his exceptional leadership abilities.   Veshkarr stands over 6 feet tall and has a powerful, muscular build. His scales are a deep shade of green, and his piercing yellow eyes seem to glow with an inner fire. He wears a suit of gleaming plate armor and wields a massive greatsword that he crafted himself, using techniques and materials passed down through generations of his lizardfolk tribe.   As Master of Arms, Veshkarr is responsible for training and leading The Verdant Order's combat teams, ensuring that they are well-prepared and well-equipped to face any danger they may encounter. He is a stern and disciplined leader, but also deeply loyal to his fellow guild members, and is always willing to put himself in harm's way to protect them.   Despite his fearsome reputation, Veshkarr is also known for his deep respect for the natural world and his reverence for the traditions of his lizardfolk tribe. He is a skilled hunter and tracker, and often volunteers his time and expertise to help The Verdant Order carry out missions that involve exploring and protecting the wilderness areas surrounding Yelean.  
Current Location
Date of Birth
19th of Sarenith
The Archipelagos
Aligned Organization