Ballad MacBlutered

Part 1

Soldier born, he was bred for war
Hammer, shield and plate he wore
He rose in rank, by honor led
His men to glory! And he said:

"I will always return, my friends!
Should I fail I will make amends!
Dead or alive, I will come for you
Glad to start our adventures anew!"

Conflicts arose and he went to fight
Clashing with foes all day and night
Many a man fell at his side
Congesting with sorrow he cried:

"I will always return, my friends!
Should I fail I will make amends!
Dead or alive, I will come for you
Glad to start our adventures anew!"

Retired from war, burdened with grief
Sought new adventures to find relief
Joined a band with a dwarf and elves
A party who could defend themselves

They ventured to forsaken lands
A mine left alone in the sands
They found a foe that was too great
His magics could pierce anyone's plate

MacBlutered pushed past his own crew
So that the mage could not break through
Protecting his friends from the hate
Dead when struck by "disintegrate"

He will always return, my friends!
Should he fail he will make amends!
Dead or alive, he will come for you
Glad to start all adventures anew!

Yagak Grimsaw's  famous "Ballad Macblutered" details the many lives of his dear friend, Cumbernauld MacBlutered. Tragic tales of death and sorrow mixed with optimism of a hero's return, this song is popular as a drinking song on late tavern nights, and as an upbeat tune to play at funeral wakes. There are many parts to this song that are still a work in progress.

Cover image: by PrippyMontyPoppyCock


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