
Averland, formally the Grand County of Averland, is a founding Electoral Province of the Empire that lies in the south-eastern corner of that realm. As with the province of Ostermark, Averland has an economy based mostly on agriculture and the raising of cattle and livestock. Unlike most of the other states in the Empire, Averland contains large stretches of unbroken, fertile plains and few woodlands. While this territory is not as fertile as that in Ostermark, it has proved valuable as grazing land for the infamous Averlander cattle herds.[1a]   Averland also has the "honour" of defending the site of Black Fire Pass, where Sigmar won his greatest victory against the Greenskins millennia ago, which cuts through the Worlds Edge Mountains to the Dark Lands.   This is the clearest pass through those mountains for thousands of miles and as such, is a popular route for marauding Orcs and Goblins. As a result of years of defending it, the Averlanders are held in high esteem in the art of siege defence  
Averland Base Map Image