Sadina Ethnicity in Harmony | World Anvil


The Sadina are a group of humans that inhabits the western parts of Sadinfroe and the Desert of Kalir in Gardelinden. Traditionally considered desert and mountain nomads, many of the Sadina have now settled in between the Kalirisadin and Nairam mountains due to a more favorable climate than that of the windy desert to the west.

There are several subcultures among the Sadina, three of which are more prominent than others, the Bani, the Mazi, and the Qadi. These are further divided into clans. Though these subcultures are each unique in their own way, they all share common tradition and ancestry.

Shared traditions


Regardless of which clan or subculture a sadina belongs to, they all worship Vidistragt, the god of endless skies and fey. It is a shared belief that all clans were once a single large group, and once they split, gazing at the endless sky during nighttime was the only activity that every clan still had in common. This has since caused member of different clans to greet each other as "brothers beneath the endless sky."

The sadina that have lived true to their clan's virtues, completed all sacred rites, and followed the teachings of Vidistragt is said to go to the Feywilds in the afterlife, where all clans will be reunited into one big family. The Feywilds are considered a utopia by the sadina. Filled with flora and fauna beyond imagination, it is a drastic contrast to the barren desert many of them live in.

Sacred rites

There are three sacred rites all members of the sadina must go through throughout their lives in order to go to the afterlife, the rite of three, the rite of two, and the rite of one. These all signify important milestones in life, and they all revolve around family.

Rite of Three
The "three" participants in this rite is the mother, the father, and the child, and is a celebration of birth. For the child this is their very first rite, and it is considered repeated when they eventually become a parent themselves. As part of this rite the child will be given a first name, their family name, the name of a fruit or berry, and finally their clan name.
Rite of Two
The "two" participants in this rite is the husband and wife, and is a celebration of marriage. For most people this is their second rite, or their third should one or both of the participants be a parent. As part of this rite the newlyweds plant tree or bush of the kind that their spouse is named after on a piece of fertile land. The plant is then looked after by the family until it can thrive on its own.
Rite of One
The "one" participant in this rite is the widow/widower after their spouse has died. The deceased one is also considered to be part of the "one," for the sake of having completed this rite. The living spouse goes to where the fruit trees/bushes were planted in the Rite of Two, and prepares and eats a meal in solitude with the fruit growing there.

Bani Sadina

The bani are the people of sadina that has given up on the old nomadic lifestyle and have established themselves in permanent settlements along the Gardelinden/Sadinfroe border. They have embraced permaculture and spend most of their lives in individual clan villages, sustainably cultivating what nature has to offer.

Bani Sadina, in addition to praising Vidistragt and going through the rites, try to live by these three tenets:
  1. Settle and live with nature.
  2. Take no more than you need from nature.
  3. Return what you do not need to nature.

Mazi Sadina

The mazi are nomadic hunter-gatherers following wild game and plants seasonally through the Kalirisadin mountains and the outskirts of the Desert of Kalir. Throughout an entire year they move in a circle-like pattern, returning to the same places every year. They are led by druids of the stars that navigate the terrain by keeping a watchful eye on the skies, and use moons to guide them through the seasons.

Mazi Sadina, in addition to praising Vidistragt and going through the rites, try to live by these three tenets:
  1. Let the stars lead you to where you belong.
  2. Let Jiana lead your clan during summer.
  3. Let Ies lead your clan during winter.

Qadi Sadina

The qadi are the smallest subculture of sadina, and has the most individualistic clans scattered all around the Desert of Kalir. They have a "might makes right"-mindset but each clan have their own opinion of what "might" is. Some say might is domination over others, and spend their time conquering other clans or other people. Some say might is part of the desert, and to make themselves right they must thrive within it by enduring the scorching sun and the abrasive winds. A rare few among the qadi have mastered the kite sled, and are considered by all other qadi to be among the mightiest.

Qadi Sadina, in addition to praising Vidistragt and going through the rites, try to live by these three tenets:
  1. Be in awe of the might of the desert.
  2. Those who do not want to, they shall have to.
  3. That which does not happen by itself shall happen by your will.

Sadina naming conventions

A child is usually given four names as a part of their Rite of Three:
  • A given first name, decided by the parents. Traditionally this name will be the same as one the child's grandparents or their siblings, or their great-grandparent or any of their siblings. Some families worship creatures of the Feywilds, servants of Vidistragt, and name their children after the feyfolk.
  • A family name, the same as their father's family name. The mother usually also adapt this family name after giving birth for the first time.
  • The name of a fruit or berry, usually of a kind that can grow in or near the desert. This fruit or berry plays a vital part in the Rite of Two and -One.
  • A clan name, the same as their father's clan name. The mother also adapts this name during her Rite of Two. Many clan names include the name of the Sadina subculture they're part of.

A normal Sadina name may look something like this: Hadid (first name) Kabira (family name) Goji (fruit/berry name) Mazi-Shamal (clan name). Hadid Kabira Goji Mazi-Shamal.

Articles under Sadina


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Aug 4, 2022 02:36 by Cassandra Sojourn

I really like the subcultures and the three tenets they live by. It helps provide more distinction that’s easy to understand.

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Aug 4, 2022 03:11

Thank you! The distinction will be important in my D&D games, glad it's easily understood!

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