
Akroasis is the capital city of Lao-Hua, the seat of power for Emperor Huang Hyeol-an, the center of Hua Yan Spiritism, the second largest, and possibly oldest continuously inhabited city in the world. The continent of Akroasia is named after the city.

While the undisputed capital of magic (and many other things) is the Archonate, magic in action is more visible in Akroasis, especially when it comes to fashion and architecture. Merchants add bright and moving lights to their shop signs, windows are enchanted to change colors based on exposure to sunlight, and the rich wear cloaks that billow regardless of weather.

Matte greens, blues, and reds color the iconic sloped hip-and-gable roofs with up-curved corners that you find on nearly every building. The buildings are usually built from colorfully painted clay and exotic hardwoods from all around the world. There is a lot of minor illusory effects in play in Mezmer, in the same fashion as in Akroasis where windows constantly change colors, and banners and flags wave without wind.

Divisions and their Styles

The city is divided into seven districts, all of which are named after the most prominent spirits in Hua Yan. They are further divided into numbered precincts. All districts fall into one of two categories: major or minor. There are four major ones. Officially recognized as the "important" districts, the majors are in actuality the oldest parts of the city. Collectively, the three minors make up the newest, but largest section of the city.

Matte or shiny greens, blues, and reds color the iconic sloped hip-and-gable roofs with up-curved corners in every major district. The glazed terracotta tiles are all made under the supervision of Hua Yan priests to ensure the colors will not anger the spirits. Prosperity, heritage, or plain preference determines what a building is made from, and materials such as bamboo, clay, soft and hard woods are used side by side. Walls are usually enchanted to display minor illusory effects as a show of wealth: scents, sounds, animated heraldry.

District of Radiance

Named after the Spirit of Radiance, the major District of Radiance is home to the emperor and the imperial family, most of the highest ranking noble families, the spiritual leaders of Hua Yan, and generally an assortment of other important people. It is the smallest and least populated, but the oldest, having existed in some form since before recorded history. Very recent research has implied that parts of the area has been built on top of archai ruins.

Buildings in this district create more of an interconnected mega-complex of white brick and colorfully painted, and beautifully carved hardwood. An outsider would not recognize where the imperial palace begins and where the many Hua Yan temples end. There are no magical decorations to be found, as they would "detract from the natural radiance" of the district

All roofs in this district must be blue, as was formally decreed by the blind child emperor Huang Hyeol-an when he assumed the throne in 2126 PGE at the age of six. "I like the thought of blue," he had said, and the emperor's word is law.

A magnificent garden encompasses the entire district, large enough to contain entire lakes and small forests. It is further surrounded by a series of forts along a defensive brick wall.

District of Air


District of Earth


District of Fire


District of Steel


District of Shadow


District of Water



Cover image: Akroasis by Illvilja & Midjourney


Author's Notes

I realized I didn't actually have to finish an article to make it count towards my World Anvil progress. It's about words, not finished articles. So please excuse this work in progress!

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