
There exists a plane only inhabited by spirits, where time passes at an irregular rate, and gravity is absent. Some spirits are souls of the dead from other worlds, given new shape and purpose in this realm. Others have never had another form. For those that worship great spirits, Hua Yan, this is simply known as a realm containing them. For everyone else, this is the Otherworld.

The Otherworld is a greater plane of existence encompassing multiple planes, bordering some planes, and existing parallel to others. Given its connections, it is the most common pit stop used on interplanar travel (mostly because the better alternative, the Quiet World is lesser known). It is the definitive home of some form of divinity.
Encompassed planes:
  1. Observable universe
  2. Ethereal plane
  3. Elemental planes
  4. Feywilds
  5. Shadowfell
  6. King's Court 
  7. Volutor
Border planes:
  1. Aeternum
  2. The Hells
Parallel planes:
  1. Void
  2. Quiet World

Cover image: by PrippyMontyPoppyCock


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