Felix Jaeger

Felix Jaeger is Gotrek Gurnisson  reluctant companion and "rememberer." Felix was a middle child of Gustav and Renata Jaeger, a wealthy Altdorf mercantile family. His three brothers became partners in the Jaeger & Sons firm, but Felix was the black sheep. At university, he combined his interests in poetry and revolution to write verses advocating nonviolence for a seditious group called the Mock Beggars. This put him at odds with Wolfgang Krassner, a fellow student-revolutionary who believed violent revolution was necessary. The two duelled, and Jaeger killed the other man. For this he was arrested, but he avoided being hanged by the assistance of Zavant Konniger. He was nevertheless expelled from university.   After Gotrek Gurnisson  saved Felix from being killed in the Window Tax Riots in Altdorf, Felix, in a drunken stupor, swore a blood-oath to record Gotrek Gurnisson 's doom so that his honour could be maintained and to let him be remembered by the world. A blood-oath is the gravest oath a dwarf could make (even for a society obsessed with the sanctity of oaths), and so Felix was compelled to travel with Gotrek Gurnisson .