Rory Emberscale Character in Harmwah | World Anvil

Rory Emberscale

Rory Emberscale

Full-blooded dragons are well-known, mostly understood, and revered by the High Elves in general, so when a family of High Elves found a scaly humanoid dragon baby, seemingly abandoned, they were shocked. Dragonborn have mostly only been spoken about in stories, but rarely seen. This family lived in Summersong, a small village located at the base of the Dragon Spine Mountains on the southwest side of the outer ring of Ulthuan. Summersong is a small, quiet village, with beautiful landscapes, apart from the imposing volcano that can be seen on the horizon to the south. They immediately took him in, cared for him, and were generally great parents to this Dragonborn.   He wasn't great in school, but he at least tried his best. While he wasn't very bookish, he excelled at the more physical activities, and was more than happy to help his family around their farm. School wasn't very enjoyable for this Dragonborn, as the kids (and even some of the faculty) stared at him constantly. Although his appearance was imposing and intimidating, he was, for the most part, a gentle soul. However, his anger issues caught up with him as his fellow schoolmates picked on him for his terrible lisp and inability to fully pronounce Rs and Ls. He therefore viewed his given name as an abomination, much like he felt those around might view him as a whole.   One day, during school, there was a sudden large commotion as what essentially amounted to a small army stormed the small village. It was as if nobody saw them coming. It seemed like they were looking for something, but nobody knew exactly what. They barged their way into the town, rummaging through the various buildings in their way, but they were careful not to cause unnecessary harm to anyone or to take any lives. The once-peaceful village was now stunned by the sudden invasion, left alone to rebuild. Luckily, all the villagers were accounted for. Except for one. That one was the single Dragonborn villager.   It's unknown to his family, his village, or even to himself, exactly why he was chosen to be taken. He has some anger issues, but he's able to control it for the most part. He generally has quite a bubbly personality, but when his anger takes over, that bubbly-ness instead shifts into a silent, yet calculated rage. In any case, he viewed this as perhaps a temporary reprieve from the name-calling and solid gazes of those he thought were his friends at school. He felt a genuine sense of having deserved to be taken away, the apparent abomination that he was. And, perhaps, still is.   He doesn't remember much after having been forcibly removed from his village. It's all a blur, if even that, to him. Was he taken to be studied? To be weaponized? To be leveraged? Whatever the case, he'd like to reunite with the caring and loving family from which he was stripped some 15-or-so years prior.   Some say this Dragonborn was taken because he's the key to breaking an ancient curse on his home land, or that he's actually the offspring of a tribe of dragons secretly being experimented on by a mysterious group of sorcerers.   All he knows is... he's called Rory Emberscale.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Quite muscular build, even for a Dragonborn.

Body Features

Crimson red scales with a tail ending in what appears to be the beginnings of spikes.

Identifying Characteristics

He's a Dragonborn, which turns heads just about everywhere he goes. They're pretty much only heard of in stories.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Was found seemingly abandoned by a family of High Elves near their home in Summersong along the outer coast of Ulthuan. Brought up on the family farm, and went to school where he was stared at and made fun of for his speech impediment. Suddenly taken by a small army who invaded Summersong just to find him. The next 15 years or so are a series of lost, if only blurry, memories.

Gender Identity



Only made it through about a third of the way through school before he was forcibly removed from his community.

Failures & Embarrassments

His speech impediment embarrasses Rory greatly after being made fun of by his schoolmates.

Mental Trauma

While he remembers nothing between when he was taken and now, he still remembers his loving, caring family and having been taken from them without even as much as a goodbye. This bothers him tremendously. Also, the constant laughing and putdowns by his schoolmates makes him think twice before speaking to many people.

Personality Characteristics


More than anything, he'd like to reunite with his adopted family. Everything he does is in hopes of one day being able to see them again so he can properly thank them for everything they did for him, and to be there to protect them from harm should another invasion come along. He'll be much more prepared next time. But there won't be a next time. He'll hopefully have made a better name for himself and his kind.

Personality Quirks

Has a terrible lisp, and can't properly pronounce most Rs and Ls.


Family Ties

His beloved adopted High Elf family.

Religious Views

Follower of Draugnir


Has a terrible lisp, and can't pronounce most Rs and Ls.

Some say this Dragonborn was taken because he's the key to breaking an ancient curse on his home land, or that he's actually the offspring of a tribe of dragons secretly being experimented on by a mysterious group of sorcerers.

View Character Profile
Current Residence
Summersong, Ulthuan
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Crimson Red
250 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'm Wowy Embewthcawe." "I get vewy angwy if my enemieth huwt my fwiendth." With a bowed head looking through the tops of his golden eyes, and with an undertone of sinister: "You wouwdn't wike me if I got angwy..."
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Elvish

29. I Won't Lose Control

sooo... i twied to find gold to come with me to pwactithe with the new thord but i cudnt find him tho i wint to the cwothetht twaining gwownd i cud find. the guy in thewe thaid i cud pwactithe but thin i akthed him abowt if they hav thomebody that can thtop me fwom going cwazy and he wath wike OH NO MAN I CANT WET U DO THAT HERE BUT U CAN TAKE THAT TWAINING DUMY FOR A GOLD. tho i did that and thin i fownd sortafine and fwaya inthted. i toad them wut i wath wanting to do and akthed them if they cud wach me and make shure that if i go cwazy they cud put me to thweep or thomethin. they thaid yep tho i tuk them and the dumy outthide the thity.   i thet up the dumy on the gwownd and toad sortafine and fwaya that if thomethin happinth i dont meen it and do wutevr they gotta do to thtop me and they thaid okay. but firtht i needed one of them to tell me thomethin to make me angwy and sortafine wath wike THANTA CWAWTH AINT WEEL and that made me vewy angwy tho i thtawted thwinging and wittewawwy the vewy firtht thwing wath one of thothe THUPER GUD hitth and i tuk down the twaining dumy but then i dont wemembew wut happind after that. it wath wike thomethin wath taking over me. i twied to wethitht it but i jutht cudnt. nektht thing i no i waked up and nobody wath awownd me. i wath bweathin thuper hard and i cudnt thee fwaya or sortafine. i thot i did thomethin weel bad but thin i herd sortafineth voithe and he wath wike whoa dude that wath cwazy im here by the way but im invthible... vinthisibl... u cant thee me and fwaya ith in her wamp. i toad them im tho thowwy if i hurt u and they thaid i didnt. thath win i wealized that wetthin wath wite and i wath wong i dont need thith thord if im gonna hurt my fwindth. i pwomithed them i wudnt uthe it agin unweth i cud git the bad thtuff takin off of it wike mabee wepwathe it with thomethin gud but keep tha alweddy gud thtuff u no. i thaid i wud akth wetthin if he thinkth he cud do that.   we wint bak to the tavern and i fownd wetthin eetin. i thaid hey wetthin i tuk sortafein and fwaya out AND THEN HE GOT ALL UPTHET AND TOAD ME PUT MY HANDTH ON MY HED AND TAVERN KEEPR GIT THE CONTHTABULL THITH MAN DID A MURDER but i wath wike NO I DIDNT I JUTHT TUK THEM OWTTHIDE THE THITY but that didnt thownd n e better. i wath finawwy abel to tell wetthin wat i wath twying to thay and he calmd down. i told him wut happind and how i didnt want the thord n e more unweth we cud take the bad thing off of it. he wath wike ya shure ill twy to take it off for u tho we wint to hith woom. he did thome thtuff to twy to take it off but he cudnt and he thaid that thereth tho much majik that ith all kinda tangld up and it wud take more tiem than he had to work with but we cud twy agin anothew time or go thomewhere to git it wemoved. i invitid him to come with me tho he new i wathnt metthin awownd and for weel didnt want to kill him wike he thot i did. he doethnt no a joke win he heerth one tho ill be shure to be thuper thewiouth awownd him fwom now on. i thaid thanks and jutht wint to my woom to wind down for the nite. befowe i weft i akthed wetthin if he evr herd of thanta cwawth and he thaid nope. MABEE I GIT TO TEECH HIM THOMETHIN! i dont git to teech peepel n e thing vewy offin tho thatth cool.   win i wake up ith alweddy time to git to the cawavan tho i jutht gwabbed a quik thandwitch and tuk it to the cawt to eet. evwybody came bak and we wath on are way. thometime duwing the day we herd thome noitheth awong the wode tho we thtopd to thee wat wath goin on. thuddinwy thewe wath a buncha owlbareth that jumpd owt fwom behind the tweeth! and thin while we wath fitin them thome wangerth showd up and dethided to take shotth at uth be we showd them. we tuk care of all the owlberrth and the wangerth twied to wun away but thome of them didnt make it. they shuda thtoppd win they had a chanth.   n e way gold tuk a wot of awwowth to the fathe in that fite. he fownd thome gold and twied to giv me thome but i wath wike UR THE ONWY GOLD I NEED and he gave me a big hug haha that wath funny. he thtill had awwowth in hith fathe tho i chekd them owt to thee if any of the awwowhedth wookd famiwiaw but nun of them did. thewe wath one that had a thymbol cawved into it. i wukd cwother and it wookd wike it had pwivate pawtth on it u no wut im tawkin abowt wink wink. im gonna hav to thee if mabee thith awwowhed ith thpeshul wike the one they tuk fwom me. i pulld thith awwow fwom goldth fathe tho ith alweddy pwetty thpeshul!   twevow made shure to git thome owlbare meet to cook water win were camping. well we git going and ith tiem to camp now tho we thtop and thet up camp. twevow cukth the meet he got and offerth thome to evwybody. i thaid OWL TAKE THOME and he waffd. i bin funny today i gueth ith nithe to make thomeone waff.   then we wint to thweep and win we woke up nuthin happind.

28. Bad World

sooo... we had a gud nite thweep and win we woke up we maid are way to the cawt that we awe thuppotht to gard wile they go on the wode outta here. thewe ith thtill THO MINY PEEPOL wandewin awownd here wike i dont even no wher they all come fwom wow. n e way we git to the cawt and the mane guy there thaid hith name ith wenoo and there ith a buncha other guyth awownd that we haf to keep thafe. and ith not jutht won cawt there awe wike... mowe than won that we gotta wach but we got thith no pwobwem. oh and wenoo thaid he wath impwethd that we got hewe on tiem becuz motht other gwoopth dont git there on time tho thatht gud.   well we git goin on tha wode and i thtay on the watht cawt tho i can watch behind uth. sortafine thaid he thaw thomewon wookin at uth wile we wath weaving town but i cudnt thee them. thinthe we arnt doing n e thing ekthept wachin awound uth i twy to lithen for thingth going on that thethe guyth awe tawking abowt but i cant figuwe n e thing they awe thaying tho ill jutht keep wachin.   evwything wint gud today tho we dethide to pull off the wode and make camp for the nite. sortafine talkd with wenoo a wittle bit and he thaid wenoo hath a methage to thind to thomebody in altdorf and if we do it wenoo will give uth thome gold and thin the perthon in altdorf will give uth thome more gold and that all thownth gud to me.   tho now we go to bed. in the midel of the nite wetthin woked me up cuz we got twubble bwewin. we can here fut thtepth but ith dawk owt and i cant thee n e thing. i twied to git off the cawt weel quiet but i fell off and made a buncha noithe tho ith not going vewy gud alweddy. thin all of a thuddin we get bwathted with thome kinda majik n r g thtuff and now the fite ith on. ekthept thethe guyth all go down thuper eathy. we keep the watht won to akth them quethchinth. it tuwnth owt thethe awe jutht kidth that we killd. no wondew they wint down tho eathiwy.   the boy thaid all thith wath thuppotht to jutht be a dithtwakshin but we dont no wat for. wile the otherth wath athking him quethchinth i wint bak to where i wath thweeping and notithed that all my thtuff wathnt were i put it. i wookd to make shur evwything wath there and it wath EKTHEPT FOR MAH AWWOW HED. tho i git bak up and git in thith boyth fathe and athk him wat happind to it. he thwore up and down that he dint no n e thing abowt it and he wath jutht doin wat hith fwiendth towd him to do. i towd him he wath hangin owt with tha wong fwindth and he wath makin fun of me. evin tho im vewy angwy wite now i wemembew that heth jutht a wittle boy tho i twy to thet an ekthampel for him. i athked him wat hith name wath and he towd me it was aldo. i towd him that he shud twy to turn hith wife awownd and uthe hith majik for gud inthted of bad thtuff and thtawt choothin hith fwindth better. i towd him i wath givin him the oprutoon... opptortunit... chanthe to do the wite thing and twy to git my awwow hed bak or at weatht git thome infomashin abowt hoo hath it now and git bak to me. well after i thaid my peeth twevow wath wike wowy are u dun and im wike ya i gueth. thin twevow tuk the boy away and killd him. i giv up.   it theemth wike evwything awownd me ith fawwing apart. thomethin bad alwayth theemth to happin to the peeple i wove. i wath thith boyth age win i got taked fwom my home and never thaw my pawenth or fwindth agin. wondaline tuk her own wife to thave ourth and i cudnt do n e thing to thtop it. matilda dethided to go away to do who nose wat and i thot we were fwindth. and now i feel wike im thomehow wethponthibel fow killing thith child and unabel to make a gud impweshin on him and twevow enuff to convinthe him to change hith wayth and be a gud guy inthted of a bad guy.   wat if im the bad guy?   i dont want to be the bad guy.   am i a bad guy?   i jutht go bak to my pwathe in the camp and thit. at thome point wetthin came up to me and athkd me if i cud wead. i thaid OF COWTHE I CANT WEAD IM THTUPID WEMEMBER. tho he jutht wed me wat wath on the note he fownd on won of the bodieth. he thaid it thaid fowwow the cawavan with the dwaginbown and other odd peepel and git hith awwow hed and well pay you 50 pwatnum. mutht hav bin that appwaither guy i tuk it to to git chekd owt.   u no ith not even the fact that i dont hav the awwow hed n e more. i dont cawe abowt that. ith that i got it fwom thomewhere that i dont evin wemember duwing a time i cant evin wemember and that it wed to bad thingth happenin to gud peapol and i cant help it. mabee it wath one of thothe bad wuck chawmth. i keep twying to find the thilvew wine in the cwowd or watever that thaying ith but ive dun that tho many tiemth. i cud thay well if that wath a bad wuck chawm maybe we will hav thome better wuck now that ith gone. but ive dun it tho much that it doethnt weawy meen n e thing n e more. mabee im jutht a bad guy wiving in a gud world. or a good guy wiving in a bad world.   the gwoop thayth we cud git it bak but i thaid dont worry abowt it n e more. it doethnt meen n e thing and ith a wathte of tiem. at weatht we no wut it ith and mabee were we can git thome bolth made for twevow or thomethin.   we git bak in the cartth and make are way to the nektht town calld hidek. ith vewy diffwent fwom the pwathe we jutht came fwom. not ath miny peeple here but thtill kinda bithy. we made it jutht in time cuz the gardth outthide wath jutht abowt to cwothe the gateth.   wenoo toad uth that we awe to thtay with the cartth all nite wile they git thome thweep but they want to thtay another day hear tho theyll hav the town gardth wach the cartth tomowwow tho we can hav a bwake. tho we go ahed and make a wittle camp and thweep. nuthin happind thith nite and win we woke up the gardth came by jutht wike they thaid.   dwaugniw do u think im gud or bad?

27. Old Dwarf Road

sooo... nuthin happind in the nite tho we got up and wint bak to the gilden iwon to tawk to fwanz abowt wat we fownd tho far. i think ith a gud idea to giv one of tha wockie tockieth to fwanz or lard comandor jerky jutht in cathe we ever gotta tell them thomethin agin and sortafine thinkth ith a gud idea to.   well we git to fwanz and we tell him evwything even abowt the portelth that we wint thwu and we giv him thome noteth abowt it altho. wile were hear i akthted him if he mabee comed acwotth n e thing elthe abowt the mammith thimbel and that name on the paper he gave me. he thaid he did and that he herd abowt wut happind to me gettin taked away fwom my famiwy and thtuff. he thaid he dont no wher wufwik the wadewewew ith but he thaid ith pwobwy a gud ideea to thtawt wookin awound the aweath north of kithwev way up north in the fwotht. he thaid ith cold up there tho we dethide to by thome cwothes to keep uth worm. and we giv fwanth a wockie tockie and he thaid thankth and ith gud that we want to keep in tuch becuz not many other gwoopth want to do that. we go meat the wetht of the gwoop at the meth hall. not the dwug but the eetin kind of meth hall. u no wat im tawkin abowt.   n e way twevow thaid heth more than happy to help uth with any pewthonal thingth if we got n e thing to take cawe of and gold wath wike yea we gotta figgur owt wat happind to wowy and hith pawenth. i told them i didnt want to put them owt doing thomethin for me but they wudnt withten. ekthept fwaya she wath all wike WELL WAT AM I GONNA GIT OWT OF IT WATH IN IT FOR ME and im wike wook u dont have to help becuz you wath thuppothed to be with uth for the iwon but you can thtick awownd if you want and mabee nuthin ith in it for u ekthept mabee gettin thtwonger and better thkillth and thtuff. thin she thaid that she didnt hav much tiem weft for wat she hath to find owt or thomethin wike that and i wath wike how old do u think i am and she didnt no but she new i am not a kid and i thaid ekthactwy. evewything that happind to me my famiwy my fwiendth and my home hath alwedy happind or even ith thtill happening and that ive alweddy wan owt of tiem and that i cant even wemembew wat happind in the time between then and now. i dont no if i maid her mad but she dont have to help if she dont want to.   anyway we do watevr shopping we gotta do cuz we pwan to weave in tha mowning. gold gave me won of the helth poshins that he bot and he wudnt wet me pay him bak tho i thankd him and wint with the otherth to find thoren to hav him figgur owt wat tha neckwathe and the thord are all abowt. we find him and we akth him abowt are thtuff. he thaid the neckwathe ith a cornite waiding ainker thomethin abowt it can open a wift to cornth pwathe i dont get it but it thowndth cool! it leth uth twavel to that fiery pwathe that the portel tuk uth the othew day. and he thaid the thord ith a hell bwade and that if thomewon attakth with it they mite not be able to thtop until they thnap owt of it but it hits a bit hawdew than other thordth wike it. that thowndth vewy cool but wetthin doethnt theen to wike it cuz heth afwaid i mite attak uth inthted of the bad guyth. i twied to make a joke abowt well mabee i cud him him with it but he didnt wike that joke.   i tawkd with gold abowt the thord and he thinkth ith a gud idea to uthe it but if thingth get outta hand we mite haf to think abowt uthing it agin. i thaid i wud twy weal hawd not to atak the gwoop and he thaid thankth.   we tawk abowt how we r gonna git to kithwev and we come up with thome ideath. i thot it wud be a gud idea to athk awownd here firtht to thee if they cud git uth there fathter and if not maybee they no where to go to make that happin. i go bak to fwonth and tell him im sowwy fow athkin tho miny quethchinth and i athk if he nose a way to git there fathter. he thaid no but he thaid we shud twy gettin to averhime i git a bote to nuln but if that didnt work we cud go to altdorf and they shud hav a portel to git uth to kithwev. i thaid how do we no ith will take uth there inthed of thomewher elthe wike thothe portleth we jutht wint thwu and he thaid thethe wonth wud be thafe tho that wath gud enuff for me.   i wint bak and told the gwoop abowt wat fwanth thaid and they were wike ok on to averhime! tho we thtawt walkin down old dorf rode and we make it to a thity calld gwinthtat or thomethin wike that. it wookth wike ith pwetty garded but ith thuper busy. there ith a buncha cawtht goin in and owt but it wookth wike we gotta pay to git in. well we paid and we got in. we twy to find a gwoop thath goin to averhime tho mabee we can twavel with them and defend them for thome money on the way. we fownd won and they thaid they cud pay uth all thome thilver and were wike ya thatht gud tho we will meat them in the morning.   then we fownd an in to thtay at but it wath THUPER BUSY tho we had to wate to git are woom and thome food. they onwy had one woom and ith kinda thmall tho we gotta all fit in there thomehow but thath okay. aftew we ate i wached sortafine and twevow pway thome weerd kind of wowwieth i dont get how it workth but aftew a wile sortafine one tho that wath cool to thee!   aftew thati thot i wud twy to find thomeone to tell me wat that awwow ith that i hav. i fownd a appwaither or somethin wike that and he toad me that ith a vewy old and powewful awwow hed on there calld twue fwite that can do all kindth of twitht and turnth to hit wat the perthon wath shooting at. he thaid he wud giv me wike 50 gold fow it but i thaid i dont wanna thell it i jutht want to no wat it tih. i tuk it bak fwom him and thin he thaid he wud giv me 100 gold and im wike thankth but i got a fwind who mite cud uthe it. i gave him a gold to thank him fow tewwin me wat it wath and thin i tuk it bak to the in to show twevow. i told him evewything that the guy told me abowt it and that he even told me where we mite cud go to get thome made. twevow wath confuthed cuz he doethnt uthe a bow and awwowth but i thaid mabee we cud make them into thothe wittle oneth he utheth for hith cwoth bow and he wath wike oh that wud be awethome thankth wowy.   twevow thaid ith gettin wate and we gotta meat up with thothe othew peepel tho we better git thome thweep. i agweed and jutht made my bed on the fwoor nektht to him and wint to thweep.

26. I've Been Everywhere, Man

sooo... fwaya dethided to uthe her maje hand thpel to thwow a wock into tha portel to thee wat wud happin and thin she thent her famiwiar thru it. she thot she cud thee what he thaw and heer wut he herd but win he wint thru the portle she cudnt thee or here n e thing wike it cut him off fwom her or thomethin. that thoundth thcawy to me. twevow thaid we shud jutht go bak to tha gliden iwon n tell them wat we fownd. befowe we new it tho fwaya dethided to thtep thwu the poretl and she jutht dithpaper... dithapeeder... we cudnt thee her n e more. gold and sortafine wint aftew her but me and twevow thtayd bak for a minnit. i towd him i wath goin in to pwotect them but befowe that i towd him he shud uthe the wockie tockie to call drydaryuth to weport evweything to tha iwon. thin i wint thwu the proetl to.   on thith thide of the portal it wookth THUPER WEERD and i dont no where we awe. thomeone thaid it wookth wike we r on a athtewoid or thomethin i dont no wat that ith but ith wike nite time hear but they arent any thtarth or n e thing ith jutht dark all awound. ekthept for thith new portel. thith one doethnt wook wike the one we jutht wint thru to get here thith one ith fwashing a buncha diffwent colorth weel fatht. thin we thee twevow come thwu and im gwad to thee he made it. i akthd him if he got ahold of dayrdaruyth and he thaid yeth but he thaid he thaid we owe him a wife det. i think thath a bit much thinthe all he gotta do ith talk to thomeone wike cmon thath nuthin man but wutever.   fwaya thent up her baddy bat to wook awownd but he ithnt abel to find much it jutht wookth wike we r in a cwater or thomethin. tho we thtawt dithcuthing tha powtal and wut we shud do. i caim up with a idea that we cud ty a wope awoend me and i wud go thwu thith new portal. but thin i thot becuth ith fwashing a buncha colorth that mabee sortafine or thomeone cud make me a diffwent color to thee wat wud happin. i thot mabyee gween wud be a good choithe cuz were we jutht came fwom had gween gwath and tweeth but gold thaid mabee jutht go with wed inthted becuz im alweddy wed mothtwy. tho i wath wike ya thath a gud ideea tho i had sortafine paint me wed. thin i wath wike wat if wed meenth fier tho i uthed my abiwity to make me imyoon to fier for a bit jutht incathe and then we tide the wope awound me and off i wint.   i towd them i wud tug on the wope a cupple of tiemth tho they new i wath ok but win i wint thwu the wope jutht got cut. thath not gud. well i lookd up at what i cud thee and it deffinitewy didnt wook wike n e pwathe i bin to before. thith pwathe had a pink thky and bwue gween fog and a pink gwound and the bildingth i cud thee wookd kinda evil or thomethin. thith pwathe kinda weminded me of cotin candy akshuwwy. i didnt thtay wong enuf to tathte it to find owt tho hahaha.   well i dethided aftre abowt a minit that i wud thtep bak thru the portel to go bak and tell the otherth wat i thaw. well gueth wat it didnt take me back to them inthted it tuk me bak to were we came fwom in the gwove with the big metal woof and the giant wed portle. thath thuper weerd but at weatht i figgerd going thwu thith one wud definitwy take me bak to the wetht of the gwoop tho i wint thwu it agin.   shure enuff there they wath waitin for me. i towd them evwything i thaw and wat happind. evwyone thaid that they wud all thtep thwu awtho but we shud twy without making uth diffwent colorth. tho thay made me nowmal agin and we wint thwu. of corthe i ekthpekted to go to a diffwent pwathe cuz i wathnt wed n e more and it turnth owt i mita bin wite abowt that.   we all wint thwu abowt the thame time but i wath in a new pwathe agin but a diffwent new pwathe and i didnt thee n e body elthe ekthept twevow. thith aint gud. thith tiem i wath in a pwathe with thome fwoting mowtinth and the thky wath all bwue and puwpel and their wath a big thircel portal wookin thing way out there but i didnt wanna thtay here to wong becauth we thaid we were gonna go thwu the powtal until we git bak to are own world. tho i wint thwu agin but i wint to thith thame pwathe but thith tiem sortafine wath with me inthted of twevow. thith ith weawy metthin with my hed but onethtwy thath not hawd to do. i told sortafine that i wath jutht with twevow but now heth gone. sortafine thaid he wath thomewere elthe to and we shud go thwu agin tho we did.   thith time it wath me and sortafine agin but now were in a fiery pwathe wike i wath afwaid of. thith pwathe had thome wike battelfeeld or thomethin and it wookd wike there wath a HUUUGE THORD thtuck in tha gwownd. that wath cool but i dont wanna thtay hewe eether tho i akthd thortafine if he cud make me wed agin jutht to help tetht my theewy. i thaid he shud do the thame but i dont think he did. we made me wed and i wint thwu the portal agin.   now i think im onto thomethin cuz i wint to the thame cottin candy pwathe i did the firtht tiem win i wath wed. ekthept thith tiem win i twied to go bak thwu the portel i jutht wint wite bak to the coton candy agin. i dont no wath goin on but im jutht wike i no thith powtal shud take me back to are home pwathe tho i wint thwu one mowe time and popd up back home in the gwove in fwont of the big wed powtal.   finawy im bak and i thee evewywon elthe but i dont thee fwaya. we waited a bit and finawy she popd up but she wookd vewy tierd wike she had bin wunnin for a wile. she thaid sheth exhauthtid and needth to wetht tho we wint bak to tha cave and wethted.   wat a weerd day.

25. The Bloodletter (Milestone: 6th Level!)

sooo... thinthe we awe owtthide now wetthin tuk the bwiten thing off my gath mathk tho he cud hit beter. i can thtill thee tho becuz ith daytiem wite now. we dethide to maek a pwan to defeet thethe thcawy wookin guyth up ahed. me and gold and wetthin awe thupothed to move up to a twee up thewe and sortafine and fwaya awe gonna go up the middel and twevow ith gonna go to the other thide and hide owt thewe. thin sortafine and fwaya awe gonna appeer outta nowere and THUWPWITHE the n m eeth. but befowe we cud all git in pwathe the dogth wooked wike they thaw me and gold and wetthin tho they thtawted comin owt for uth.   ith tiem to fite. ith not a eathy fite tho. gold wint down wike eweventy nine timeth and wetthin awmotht dieded awtho. the firtht time gold wint down fwaya wath abel to git to him and heel him bak up. the nektht time he wint down i wath abel to give gold a poshin and bwing him bak up and thin wetthin heeld him thome more to. gold gits thmawt and goes into fwayath dawkneth thpel tho they cant thee him but thomehow he thtill fownd a way to go down AGIN MAN Y CANT U CACH A BWAKE. well n e way wetthin wath finawwy able to take down the big metel woof that the devil guy wath widin awownd on and we wath abel to git gold bak up one mowe time. we had a hawd tiem tho we dethide to wetht fow the nite bak in the cave were we thtayed befowe.   but befowe we go back ther twevow dethideth to took for n e thing we cud uthe fwom these guyth. he fownd a nekwathe with a thymbol on it and a cool wookin gwate thord. he thaid thethe thingth awe majical but we shud not uthe them yet until we find owt wat they akshuwwy are cuz they cud be curthed ow thomethin i dont weewy no wut that meenth but i twutht twevow. fwaya got the nekwathe and i tuk to gwate thord cuz gold didnt want it. we awe gonna thee if the gilden iwon can figuwe it owt.   well now we gonna go wetht up but gold ith alweddy awmotht athweep. i towd wetthin that he cud have a pigy bak wide on me thinthe he wookd wike he wath abowt to die but he didnt want it tho i akthed gold if he wanted to wide. he thaid yeth tho i put him on my sholdewth but man heth mowe hevier than i thot. i can bawewy keep him up ther but i did it thomehow. jutht befowe we got bak to the cave wetthin put that majic on my gath mathk agin tho i cud thee in the dawk. thin we git bak to make camp and i haf to athk fow help gittin gold off my showdewth. we bawewy git him off withowt dwoppin him man if he fel he pwobabwy wud die that wudnt be gud.   well we make camp and go to thweep. nuthin happind thru the nite.

24. E-I-E-I-Oh No

sooo... i wath dweemin ow thomethin cuz i dont wemembew wat happind wile i wath athweep. win i woke up we wath in a fite. thath tho weerd. befowe i cud do n e thing thay alweddy kild evewything. they told me that wetthin jutht towd uth abowt the undew dawk thome mowe and they figgerd owt thome hand thineth that we cud uthe inthted of thaying wordth. that way we can be mowe quite inthted of woud.   n e way thin we dethided to wetht for jutht a wittle bit and thin keep goin. but wile we wath wethtin wetthin thtawted makin thome cool wookin gwattheth. he gabe them to me and towd me to put it on. OH MAH GAWSH I CAN THEE IN THA DAWK NOW WOO HOO. i towd him befowe mabee he ithnt tho utheweth aftewall but now heth akshuwwy helpd me thee down hewe. thath tho cool but he awtho towd me they dont watht a wong tiem tho hopefuwy we dont need them vewy wong.   we keep goin in the caveth. we come acwoth anothew won of thothe fwesh dogth that awe thuper fugwy and anothew wat guy. we take cawe of them weawy fatht and then keep goin patht them. we akshuwwy git owtthide in a gwove and theweth a buncha ded boddeeth awownd hewe. thath not a gud sine. but thin we wook up ahed and thee thith HYUGE WED BALL OF THOMETHIN THCAWY WOOKIN and we awtho thee wike a devil pewthon widing a metal woof.   dwaugniw i think we gonna need u.

23. Old McChaos Had a Farm

sooo... gold wanth to find owt if thewe awe any burdth that mite be abel to hewp uth wook fow thethe cowwupt guieth but he ithnt abel to find anywon to hewp. but fwaya hath that deemin bat wat thing that she can tuwn into wutevr she wanth tho well jutht uthe that inthted. well off we go to wook fow dem.   twevow and wethin thee thom twax that they weft behind win they weft the care fkakr. thay r makin thith too eethy to find them. we do come acwoth a hole buncha thtuff awong the way tho that we all haf to get acwoth. fwaya ith kinda thcawy cuz she thot it wud be a gud idea to owbitweat... obwitweate... ekthpwode a fawmuwth sheep to git infowmashin fwom him. he thaid he thaw them go that way tho we wint that way. thin we came up to a wavine that gold heppd uth get thwu. thin wethin fownd a camp fiwe were it wookd wike they bin hewe wethentwy. thin we came acwoth thom bwoken down cawtth in the wode and we cudnt go awownd them tho i helpd cwear the path. twevow wint a hed a wittle bit and thaid he coud thee thineth of them up ahed fwom a hill. and sortafine wath abel to find a wittle twail to uthe inthted of tha mane wode tho we cud thneak up on em by wookin wike jutht nowmal twavewwowth.   we git to the awea twevow thaw from the hill and we thee that a bunch of peepel awe ded but thewe wath jutht won guy awive. he didnt wook hewthy but wethin wath abel to cyure him a bit witch ith weewd cuz we nevew new he cud do that. mabe he ithnt ath utheweth aftewall but i thtill dont wike him. n e way thith guy thaid heth a fwire of thigmaw named winthtin and he toad uth that they came thwu hear and wiped them owt. he thaid thethe ded fowkth wer jutht a cuppel famiwieth goin bak to town aftew there maytwiawk died wutevr that ith. he thaid the peeple that ambooshd them wer wearing cwothtes that wookd wike they caem fwom a weawy cold pwathe. i wondew if they wath thome of the wonth i wemembewd fwom that vishin i had. i fownd thome munny on the ded famiwy an gave it thith guy. i altho fownd thome vewy cool wookin wockth! ive theen the wockth that sortafine and twevow uthe to tawk to dadyadyraryus tho i twied to thee if i cud here mythelf by tawkin into won of them and puttin the othew won up to mah eer but i cudnt here n e thing. maybe im jutht doin it wong.   well we keep goin and find anothew guy weanin up agintht a twee. he wookth wike thomeone the fwire minchind. that... ith... THUTHPITHUTH! we axe him a buncha kwethchinth but he wont tawk. i toad him wook thothe cwotheth mite make u wawm but i can make u wawm fow the wetht of ur wife jutht wike u did to that poor famiwy back there tho u better thtawt tawkin. he didnt wike that tho fwaya the thcawy won uthed her thpailth to git wite behind him and thtabd him in tha bak. at weatht he wont be abel to huwt n e body elthe now.   we keep fowwowing tha twail and we fownd a fawm howthe with a feewd nektht to it. it wookth wike the cwopth awe all gud and takin cawe of and the twax weed wite into tha howthe. but tha weewd thing ith nobody ith home. fwaya thendth in hew imp wat bat not a bat but akshuwwy a bat thith tiem into the howthe thwu the chimny but she thaid nobodyth home. thin she tuwnd the imp wat bat but not a bat but akshuwway a bat thith tiem into a thpidew and made him go thwu the nektht woom. wookth wike thewe ith a hole in tha fwor. we all go inthide the howthe and thee wath down there.   of corthe i cant thee n e thing at all tho i gotta hang on to sortafineth tholder and he weedth me evewywher. im twyin to be quite ath pothibel but my awmowith makin noithe. oh well at weatht it aint ath woud ath wethinth gunth howy cwap my eerth awe thtill winging they tho much wowder in a cave wow. and i no that becuz we had to fite a thcawy dog beatht or thomethin i dont no wut it ith but ith fugwy. he got a bite of gold i bet that didnt tathte gud. i had to git a towch to thee wut wath awownd me tho i cud fite it. but thin the dog dide and i put the towch owt and held on to sortafine agin.   we got a bit fuwthuw in thith cave but thin sortafine pushd me in fwont of him. im wike HEY MAN I CANT THEE N E THING HOW DO U ETHPECT ME TO WEED but i thaid it showting but withpewing if that maketh thince. wetht fathe it awmoth nun of wut i thay maketh thinthe but we can pwetend. n e way i keep goin fowwawd with mah handz owt in fwont of me thwingin awound wike a ideit and thin i felt thomethin thwing at me. THEE SORTAFINE I TOAD U! well he muthta fewt bad fow me becuth he wit up the cave with thome dithco witeth wich wuth kinda cool. won of the things we wuth fiteing had wike a nife bwade on his hed and the othew guy glowd gween but thin he thwew the gween thing at uth and we awmotht chokd cuz of the fog it weft behind. well we got them ded and tuk ther thtuff. the gween guy had a gath mathk ow thomethin iono wethin twied to ekthpwain it to me. he wath abel to make the mathk fit and now win i tawk ith even hawdew for peepel to git wat im thayin but at weatht i dont haf to thmeww wat i ate fow dinnew yethewday aftew it cometh owt the other end!   we dethided we shud make camp and thweep for the nite in here bak were we fot the fugwy dog. befowe wayin down for the nite we athk dadyaryaruth if he cud wet the glided iwon no that we mite hav fownd wher thethe guyth awe comin fwom but he didnt thownd vewy happy that we cawd him on the wocky tocky. oh well i gueth he shudnt hav gabe uth them!

22. It's Gettin' Real

awight we finawy dun fitin now. i wath abel to git tha poctluth... protcutithl... gait down jutht in tiem to keep motht of tha n m eeth owtthide but thin they twied to cwimb tha wallth they cwazy man. and then there weader towd them to faww bak and tho he jumpt off tha woof and that had to huwt but they weft uth awone aftew that. lard comandew jerky caim by to thee if we wuth ok and twevow towd him we gud. jerky dint hav n e nooth abowt thtuff fow uth tho we wint to take a qwik wetht.   we got to go thee jarke win we finish wethtin tho i got up to go git fwaya. i yell for her all ovew da pwathe and i caint find her n e wher. but thin a mowthe wan wite acwoth were i wath goin and it THCAWED ME THO I KIKD IT but wike mabee i kikd it to hawd cuz it wint fwyin pwetty faw. wethin thaw it ath pwactithe fow hith boom wandth tho he shooted it wile it wath fwyin. i gotta thay it wath akshuwy a pwetty gud shot but i thtill dont wike him. well n e way the mowthe then hit a gard and win it hit tha gwownd IT TURND INTO A NECKWATHE wike wat mowthe turnth into jeweweweewwy BUT THIN FWAYA POPD OWT OF THA NECKWATHE WAT EVEN ITH GOIN ON I DONT NO. and she gitth on to uth fow kiwwin her famiwiaw u no how we thpotht to no that thom wandom wat wath hew pet? we wittewewwy jutht met her yethtewday!   well n e way we git to fwanzthth pwathe and he bwingth uth inthide to jerky and thorin. they gweet uth and we thtawt tawkin abowt thtuff and were thethe invadewth caim fwom. we dont no and they dont eether.   but aww of a thuddin jorky minchind uwthuan and how a buncha wifts awe poppin up all ovew there and tha wurld. u no that feewing u git thometimeth win u jutht cant find tha wurdth to thay to cawm urthelf down? well i feeld that today. i cudnt thave wondaline fwom jumpin in tha wava but at weatht that wath her own dethithin to jump. ill be dammd if i dont at weatht TWY to thave my famiwy and fwindth fwom watevr thith wift thtuff ith. i have GOT to git to uwthuan fatht. but i no im not the onwy won in thith gwoop. i no they cawe abowt me or at weatht sortafine gold and twevow do and they will hewp me but i feew wike it wud be thelfish to want to thtop evewything and jutht go thee wath goin on ovew there. mabee i can get a methage to my pawenth or twy to git thome nooth abowt what ith happinin in thummerthong. i dont evin no if my pawenth awe thtill there. i wish i new how to hewp them. i feel tho utheweth...   thomehow im abel to git my mind off them jutht wong enuff to thee of thoren and the lard commader no n e thing abowt tha mammith and that elfin awwow i hav. they towd me they didnt no much abowt the awwow but win they thawted tewwin me abowt the mammith i had anothew won of thothe vizhinth wike i had at the wibwawy in barka varr. thith tiem i thaw a tord up baner bwowin in tha wind with thnow aww awownd me. am i thtawtin to wemembew were i wath or were i wint aftew i got takin by thothe bad guyth a wong tiem ago?   aftew i got bak to weawity it wath tiem to go therch the boddeeth of the thingth we kiwwed watht nite. well gueth wat. i fownd MOWE OF THOTHE MAMMITH THIMBALTH. thome of the mootinth had thim on there weather awmow. ith gettin weel fow me now.   we took thome thtuff bak to thoren to show him and aftew a wile he gabe me a peathe of papew with thomethin wited on it. ill do my betht to copy wat it thaid hewe:   Wulfrik the Wanderer

21. Midnight Company

i cant even thweep now but thith tiem ith not becuz of me thinkin abowt wondaline or even cuz wethin ith bothowin me. nope thith tiem ith cuz thewe wath a beww winging owthide and evwywon wath wunnin awownd. we all go owt thewe to thee wuth up and lard comdander jerky caim owt n thaid GIT TO THE WAWTH WE R UNDEW ATAK and im wike AWIGHT FINE IF AINT GONNA GET TO THWEEP TONITE IM GONNA GO GIT WUTEVEW ITH OWT THER and thath what we did.   but they jutht keep comin and thay nevew thtop comin. they had thothe wat guyth thkavin or thomethin and thin they had thome wuffs and thin they had thome tholdierth and thin they had won of thothe caowth twollth wike we fot befoew in karka nein peekth or watevew ith calld and thin they had thome mutinth and thin thereth thith other guy. we cant catch a bwake.   hold on we thtill fitin.

20. A Costly Mission Complete

im thtill not feewin vewy gud tho thowwy if thith won ith showtew then nowmel.   sortafine fownd owt that tha thtaff he got fwom kwathik ith won that maketh you thee thingth ow thomethin i dont no how that cud be tho poweful but i geth it ith.   we toad dadydaris wut hapind to wondaline and he thaid that theweth no way to no fur shur that the wing wath bwokin but i jutht hope that wondalineth thatcwifise wathnt fir nuthin. she at weatht dethervth that.   dradariuth gabe sortafein a bag with thom thtuff he fownd wyle waitin fow are thignal. we all got a buncha munny and i tuk thom heawing poshins. thin he gabe uth anuther wocky tocky and toad uth to keep bofe of them. we can thtill tawk to him cuz he hath anuther won and he thaid to com thee him in awtdorf if we want mowe wurk.   we git bak to care farkik and twy to go thee fwanth woner to teww him we made it well motht of uth made it but the gardth wont wet twevow in becuth heth not a goaded iwon guy. he goth and gith thomethin to eat or thomethin and we go ahed to meet fwanz. at furtht heth ekthited to thee uth bak but we tell him abowt wondaline and he geth thad. he awtho tode uth to com bak if wer wookin fow mowe wurk.   we need to meat with jorkuh moron tomowwo tho we git a gud nite thweep or at weatht twy. i dont no if we all did.   we go thee jerka moron and thith tiem twevow gith to go in with uth. sortafine gib the wetter to jurky but soren tuk it inthted and gibd it to him. n e way he wed it and towd uth heth thowwy to here abowt wondaline. thin he opind a dor on tha wall and thaid we cud git won thing fwom the woom. they wath a gwate akth in thewe that feeld hevviw than mine tho i tuk that. it feelth weal gud in my handth!   well eech of uth got thomethin and then matilda thaid u no i think im gonna go be with the orkth cuz their my peepel and i wanna wearn fwom them and i feel beter bein with them or thomethin to be onetht i kinda thpathed owt at thome point cuz all im heewing ith im gonna woothe anothew fweind today. and thin she wawkd owt of tha woom. im wike WHO AM I THUPOTHED TO EET BAKIN WITH NOW MATILDA cmon. i gib up twying to make fwindth cuz they all theem to die or weave and i cant theem to thave them. i dont think ith akshuwwy becuth of me ow n e thing i did but thometiemth i cant hew but feel that way. jorkey thaid we shud meat thome of the othewth in the glidid iwon tho thath wut we do.   the firtht guy we meet ith tho annoying i wittewawwy cant thtand him. he thinkth were all gwad to meat him and heth got a weewd hat and thome thingth he cawd pithelth. he thaid hith name ith wetthhin and that he weft hith owd gwoop becuth thay didnt have nithe enuff cwothes and that wath thuch a twajidy. i thaid OH THE HUMANTITTY it mutht hav bin THO BAD to be with peepel who didnt dwetth gud enuff for u and im gwad weve nevew bin thwough thomethin THO TEWWIBLE wike that. im wike weve onwy evew had a gud fwind thacwifithe herthelf by jumping into wava to dethtwoy a cuwthed wing and anothew gud fwind jutht weave the potty tho im gwad ive nevew had thomethin ath bad ath thomewon not dewtthin up all nithe and neet. and he thaid oh yah well im gwad you havent theen thuch twagity. thith guy ith tho full of himthelf and i hate him alweddy. and appawentwy heth godth gift to are gwoop cuz he theemth to thtik awownd evewywer we go. thith dood ith thuper showt so gwab a boothter theet and bwing it to him tho i dont haf to bind ovew too much in cathe i dethide to beet thome twagidy into him. he theemth to notithe that were not vewy tawkativ and he jutht thayth GEEZ U GUYTH AINT TAWKATIVE WIKE WHO DIED and it wath all i cud do to jutht wawk away befowe i thtawted a bwawl. he thaid WELL IM GWAD U GOT TO MEAT ME and im wike my pweashur and he thaid IM SHUR IT WATH. i hate him.   i go twy to find a bwakthmith to thell my owd gwateakth befowe i embed it into a wittle nometh hed. ith a gud thing i did cuz it wath worth much mowe than that wittle hat werin full. and i dont evin no how much i got fow it the guy jutht gabe me som munny and it felt wite to me.   i go bak to the gwupe and sortafine bwingth in thomewon elthe with him. he thaid they wer pwaying at the magik twaining gwoundth or thomethin. he thaid hew name ith fwaya. she thaid the lard comander towd her we mite be a gud fit for her to gwoup with tho she wint a fownd sortafine. she theemth nithe tho far. deffnitly beter then wethin but u cant git much wurs than that. abowt that tiem wethin pix up hith mug and tostes uth. he thaid MAYBE WE WEMEMBEW THOTHE WE WOTHT or thomethin and im jutht wike oh hear we go. he thaid u no win we wotht thomeone wut wud hewp uth ith tewwing thtowyth abowt that pewthon awownd a camp fier and that usully wud hewp uth git over the woth. and u no onethwy that mite akshully help and thath the fitht thing heth thaid that i agwee with. but i thtill dont wike him.   i wike fwaya tho. she theemth cool and kinda shy wike i am thometiemth. she walk over to me and towd me her name and i tode her mine. she akthd me if i think she wud be a gud match for are gwoup. i thaid i dont no why not. i toad her im not the won who maketh thothe deththithtin... dithinthinth... choitheth and she shud tawk to sortafine or gold or twevow abowt that. thometiemth i feel wike im jutht gud for thwingin my akth thinth im not thmawt enuff to figuwe owt thtuff. i think she thaid thomethin abowt that cant be twue but maybe i jutht thot that mythelf. ith a weel shame sheth meating me win im not in a gud mood becuz the theemth wike thomeone who wud undewthtand me beter than that wittle showt guy. ith not hew fault im in thuch a bad mood wite now.   gold and sortafine twy to git me to pway wowwieth but i dont feel wike it wite now. inthted i jutht hold up my mug and toste them by thaying well ith nithe to meat you fwaya heweth to a wife full of gud fashin and godth hewp uth if we evew dweth porley. then i glare hawd at wethin and jutht thay it wud be THUCH a twajidy. thin i wawk owt and hed bak to tha barrikth to wetht.

19. Gone Too Soon (Milestone: 5th Level!)

thith won ith hawd to wite. im not feewing gud wite now. dwaugniw pweathe help.   thith batel wath a hawd fot one and we did gud. at thome point the shamin towd sortafine that thomewon wud be happy to no heth hewe, but we can tawk abowt that waiter. the shamin dide and we won. but we awtho wotht.   wondaline put on tha shaminth wing becuz she fownd owt thath wher the portel came fwom so she opind it bak up fow uth to go bak thwoo aftew the shamin dide and it cwothed. she thtawted to come with uth but she thtopd to thwow the wing into tha wava. but she cudnt take it off. it wudnt buj off her fingew. she wath badwy beatin with bwutheth and cuth.   today i fownd owt how thelfweth wondaline ith. or wath. she turnd to uth with teerth in her eyeth and thaid WUN U FULLTH. and thothe wer her finaw wurdth befowe she... jumpd.   the powtal cwothed befoew we cud do n e thing to thtop her ow help her. and she new it wud becuz she new we wud.   i punchd the wall were the powtle wath noing full well i cudnt git bak to thave her but i had to twy i didnt no wut elthe to do. twevow yewwed fow uth to GO NOW tho i did. there wath tho much fier and thmoke and buwning and even a dwagon but i cudnt help but wondew what it wath all for.   we fownd drydarith and he thomehow got uth bak to neer care farik. it wath nite time on thith calm dirt wode.   if onwy i new today wud be the watht tiem i evew thaw wondaline i wud hav towd her i weawy enjoid her being awound and how thankfel i wath to hav her heelth even if she didnt want to heel me becuz of thteven and pamewa handewthon. im tho thowwy wondaline that i didnt git to no u better and wat u wer goin thwu. im not gud with wurdth tho ill juth thay i hope u no how much i apweshiate u and mith u. we cudnt hav don n e of thith withowt u. the hewoeth pawiah wotht owr hewo.   how can i pothibwy thave my pawenth if i cant even be thewe to thave thothe cwothetht to me?

18. Highway to Hell

...ugh mah hed huwth tho much thothe guyth weawwy put the huwt on uth but apawentwy the fite endid up in a dwaw becuz sortafine made it dawk or thomethin. i dont no fur shur cuz i wath takin a duwt nap. i waked up in tha camp. i gueth wondaline heewd me iono but i need thome wetht. twevow wint and got thome meet for uth to eat. i towd him i cud cuk it it he wanted and he thaid no becuz he wiketh hith meet waw. i fowgot abowt that.   n e way we go to thweep and wake up. sortafine fownd a powch of poshins and gabe me won in cathe thomthin happins agin. i hope i dont haf to uthe it but at weatht i got it jutht in cathe.   twevow got the wocky tocky and tawkd to daddyraruth abowt are pwan to take down tha shamin gobwin. he thtawted tawkin abowt all kindth of thingth we cud twy. i think i kinda toond owt thom of it cuz i jutht cudnt keep up with wat they wuth thayin im wike jutht tew me wut i gotta do and ill do it tho thath wat i did. we gonna eat dinnew with the shamin and thin were gonna beat him up or thomthin and thin take hith thtaff. eathy peathy. in the meen tiem tho i wanna pway wowwieth with sortafine. i akshully beet him! i dont think he wet me win ether! well that wath fun.   well now ith tiem to go eat dinnew with tha shamen. but befow we go twevow givth uth a dwink of thome gud thtuff and we tuch are gwatheth togethew for wutevr weethon. thin gold was wike HERE HERE and i wath wike WHERE I DONT THEE NUTHIN and he jutht wath wike NEVEW MIND WOWY and im thtill confuzd cuz i dint thee n e thing. tho now we go to tha shamunth pwathe and we thit down to eet the pig and he tawkth to uth. not the pig but the shamin duh haha the pig cant tawk cuz heth ded and were eetin him.   aftew dinnew he tuk uth down to a cave in tha tint. thewe ith thome mowe of thothe orkth wike we fot and got nokd owt. he thtuffd there thwote with thom gween thtuff and they woke up and wath wike WELL THERVE U MAN U TEWW UTH WAT TO DO AND WE GONNA DO IT NO PWOBWEM WE GOT THITH or wutevr and thin thay wawkd away. now ith jutht the shamin and uth awone. now ith tha time to do thith thang.   twevow thayth the magik wordth and thtabth tha shamin in the bak and sortafine gwabd the thtaff. AND THIN I HURD A DWAGGIN AN IM WIKE DWAUGNIW ITH THAT U and i herd it agin but i cudnt teww if it wath him ow not. that wud be awthom! oh and thin tha shamin dithpaperd... dithaprerd... wathnt there no more AND THIN HE OPIND A POWTEL OR WATEVR U CALL IT AND IT WOOKD WIKE HE WATH IN HEK. it wath all fiewy and wed. wike me! and thin the shamin thtawth thwowin fier thwu the powtle in thted of comin bak wike a weel man. tho twevow and wondaline go thwu it. i gueth were goin to hek.

17. Putting the Hurt On Us

sooo... aftew the fite we hab jutht enuf tiem to wetht weel gud befow we haf to fite tha mane guyth. tho we go to thweep and win we waek up we go thtrate to tha aweena agin.   on the way i twied to withen fow any hince abowt wut wer gonna be fitin or how miny but i cudnt find owt nuthin becuth nobody nose n e thing abowt it. thay dont theem to hav any cwue abowt the fite eether. oh well wer gud at ipmorvith... mithprovith... makin up a pwan ath we go.   we go into tha aweena and we thee the dawk guy up ther agin and heth got wike eweventy guyth with him. he jutht thtayth up ther but tha orkth jump down into the aweena with uth and thtawt thpwedin owt. ith game tiem.   thethe guyth hit HAWD man thay huwt wike cwazy. i pop owt a wion but he didnt do nuthin gud ekthept take thome hith. i gueth thath a gud thing. but thin twevow wint down. thin they thtawted comin at me. aw of a thuddin i thee a ork comin at me and i twy to doge but he thwin...

16. The New Vanguard

sooo... we got bak to camp and wondaline thaw a note thtuk to a pol with a dager. all she cud weed wuz meat nite. now im hungwy. she givd it to gold and he thaid it thaid thomethin abowt won wepsenwentv... wespentivtive... pewthon fwom are gwoop wewing there culurs and come to tha camp at nite. wondaline akthd tha big oger guy wuuok if he thaw n e thing and he did he thaid ith a guy fwom wakheds peepel. twevow dethided to go to ther camp tonite to meat with him.   wile heth gon i akthd sortafine if he cud make mah hand on a stik wook diffwent thinth twevow naimd it pamewa handewthon. i figgurd i shud make it wook wike a womin tho sortafine did it. heth tho pireful wit hith majik thpailth!   twevow cam bak an toad uth abowt wut rakhed thaid. he thaid he thaid wer gonna fite them tomowow and we shud win and thin we go ahed and haf to fite kwazik and hith guyth aftew that but we cant make it wook wike they wet uth win tho it hath to be a weel fite. ok i can do that. and he thaid thomethin abowt fwasheth of lite or somethin i dont no wut thath abowt. there wuz no meat at thith meating. wut a shaim.   well aftew are meating i that nekt to twevow and akthd him if he evr herd of wowwieth. i toad him the woolth and how he wud win but he didnt want to pway. he thinkth mabee gold and sortafine mite hav fulld me win we plaid a wong time ago. i thaid i didnt think my fwindth wud do that but at weatht thay gav me my munny bak. thin he akthd me abowt my patht. i tode him abowt wat happind and how i didnt no how i got hear and cudnt wember thingth vewy gud. he towd me he wud keep an i owt for n e thing abowt mamiths and wet me no if he findth n e thing owt abowt it. and thin i thot mabee i had a gud idea to tawk to my pawenth by uthin the wockie tockie thing but he thaid it duthnt wurk that way but he thaid heth herd of other wockie tockieth that mite work. il hav to wach for won of thothe.   well i wint to thweep agin. win i wakd up i thaw thteven and pamewa handewthon on the fwor wookin wike they had a fite over nite. it wookd wike thteven wuz on top of pamewa and had her pind down or thomethin. hav thay bin wachin me fite and pwactithin? weerd. mabee thereth mowe to them than i no abowt!   well ith time to fite the othew gwoop. the fite waz pwetty eathy but we dint make it wook eathy becuz we had to make shur the otherth cudnt tell we had a thecwet pwan. matilda abthowutewy thwappd the cwap outta won of there guyth wike YOU AINT GETTIN OUTTA HEWE BUDDY UNWETH I HIT U OWT OF THA AWEENA! it wuz tho cool. n then sortafine nokd there fwying guy out the air fwom weewy hi up and he hit tha gwownd tho hard. im gwad that wuznt me.   well aftew winnin the mane guy came owt and thaid now that we one that fite we had to fite him and hith guyth tho well git weddy for that nekth time.   we git bak to camp and twevow cald uth all together agin. he thaid he maid a bet with nardhed abowt hoo wud win tha fite and he thaid he one tho he gave uth all thom of the mony he one. twevow ith vewy nithe he dint hav to do that. we gonna wetht until ith time for the watht fite tonite.

15. ...One to Go

sooo... nardhed thaid we wuth thuper impwethiv and he wud wet uth no win are nekth fite ith but we need to go bak to the camp. sortafine akthd if we cud thtay and watch the wetht of tha fiteth and they thaid we cud tho we did. i gwad we did cuz their wath thom gud fiting goin on and mabe we can git a better wook at hu we mite haf to fite. twevor and sortafine thaw wakved acwoth the awena tho ith gud to no heth thtill waching uth to.   the firtht fite we thaw thom magik guyth fiting thom wanger orkth with sheeldth. that magik theemd to be thomethin a wot of the peepl hewe havnt theen befowe jutht wate teel we git owt ther and sho them thom WEEL majic!   thay had a brake in the fiting tho i dethided to thee if they wuz n e won thewing won of thothe fome fangerth that i herd abowt fwom thomewher. wukiwy i fownd won but it wuthnt a fome fanger it wath a gobwin hand on a stik. gud enuf for me. i got bak jutht in tiem to thee the nektht fite and i holded up the hand with a fingre thtikin up and i had fun. thith fite had thom gobwinth widing thomethin i never theen befowe. twevow thaid they wer thkwidth with too wegs and shrap teeth. i bet we haf to fite them cuz they won pwetty quik.   welp thath it fir todayth fiteth tho we hed bak to camp. wile goin bak wondaline awmotht git thtabd and she bashd hith hed in and we wath wike whoa you cool wondaline.   n e way we git bak to camp and twevow maketh shur we hav all are ogerth. it wookth wike won of dem got tooken becuth he thaw a twale of bwood goin away fwom the camp. wondaline towd the bigetht oger that he needth to wach cawefuwy and tho thay all moovd the camp awownd to thee beter.   well we git up and go bak to tha aweena to wach mowe fiteth befowe ith are turn to fite. motht of thim wer pwetty bowing but there wath thom gud wonth to. duwing the bwake sortafineth wocky tocky got a methage fwom dydadrdyurydth and thay tawkd abowt thtuff but i cant heer wut heth thaying but i gueth he givd sortafine wondaline and twevor thom info abowt wher kwuthek hideth owt win he ithnt watchin the fiteth.   nardhed fownd uth in the cwowd and tode uth ith are turn nektht tho we fowwow him to tha entwanth. thith tiem we had to fite thothe gobwinth on tha weerd animalth AND THEY HAD A MATINCOWE THAT FWEW ALL OVER THA PWATHE and it wath kinda cool. i made a kwethtelcatle... kethcatuthle... fwying dinothore to fite him cuz i cant weech that hi up but he can.   well of corth we won the fite and wondaline sortafine and twevow git the cwowd goin cwazy by makin thundew thowndth thpiwith over are hed. it wath THO COOL to thee them!   the gard opind the dor and thaid that wuz the kind of fite he bin wookin to thee and nardhed towd uth we did vewy gud awtho.

14. One Down...

sooo... we theteld down to camp and nuthin happind tonite and we git up but we keep goin more caweful thith tiem. wondaline thtopd uth becuz the thaw thumthin abowt tha gwownd wathnt wight and twevow thinkth ith a buwwowin cweechur of thom kind tho he tuk wondalines wope huk and we cwimbd the cwiff inthted of goin ovew the weerd gwownd. pwobabwy a gud thing we did that but i wath wedy for a fite if it popd up!   n e way evnetuwy we find tha worlard gobwin guy and heth wike hay we put thome guyth in tha turnmint and u ar thuppothd to beet them up and win the fiteth and im jutht wike yeah i no thatth y were hear u no but dont thay it owt wowd i jutht kepd it to mathelf. he gav uth A HOLE WOT MOAR OF THOTH BIG OGER GUYTH WHOA. and he thaid we cant tawk n e mor and we dont no eech uther. but didnt we jutht tawk awot? and we defnatewy no him. ok whatevr man thith ith y i wet gold and matilda and wondaline and sortafine and twevor do all tha tawkin thay r tho much thmawtew then me and no wut to thay. i jutht thwing mah akth at thingth that huwt my fwindth.   aww the thuddin matilda THMAX GOLD UPTHIDE HITH HED wike whur did that cum fwom matilda? he dint detherv that! but he theemd ok with it i gueth. iono i confuthd.   we go to thweep agin and win we wake up won of tha ogerth ith ded and thpinnin over a far dat the uther ogerth thet up. i wundew wut he thaid to make them mad.   we wawk and wawk and wawk and wawk and wawk and maid to tha pwathe of the tuwmanint and whoa itht THUPER CWOWDID theyth tho miny orx and ogerth and gobwinth and twolth and who nose hoo elthe ith here. thith won guy who had a thuper cool mohock akthd uth who we ith and thowd uth to are thpot. sortafine ith wike hay can u teww uth the woolth agin cuz i no them but thethe guyth dont and the guy towd uth the woolth. he thaid we kin uthe wutevr we got but twy not to kill n e body but jutht beet em up till they go down. i can do dat eethy.   N THIN MATILDA AND WONDALINE GO OFF ON GOLD AGIN AND HE GITTH HIT AND KNOKD OWT AND TYD UP and i jutht dont no wuth goin on n e mor but appwentwy ith gud to sho all the otherth that we meen bithnith and matilda ith a ork or thomethin i dont no. i feld bad fur gold but he thaid ith ok tho i jutht wet it hapin. wutevr fwoteth ur thuit... thuitht ur bote? no that dont thowd wite. u no wut i meen.   mohock guy came and got uth and tuk uth to the awena and we wint up on thith cool ewevatow. we got weddy to fite and akthd thom watht minnit quethchinth abowt wut kind of fiteth hapind aweddy and thay thed ith bin won thided aww day.   then BOOM the dorth opind and we fite thom gobwinth and a twoll. that wuz eathy. a guy wit a hud caim owt to cogertugate... craglutget... tale uth gud job for winnin. and then we wint bak into tha thawting woom.

12-13. Bold Plans and Boulder Dodging

sooo... we got bak to barka varr and wint strate to de brads tell in for the nite. gold thaid he wud pay fur are woom if i thtaid wit him tho i wuz wike yah okay thounds gud to me tho i wint to are woom and thaid i wud thweep on tha flor and wet him hav the bed. well he wint down to git dwinkth or thumthin and i jutht thaid up hewe. i got bord tho i pwaid wowwies wit thteven and towd him how he hewpth me and i dont even no how he hewpth becuz heth not weal but wike he kinda ith to me and he meenth awot. i dont think the utherth no how much he hepth me. well i gueth i feww athweep at tha tabel becuz wondaline woke me up to go meet with drdayrydus abowt are pwan. i muthta been thooper athweep cuz i had to wype dwool off tha tabel hahaha.   n e way we go down to tawk to drydaddys and he dont wook nuthin wike he uthed to. thith tyme he ith vewy ugwy. he thayth he duthnt wike to woam awownd town in hes weal fathe. thoundth gud to me but it ith kinda weerd i geth. man matilda hath weewy com owt of her shel. the way she tawkd to thith guy made me feew wike she wus gunna take hith hed off or thumthin it was kinda cool. wun of the otherth thaid i had thmall feat but i hav big feet! dyrardys thaid he hathnt theen wutevr ith makin thith gobwin guy tho pireful but he thaith hell hewp uth. ooh boy that made wondaline tho mad she got in hith fathe and wuz wike U BEDDER HEWP UTH OR WEEL DO THUMTHIN TO U THO BAD U WILL WISH U WER DED or thomethin i dont no but she got vewy mad. i think she thcawed dadraysusd tho bad that he thtawted thmokin becuz they wus abig cwowd wike fogg awownd uth. i dont no wut to think abowt that. aftew thith gold had a epifn... efippan... efpinpany... he wealithed that we cud be fiting kayoth orkth. dryaryadrys agweed thinkin we cud be up agintht thomethin biger dan we thott.   aftew we wath dun tawkin i wint bak to bed. well i thott i wuz gonna hav da bed cuz gold got dwunk and patht owt on da fwoor but hewe cumz twevow as im heddin to da bed and wuz wike hey wowy lemme hewp u git gold on tha bed and i wuz wike yeah okay HEAVE HO but the hole time i wuz thinkin man i awmotht had a bed but now im bak on da fwor i geth. oh well.   i had thith thuper weerd dweem that we wus all together in a difwint pwathe and we were tho much powerfuwer than we awe now AND I HAD A FIRE THORD! me and thortafine wuz thewe but the wetht of them wer all difwent. we had to thave thith town fwom a dwagon and a hole buncha unded ded guyth and we thaw thom nometh and thom funny pigth and a gost by a thtachoo and i had thith awethom bote dat fit in a wittle box and win i thru it at thomewon i cud thay a wurd and it POPD OPIN AND CWUSHD EVEWYWUN UNDEW IT it wath tho cool. but thin we fownd a owthowth toiwet but it wathnt a owthowthe toiwet but it had a wadder goin down a wong way and then wondaline but not wondaline thaid a name and IT OPIND A DOR. how cool ith that. and we fot anuthr dwagon and thath win i woked up bak in barka varr.   aftew bwekfatht we weft barka varr to git bak to da gobwin twibe peeple. i towd them abowt my dweem but thay didnt theem vewy instrest... nitrestded... they didnt take it vewy sewiuthwy. mabee thay shud hav becuz thudenwy ith waining wocks and awmotht hit wondaline and OH MAH GAWD ITH A HYUGE UGWY HIWW GYINT. we twied to take thom thwingth at thith guy but owch he thtwong he pikd up wondaline wike she wuz nuthin and thmakd her on the gwownd. he towd uth to weave and we thaid we wud if he put down wondaline. he put her down by throwin her at gold but he mithd hahaha. we thtompd off and we won fur shur. we showd him.

11. Axes and Allies (Milestone: 4th Level!)

sooo... apawentwy sortafine figgurd owt wut maid wondaline tho mad the other day and it was cuz thomebody calld her a unded even tho she ithnt unded but shes ded or thomethin i dont get it. i thtill dont wike her takin owt her pwobwemth on me and thteven. mabee won of thethe dayth ill tawk to wondaline abowt it and wet her no how much i dont wike it win thomebody yellth at me win i didnt do nuthin. but n e way ith a brige under twoubwing water for now.   well we keep goin and finawwy we git to a part of the twale where ith thuper thkinny tho the gobwinth had to weave behind won of there charitos wich thtinkth weel bad cuz it had thome wotten meet p u! we git into thome thkinny pwaceth but dethided to go hier up inthted tho we can git a better vyoo of tha gobwins. well that mite of bin a bad idea cuz they thaw uth and won guy thtarted thcweamin and the west of them wan away tho now we gotta go find em agin. we thot abowt makin a egel to bwing uth over their but that mite thcare them tho we dont do that. inthtead won of the otherth gabe me a wite fwag to hold up and they thaid it wath thuper impotent i did that. tho i holded it up the hole tiem we walkd to the gobwins but thin we thaw a thingnal fier up ahed.   wookth wike we fownd them. gold ith tho thmart cuz hes the onwy won of uth that can tawk to da gobwin weeder worlard guy. i dont no n e thing there thayin but i gueth ith goin gud cuz we aint ded yet. BUT THIN THE WORLARD THTARTH TAWKIN TO UTH IN ARE WORDTH WHOA HETH THMART TO! he wanth to no wut we got that they dont got. we got fitin and majik and heelin but they got vogg. vogg ith a big huge giant but not a giant and oger but not a oger but both at the thame tiem but not weawy... u no i dont no wut he ith akshuly. the worlard thaith that we need to proov wut we got but onwy won of uth can fite vogg. gold pikt me to show them wut we got. well im all in.   befowe vogg even noed wut hit him the dier wuff i maid had him on tha grownd and my akth hit him tho hard upthide the hed. it felt gud to me until vogg got won big hit on me ouch that hurt but not ath much ath we hurt him. he thaid THATH ENUFF IM DUN and wan away. wondaline akshuly heeld me and thin went and heeld vogg altho. thee she can be nithe. i did notithe that win wondaline heeld me their was a thcwatch on her fathe that showd up but went away agin. i dont no wut thath all abowt.   well n e way i gueth beetin vogg wath are tikkit to gettin them on are thide cuz now worlard wanth uth to wurk with them to take down the bwue fathe orkth at a turnamint. but thereth thomethin abowt watchin the moon and we gotta come up with a plan before the moon is bwite agin. i dont no wut that meenth ether. ill weave all that to the wetht of the gwoop cuz im bad at comin up with pwans and i dont no nuthin abowt the moon i jutht no that it does git bwite thometimeth wich ith cool.   OH and appwentaly the ork shamin weeder guy ithnt a ork ith AKSHULLY A GOBWIN CALLD KWUZZKI i cant thpale it but yeah ithnt that weerd! the worlard finawwy gabe uth hith name wich ith wakvid.   gold tawkd with drydarith abowt wut weve pwannd and he towd uth to meat him in barka varr in a week. well me maid it there tho now we gotta wook for dyrdaradaruth.

10. Rage Against the Machine

soooo... dardaruth thayth heth with the colige of majic and were not the only wons keeping a i on these orkth and he nose who were workin with. wondaline athks him to help uth git the totim were after but he thinkth that we shud cweate a dithtwakshin inthted. tho we dethide to keep twackin the gobwinth that twevor hath bin twacking down the woad wile dradaras twies to figuwe owt wut the orkth are up to. befowe we weave, dadarius giveth sortafine a wock that he can tawk into to tawk to dardwuwa but i dont no how that workth tho i hope i never haf to be the won to work it. AND THEN DRADARAD JUTHT POOFTH AWAY WIKE WERE DID HE GO I HOPE HETH OKAY!   n e way we camp here and thin move owt in the mornin. aftew bwekfatht twevor thcowts ahed and pix up the twackth agin. today wondaline theemth to be in a bad mood tho i twied to make her feel better by pwaying with her. i tapd her on tha showder wit mah tale but she quikwy turnd awownd and gwabd it and jutht yelld at me to LEAVE ME AWONE. fine but at weatht i twied to help. awtho i think thath the fathtetht i ever saw her move.   weve bin walkin tho wong that now we can thee mowntins ahed of uth but we keep fowwowing thothe twakth. we thweep agin and keep goin the nektht day.   we r deffinitewy gettin cwother now cuz we can thee them jutht ahed of uth but we cant tale how miny of them they are. i twy to help come up with a pwan and i athk thteven wut he thinkth.   thith ith win poop hit the plan. ath i wuz athkin thteven wut he thinkth wondaline taketh him fwom my hand and wips hith hed off. now i no i git angwy at my enemeyth but thith ith beeond anger im feewing at thith poynt. wondaline jutht thtawtth wawkin away and matilda twies thtandin between her and me. if it wathnt for matilda being there i pwobabwy wud hav had to intdowuduthe wondaline to my akth. matilda kept me fwom doin that tho inthted i yelld at wondaline WUTEVR ITH WONG WITH YOU YOU NEED TO GIT. OVER. IT. wondaline thaid she thinkth ith thtupid that i tawk to my fwiend thteven and she mokd me for bein thtupid and utheweth. matilda fowwowth her and sortafine pikd up thteven and towd me he wud fix him. i athk wondaline why she thinkth ith okay to tawk with her god or whoever she gits her power fwom but ith not okay for me to tawk to my friend who i made mythelf win nowon elthe wanted to pway wowwieth with me in barka varr. she didnt thay anything and jutht kep walkin away. i thot to mythelf i wish i cud wawk away fwom all my twubbelth win they got hard but i wathnt waised a quitter. if she gonna walk away evewy tiem thomethin doesnt go her way well bye and dont athk me for help until you can pull urthelf together. she uthed to tell me that she wudnt heel me cuz she didnt wike me. well wets thee if she thtarth wiking me agin win she needth thomethin killd.   okay im off my thoup box now. tho sortafine gatherth uth together agin to twy to come up with a pwan finawwy and we keep goin. twevor will keep goin to but he thayth we gotta pay him thinth tiem ith up on the contwakt. gold giveth him a gold haha and he keepth goin but cant thee n e thing cuz they keep kikin up dutht. womp womp.   thinth we cant thee them we camp agin. befowe i go to thweep sortafine bwingth me thteven. he hath minded him all up and heth gud ath new and i thank sortafine for fixin him.   twevor ith eventuawy abel to tail there ith abowt eweventy thwee gobwinth or thomethin i dont no the number but ith A WOT of them. we think mabee we shud go bak but thin we dethide to thee where they wint. i thay mabee we shud tawk to dandewuth on the wock. gold thinkth ith the betht idea i ever had. at weatht thomeone thinkth im thomewhat utheful. i dont think we ever wockd him tho.   well now weve gon tho far that we are at the feet hillth of the mowntinth. mabee we r cwothing the gap now.

Writing Prompt 4

PROMPT: Rory's life hasn't been his own. Through adolescence and significant gap years, pressed into the Iron and now marching through the desert, very little of this life seems to be helping him piece together the fragmented past. This new discovery of a mammoth raises more questions than it provides answers. As more information eventually is discovered, what is Rory working towards? Is he working to get back home to a life that he assumes was taken from him, or does he seek answers to who and what happened all those years and seek a reckoning for those who seem to have wronged him?   RESPONSE: man dwaugnir ith bin tho wong thinth i wast herd fwom u how have u bin? ive bin ok i gueth but you pwobabwy aweady no that.   n e way yeah that mamith thing weawy got to me i dont no why tho. wike it theems wike i wemembewd thomethin abowt it but i dont no wut but it thcared me a wittle bit cuz thath never happind befowe. my fwiends were there to help me thru it and wondaline had it happin to her a wittle bit ago win we were at care farek and she theemed thscared to. mabee i can help her with her thtuff wike she hath helpd me with my thtuff but i dont weawy no if she akshully wikes me but she ith cool even if she dont poop or eat but i dont care abowt that no more. i towd her i wudnt bother her abowt that n e more. but yah want to figgur owt wut happind way back thin wut happind to my famiwy and why did they take me? what happind duwing all that tiem that i cant wemembew n e thing? wut did they do to me? did they make me a gud guy or bad guy? did they use me to ekthprime... ekperthiment... tetht things owt on me? but the biggetht thing i need to no ith my famiwy and fwiends fwom home ok? u no i hab a anger pwobwem but tho far it onwy cometh out win i fite but i thwear dwaugnir if they did n e thing to my famiwy i will call down ur rath on them if they tho much ath gave them a payper cut u no wut i meen?   thorry dwaugnir i didnt meen to git mad at you. jutht thinkin abowt what thorts of thingth mite hav happind to my luvd wons gits me vewy angwy. pwease help dwaugnir. help them.

9. Research and We Search

soooo... won of the wesurcherth gabe me a buk to wook at tho i wookd thru it and fownd a picher of a hairy thkull or head or thomethin of wike a mammith wich made me thtair at it weel hard for a VEWY wong time becuz appawentwy tha groop left me at the libawy and had to com bak to git me and i waz thtill thitting in the thame chair i wuz before. thomethin abowt dat pikshur got to me wike i theem to wemember it but i dont no why. i dont think i ever thaw won befowe i got takin by thothe guyth that day at skool and i dont think ive theen won thince i can wemember agin win i got hear to the impire. tho if i do akshully wemembew it it mutht be fwom dat bit of tiem dat i cant wemembew n e thing but then how can i wemembew dat mammit if i cant wemembew thtuff fwom then? i dont git it. aww i no ith it thcawed me tho bad win i thaw it that i mutht have thtoppd bweethin cuz win gold shaked me owt of it i wuz grathpin for breth.   gold theemd a wittle wowwied abowt me wich ith cool. he wint to git thome partchmint tho i cud dwaw the pikshire but by the tiem he got bak matilda alweady tuk me AND THE BUK owt of the wibawy. gold finawwy fownd uth and didnt wike that matilda tuk the buk tho he wakd her upthide da hed weal gud. we thaid tomowwow we are takin da buk bak to the libawy and thee if they can help uth find owt any more infirmashin abowt thith big haiwy ewephint thing. by thith poynt i wath feewing vewy sewiouth inthted of my normle thelf. ive never felt thith way befoew. i wonder if thith ith wut wondaline feeld win she fownd owt she cud wemembew thtuff fwom bak thin to?   we go bak to da inn but sortafine twevor and wondaline are gon. well wate hear to thee if they git bak thoon. oh wook hear thay cum now. i dont no wut they wuz doin but sortafine akthed abowt thomebody who nose abowt alkimey or thomethin i dont no wut that ith but it thownds cool. he thayth we gotta tawk to harnold hardcote. weerd name but i juge who i am. ith that how that thaying goes? i dont no.   n e way we dethide to git thome diner bak at da burnd eyebrow. thith time tho i dont weawy eet all that much cuz i jutht cant thtop thtairin at dat piksher in the buk. matilda lukd at it thome more and appwentwy she can weed. i wish i cud weed but thath ok cuz ive got fwiends to weed for me. they r thmart not wike me. she thaid it menchins norskin but i dont think i ever herd of that cuz it doesnt wing her bell.   we go bak to da brads tail in and sweep.   the firtht thing the nekth day ith we go bak to da libawy to gib them tha buk bak. matilda tellth the guy at the dethk wut happind and he dint theem to happy with her. he thaid thay wud forgit abowt it if she wuk make a dontat... downshin... gib them munny. i twied to gib them thome becuz thith all happind cuz of me but the guy at the dethk towd me to thtop talkin and wet matilda do it. she didnt want to but finawy she did and then her and sortafine walkd owt. i dont think she wikes them vewy much. me and gold thtaid ther to thee if they cud help uth find n e more thtuff abowt thith crechur. they thaid they wud copy evewythin abowt it for a gold tho i gabe them won gold and thay gabe me thome paperth that wukd wike it had all the gud thtuff on it wich was cool.   tho now we go wook for anuther guy calld a astrogler... astraggler... i dont no how to thay it but thomethin to do with all the thtars and the sky and thtuff. well we find him and his name ith koogeg thtealvyu and he ith THOOOPER happy to tawk to uth cuz he ith vewy ekthited that thomewon wants to tawk to him abowt the sky. to be onnetht i kinda zoned owt becuz they thtarted tawking abowt things ive never herd of and i just cant figur owt why the thtars theem to tweenkle at nite inthted of jutht thtaying on wike the west of them. thethe awe the weal kweshchuns we shud be athkin thith guy but wut do i no i jutht thwing mah akth and lite fyres thometimeth.   well now we gotta go thee the alkimey guy. we find him to and he thellth uth won poshin of heeling wich ith gud becuz now we r gonna leave the thity and hed down to da badlanz.   on are way we find wots of differnt twackth of waggins and woofs and gobwins oh my. but the weerdetht thing we thaw was a chaireit that wukd wike it had bin... wike... i dont no how to thay it. it wath mithin its hole thide! wike thomethin jutht... POOFD IT AWAY! and they ith a sircle awownd it that maketh it all wuk vewy owt of pwace. i dont no wut happind hear but ith thooo weerd. and there awe THO MANY BODEETH ALL OVER THA PWACE and they dont have n e thing on them ekthep there weppinth.   jutht ahed a wittle more ith thome more boddees and wekage and there ith thome more of that gwound witening wike we thaw befowe we got to barka varr but thith time we dethided to instivat... venstigate... thee wats up. twevor dethided to twy to thneek up on it. win he got bak he thaid there wuz a guy wirlwing awownd killin a buncha gobwinz and thin jutht that down on hith cart and wukd at him WILE HE WATH INVITHBILE WIKE HE CUD THTILL THEE HIM! he came bak and towd uth we shud thee wut thith guy ith doin.   tho we just walk up wike nothin ith wong. he ith warin thome vewy fanthy close wich ith cool but win we athkd him who he wath he jutht said gud evnin my name ith dyrdarduses or thomethin and that he wath wonderin win we wud catch up.   well i gueth we cot up.

8. Intel, Knowledge, and... Thteven?

soooo... barka varr wooks weal nice in the eevning and i wood wike to thee all da thites awound hear but matilda ith alwayth hungery tho we all dethided to git thomethin to eet and matilda showd uth da way becuz she can alwayth thmell food. man there ith a WOT of peepl hear in thith cool thity in a cave! ther ith thooo many botes! ill hav too thee if n e body hear nose how to git to uthlan... luthuna... my homewand. i weewy mith my pawenth and fwiendth...   n e way we finawy fownd a pwace to eat. one of da platheth here had a akth on the sine but we dethided not to go to that won and went to tha other won inthtead. it wath calld the skorchd beerd. that thownds vewy paneful tho i wemembered wut wondaline towd me in akindorf tho i thtuck my coin powch in mah twowtherth agin. i twied tho hard to make it fell cofmorble but i jutht cudnt do it. tho then i twied to jutht walk as nowmolly ath i cud. im pwetty shur nowon noticd becuz i twied vewy hard. then we had thom dwinks and fud. i had thom bacn and it wuz THOOO GOOD and twevor had thom waw meet. i twied to cuk it for him but he didnt want it cukd becuz he wiketh it waw wich i fownd weerd but hey you no i guetth hear you can hav it ur way. matilda akthd me to cuk her fud a wittle moar tho i twied to thpit jutht a wittle fier but it ended up beeing a bigger won than i hoped. i awmotht cot her hare on fier but she wuz able to turn move owt of da way jutht in time. her fud wuz weawy cukd now tho!   well now we got are bewwies full and need to thleep. twevor fownd uth a pwace calld the brads tail or thomethin. it thowndth cool. me and matilda had to cawwy the gold dorf to hiz woom becuz he had two much to dwink and he was pathd owt befoe we evin got hear. after gittin him thettld in i dethide to go to thleep mythelf.   win we wake up twevor thayth he ith goin to find owt thome infermayshun that cud help uth with the orc totim guy. wile heth doin that i dethide to twy to find some infomayshin abowt how i mite be abel to git back to my homewand. mabee won of theez botes will go there thometime. i think i tuk the wong turn a cupple timeth but i finawwy fownd the dox and thomewon there toad me that there ith won ship that cometh here evewy weak and goeth bak to uthulan but nobody fwom the bote thtayth hear tho there arent n e elfs to tawk to wight now tho i jutht fine my way bak to da brads tail.   win i got bak it wath only gold and matilda there. sortafine wondaline and twevor wint to get even moar infirmashn abowt the commit in the thky or thomethin i dont no. gold wath thtill fatht athweep fwom dwinkin and matilda jutht wanted to eet tho had to take matterth into my own handz to pway wowwies. tho i tuk thome forkth nifes and thpunes and a paper pwate i fownd on da tabel and made a wittle guy out of em. i dwawd a face on the pwate and i made him thit up acwoth the table fwom me. i call him thteven and heth mah new fwiend becuz he wanted to pway wowwies with me. wet me tell you thomethin thteven ith vewy gud at wowwies i dont no where he lernd to pway it but he beet me a wot. win twevow and the otherth finawy came bak i intduc... tintrocuded... showd them my new fwiend and twevow theemd kinda in a huwwy or thomethin becuz he wanted to tawk to uth upthtares. tho i gwabd the munny that thteven won and put it away for him and then put him in my bakpak to keep him thafe and wint to tawk with twevor and the otherth.   he towd uth all the info they fownd owt. it doesnt thownd gud at all becuz now the orkth are on both thides of the wadder and they theem to be gwowing or thomethin i didnt quiet underthtand evewything he thaid but he thaid he had to beat a dorf to git that infomashin tho that wuz cool. i wuz wondewin y he had a bwack i.   well we dethide to go bak to da skorchd beerd to eat or if ur matilda ith the chard muthtash haha she funny we all laffd for a while man that wuz funny we needed that. n e way after dinner we go bak to brads tail to thweep agin.   thith mownin we dethide that we need to git EVEN MOAR INFOMAISHEN fwom da wibawy in the no bull awea of the thity. i dont no my way awound a wibawy tho i jutht fowwow them inthide aftew we finawy fownd it. the person at the dethk athkd uth wut we were wookin for. they thaid for a gold per topik they wud find all the thtuff for uth tho we athkd them to find a bunch of thtuff. i athkd for a few thingth mythelf. now we jutht gotta wait for them to come bak with all of it.

7. Traveling with Trevor

soooo... we thtarted the day by tawkin abowt who ith gonna be nektht to command or thomethin. for thome weathon thay pikd me but i dont even no wut a nektht to command meens but it thoundth cool. then all of a thudden wondaline jutht thtopth tawkin n is THOOPER thupwized that she wemembewd thomethin abowt the badwandth n she dosnt no y she can wemembew it so she wushes off to go tawk to da lard commenter jerky guy to tell him abowt it.   win she came bak me wondaline and matilda dethide to go twy to find wittle mith pimento da mythic wady or thomethin iono wut her name wuz but ith thomethin wike that. n e way won of da gardz tuk uth up to her in the cathle. the thtairth weedin up to her woom had a wot of wike vudu dawls and thtuff tho i jutht had to poke won to thee wut wud happin. well wet me tell ya thomethin happind awight becuz wondaline got onto uth and towd uth not to tuch anything elth tho i wuz wike ya ok wutever mom we cant ever hav n e fun. but that kinda made me mith my weel mom tho i dethided i wud wissen to wondaline and be a gud wowy. but matilda mutht not hav herd wondaline becuz win we got to da dor matilda buthted by wondaline and kikd it open and got shokd wit witening. it wuz soooo funny i jutht laffd but she wookd wike she got hurt a wittle tho i kinda feeld bad for her to but i thtill waffd.   the mythic wady thaid she awedy thaw the buk. she thaid the thimble on the buk wookd wike a thkaven god and that there mite be more than won buk or more than won part of a thet of things. then she had wondaline wook into a letethtcpe... telethpoke... thtar looker atter. wondaline thaid she cud thee a comit with too tales inthted of jutht won wich ith weerd i gueth i never seen won befowe but it thoundth weawy cool. wittle miss pimento tellth uth we shud go akth abowt thome thkaven in nuln.   wo toad evwyone abowt wut she thaid but they all think we shud go to the ork pwace inthted tho we go to akindorf. HAHA that name thoundth funny! akindorf! n e way we git to akindorf haha and fownd a tavewn to eat at and thpend the nite there. ath we walkd in wondaline thaid we shud pwobabwy hide are gold tho i thtuck my gold powch down the fwont of mah pants that way if n e won wanted to git it i wud for shure no abowt it but it waz vewy not comftable. we fownd a gide named twevor who thaid he cud take uth there. he thaid heth wike a haff vampiar but he thaid he wont eat uth. he jutht needth thom meet evewy few dayth tho were all gud with that. i aktht him wut wud happin if he wuz owt in the thun or if i showd him thome gawlic but he thaid heth not a weal vampier tho im wike ok cool then nuthin bad will happin i gueth.   jutht befowe we weave town i had to akth wondaline if it wuz ok to take my coin powch out of mah cwotch and she thaid yeth. AND THEN SHE CALLD ME A NANIGMA! I THINK SHE MITE FINAWY WIKE ME! but i dont no wut a nanigma ith. i will haf to akth awownd to thee if n e body elthe nose. im on it!   we thpend a wot of dayth wike pwobabwy eweventeen dayz walkin down the wode befowe we git to barka var or wutevr ith calld. awong the way wondaline thaw thom witenening on tha gwownd or thomethin i dont wembmemew wut she thaid edzakwy but twevow thaid we shudnt wurry abowt it to much tho we jutht ignowe it for now. well i got tird of walkin tho much tho i dethided to thummin a widing horthe for a hour but then the horthe poofd and i fail down. it kinda hurt but im tuff tho no big dill.   we finawy make it to barky var and WHOA THITH PLATHE ITH AWTHOME BECUZ ITH WIKE THE HOLE TOWN ITH CAWVED INTO DA CAVE WITE BY THA WATER! thereth all kindth of botes down there and peepl all over tha plathe. i cant wate to thee wut elthe thith town haz!

6. In Like Flynn (Milestone: 3rd Level)

soooo... we got to the entwance of the care ferik and the gards theem to be happy to thee uth bak hear and gortek and felekth tuk uth to tha word commender joker guy. befowe we git to meat him tho they tale uth not to weave the cathle becuz den we mite not git back in thince we havnt akshully joind the glided iwon yet. tho wile were waiting on dem to com bak to tell uth we can go vithit lard comander sortafine and gold showd me a cool game they wike to pway. gold thaid dat i wud git bak more than i put in tho i wath wike HECK YEAH IM GONNA MAKE THOME MUNNY TODAY BOYZ but then wen i pwayed gold tuk all my munny i put in tho i was weawy confuzzed becuz i didnt git bak anything. gold feeld bad tho he gabe me my munny back. he ith thuch a nithe dorf. oh and the name of da game is vewy cwose to my name becuz ith calld wowies or thomethin. thoundth wike wowy! how cool ith that?   n e way felkith finawy caim bak and thaith that lawd contender ith weddy for uth now. he taketh uth up in the cathle into hith woom wich is weawy big and ith a circul. he thoundth vewy impwest with wat we dun tho far. wondaline showd him da buk she fownd and he gave it to thome other guy that came in and he didnt wook wike he wiked wat he wus weeding ether. wondaline altho showd them the sord that da firy hart guy had win he was cut in too peaceth by that big twoll thing we fot a wong time ago. he didnt no about the other sord that da gost wady gave to gold. he thot it wuth cool and tho do i. now joker thaith we can join da gilden iwon for real and he tales uth we can ware da ofishul clock wich ith awthome! i didnt no we wud git new close owt of it altho! den he thayth we shud tawk to karl fwands abowt thomethin in nuln dath goin on.   now we go thee fwandz and he akth uth wut kind of contwakth we wanna do and we dont weawy theem to have much of a pwefwenth tho he tellth uth abowt thomethin to do wit orks neerby and we dethide to do that mishin.   after dat i wanted to thee if n e won in care ferik mite no wut da fanthy awwow i have tho i wint to a flecher and he didnt no abowt it tho he akthed the elf doin targit pwactith if she knowd abowt it. she thaid she wuth thurpwized to thee dat thith kinda awwow ith a elfen one but a dwagonbown had it insted. i towd them abowt how i got hear and i dont no how i got the awwow. maybe thith ith the kee to gittin bak to my famiwy. it kinda made me feel thad becuz wut if it meens dat thomethin bad happind to them? i weawy wanna thee them agin and make shur they are ok.   now i go bak to da bawwikth to have thom food and meat up with the wetht of the gwoop. matilda ith hungwy ath alwayth and thith time she awmotht got kikd owt of da pwace becuz she wath mething awound in da kichin and made the cuk mad. i herd him yell GIT OWT OF MAH KICHIN weel woud and that theemd to make matilda kinda upthet. well n e way she had wike theven bows of food! she was vewy hungwy indeed!   befowe i go to thweep i twy to thtudy the awwow a bit more to thee if mabee thom memowies com bak to me but they dont. tho i jutht put it away and turn over to go to thweep.

Writing Prompt 3

Prompt: "What do I hope to gain from my involvement with the Iron? Is there a deeper purpose to uncover with this group, or perhaps they are just a means to my ends. How do I intend them to facilitate my overall goals?"   Response: dwaugnir i dont no y u are tho inthterethted in me but i wike tawkin to u n e way tho ith weawy cool that ur keepin twack of me tho thankth fow wookin owt fow me and uth. u no i dont weawy wemember all that much abowt wut happind aftew i got takin fwom thkul that day tho im hopin that mabee the glided iwon can help me wemember or at weatht find a way to get me back to my famiwy to make thure they r ok. i dont no wut thothe miwitawy wookin guyth wanted me for but i jutht hope they didnt do nuthin to my famiwy and fwiendth. i mith them tho much. thethe new peepel are gwate to and i wike that they wisten to me withowt makin fun of me. or at weatht they dont do it to my fathe.   n e way dwaugnir ith alwayth nithe tawkin to u. i hope u hav a gud nite and pweathe keep wookin owt for uth. i weawy apweeshiate u doin that. gud nite dwaugnir!

5. The Thunder Rolls

soooo... wondaline towd uth all abowt dat buk she fownd and it thoundth wike hooever rited it ith a bad perthon cuz they wanna kill and thtuff and thath not gud. sortafine thayth ith got magic in it to. iono what to think abowt that cuz it can be gud or bad or both. all i no ith thothe thquiggwy wines meen thumthin!   n e way we bin walkin now for a wooong time and ith thartin to git bwown and dwy inthtead of gween and wocky wike befowe. felisk thayth it uthed to be gween but ith bin turnin thith way for a while. weerd.   now dereth a thtorm movin in and ith waining and witening and thundewing and bwowing wind but not waining all that much. wondawine thaw thome peepol or thumthin fowwowin uth tho we dethide to git to hier gwound for thafety. thin we fot thome orks widing pigs and wufs and we won and cuked the giant pig and made bakin and pork winds. IT WATH THOOO GUD OH MAN U SHUD HAVE HAD THOME IT WATH THO KWIPTHY AND TATHTY!!! mmm mmm mmm. matilda ate thome that wuthnt dun yet tho she got thick for wike to days and i fewt bad for her cuz she didnt git to ekthperni... ekspirince... feel how gud it wath wike uth. mabee nektht time matilda.   we had fun that nite but thothe pigth weawy made me mith home cuz they weminded me of the thwee wittle pigth game we pwayed at thkul wif my fwinds. u no wike won of the pigth went to the markat and the other one went home or watevr. i hope my famiwee and fwinds are doin ok. i think abowt dem all de tyme. gold aksd me abowt y i wath thad and i towd him and he weawy theemed to care wich made me feel beter. im tho happy to have these new fwinds. i dont think wondaline wiketh me much yet but the otherth theem ok with me. i dont no how to help them vewy gud but they alwayth theem to no how to help me. dwaugnir new wut he wath doin win he put me with them even if it mint gettin taked away fwom my home tho i gess thath thomethin to be thankful for.   feliks towd uth we shud tawk to thomewon called bawdazar glit or thomethin abowt dat buk wondaline hath. heth a powurfel wizzerd in awtdorf. and he thaid we shud twy to find osloya pimento or hooever iono im not gud wit nameth. he thaid we shud aks her abowt the buk too. sheth in care fark but we gotta watch owt cuz she can be wude.   we keep wokin awong thith twail and we find a cart that wookth wike it got nocked over or thomethin. gold and me get cwother and thin we thee to peepol wun away wike we thcared them away. they wan into the wuds away fwom the cart. there ith bwood neer the ded hortheth and thereth bwood in the bak of the cart wit thome close and chethts. we altho fownd a ded wady neerby and she had a wetter on her. i caint wead it tho we wet wondaline weed it. it thaid thomethin abowt her thithter wath wating for her in awtdorf. well sheth not gonna make it to awtdorf untorfunat... ufnornatur... wich ith thad. wondaline bewwied her and gave her thome wights or thomethin iono cuz i dont underthtand. she had thome gold on her tho weel make sure to give that to her thithter ifnwin we find her.   well n e way we keep walkin and finawwy we fownd the fwont gaits of care farke. we maid it!

4. In the Hall of the Mountain King (Milestone: 2nd Level)

soooo... we woke up and thortafine thtarted tawkin to uth abowt y were down hear adn wut the gliden iwon wanth fwom uth. he thinkth that mabe were jutht bein used. then he wealitheth that we all theem to have a thimiwar thtowy abowt how we got hear. wike we r all wost or fowgottin or thumthin i dont no ith all tho confuthin to me. he thayth that we shud be calld the herowth pawire or thumthin. he thayth it meens we r wotht. i dont think we r wost bekuz gortek hath a map. it thounth cool tho. i wike it!   n e way we keep goin awong the hiway woad and we thee thith HYOOGE cwiff with a bunch of houtheth cawved into it. wook, im pwetty thtwong but i wudnt want to haf to cwimb up and down thothe thtepth all the time jutht to get to mah houth.   gortek tellth uth to keep fowwowing hith map tho we fowwow him. he thayth we r neer the thoegolic... thelgolic... theogocil... god center of their mowntain home. i wunder if ill thee dwaugnir? hoo nose. wood be cool tho!   we come acwoth a bwige dat wookth wike itth in weel bad shape and gold tellth uth to thtay to the white thide. not the white thide but the white thide. wike not weft. u no wut i meen. gold tieth a wope awound my bewwy tho hawd that i haf to thuck it in. it kinda hurt but at weatht i no i wont fall off. well we thtart cwossing the bwige and we here thumthin thownd wike a thwashing thownd. jools ith gone! dey got him and pulled him down the kazem undew da bwige! oh man thatth not gud. he wath the won wookin for twaps and thingth wike that. ith more of those thtinkin wat men. i hate dem tho much. we huwwy owt of thith awea.   we twavel for a wong while and we finawwy find a fanthy woom. ith vewy cool becus it hath a bunch of fire but ith not wike weel fire becuz it doethnt huwt to tuch it. mabee ith fake fire, or wike majic or thumthin. my fire ith weel tho. it will huwt if i bweeth on u. gold finawwy wets me take off the wope. now i hav a wope mark awound mah waste that pwobabwy wont go away for a wong time. oh well at weast it wookth cool i gueth. gortke thayth thith wud be a gud pwathe to camp tho i go to thweep.   gotkert weeds uth into a new hall and thtopth thudinly. he theemth thupwithed that a dor wuth weft open. he thayth fewegwim pwobabwy fowgot to cwose it wen he wuth hear. he thayth thath a bad sine and we shud be caweful. thith ith where the twoll shud be.   we go in and firtht thing i thee ith a HOLE WOT OF GOLD THITTIN ON THE FLOR. aldwed theeth the sord they were wookin for and goes to pick it up. wen he pickth it up heth cut in haf by the big twoll. BUT THITH TWOLL HATH A CWAB HAND. WUT THE CWAP HOW DID THAT HAPPIN THITH DOOD ITH WEERD! but now we gotta fite him. the twoll cut yohan in haf two! we jutht dethide to thet the twoll on fire and that theemd to wurk gud. dat nekliss he wath waring wookth cool but gorktek towd uth to thtay away fwom it becuth its cowwupt. i dont want to tuch it.   aftew we beet the twoll thith gween mithty dorf wady showth up outta nowhere. she thayth thankth for kiwwing the twoll and that we can find a weward in a woom in the back. we go in there and thereth a chetht full of gold fow eech of uth. not gold wike our weeder dorf but gold for bying thingth. thew ith anuther sord laying on the tabel that doeth thome cool thtuff. we think gold ith pwobabwy the betht won to take it. and den thereth a gwowing bwue thurcle on the gwound. gween mitht dorf wady thayth we can thtick one of our itemth in it and it will becum thtwonger. well i put mah ask into it and wud u wook at that my aks got sharper and better. wow!   we thpend many days getin bak to begelor and madga and tell them we have beet the twoll and they shud be safe fwom it now. dey thank uth and we thtawt makin pwanth to go back to care fawik thoon.

Writing Prompt 2

Prompt: How has your character handled its exposure to the supernatural, and what do they think about its effects going forward?   Response: oh hi agin dwaugnir. you shure wike to athk me quethchuns awot but im gonna anthwer dem cuz your cool. n e way i think ur athkin me abowt all de gosts down hear. there wath that won gost that gave uth a gud power bootht after we killed de weerd twoll thing witch wath awethome cuz now i feel wike my aks can hit harder. she wath cool cuz win she showed up she wath all gween and fwoating and thtuff and then BOOM she jutht appeawed outta nowhere! she wath thcawy at firtht but then she gave uth all dat cool thtuff so shes cool. but those other gosts thtill cweep me owt. wat if there not ath cool ath her? dey made me feel all cold and thtuff! maybe now thince we helpd them they will be cool with uth now.   n e way dwaugnir ith alwayth gud to tawk to u. thomeday i hope to be thtwong and powurfel wike you. im twying my betht! tawk to u later im shure!

3. Of Mithe and Men

soooo... nuthin' happind threw the nite essept dwaugnir thtarted tawkin to me. at leatht thath hoo i thought it wath. thith place ith thtill giving me the cweepth but im thtarting to come awound to it i think. thortafine cleend up matilda weal gud and even made her wook better with thome make up. now win she wages she will wook gud thwingin dat ask!   we all tawked with wondaline abowt hoo she ith and wher she caim fwom. she doethnt wemembew awot fwom befor she woke up in a boks wike a year ago but she doeth wemembew a nome hewping her owt awong a woad. ith kinda weerd tho becauth she cant rembmewer much but she nose how to speek jutht fine. i toad her i wath thorry for athkin her abowt if she pooped or not becauth i didnt wealithe she went thru tho much in the patht. she mutht have akthepted my aplogiy becauth she heeld me today! i fink were making pwogweth!   we fot thome goblinth and won orc and we wath doin gud but then these wat doods popped up fwom behind the gobwins and we had to take cawe of dem too. i thet dem on far and gold and matilda pwetty much took em down. we thru thome of there bodees down tha hole tho maybe no more can come up. so dat wath fun.   gortek showd uth da wae to the nektht awea. we thaw anuther HYOOGE woom with bildings that were only pawt of the way conthtipat... conthumbal... conthentwat... finishd. we awtho thaw a thmall thweem with thome gween thparkly thtuff in it. gortke thaid thith thtuff ith whath cauthin all tha pwobwemth and cowwection down here tho im not gunna tuch it.   we find a plathe to thleep for the nite. win we wake up wondaline heerth thome muthic comin fwom the wall. i dont heer it but thomewon mutht be enjoyin themthelfs!   we keep goin and now we in a big woom with lawge muthwooms. they pwobabwy conthtipated with tha gween thtuff too tho we dont tuch them. wondaline thaid she thaw a wall move tho me and gold and wondaline go chek it owt. gold thru a wok at it AND IT CAME AWIVE AND THTARTED THWARMIN HIM AND HE DWOPT HITH TOWCH AND TOOK OFF WUNNING. i pikt it up but then THEY THTARTED THWARMIN ME NOW THO I THWOW THE TOWCH INTO THE THTWEEM wich got wid of em. all in a dayth wurk for wowy embewscawe!   we keep goin into tha mowntin and find a thmall woom to thleep in. they ith wots of bwue woks that wite up. neet! duwing the nite we heer foot thtepth comin fwom the dors. we get weddy and BOOM dey open and thereth thome mowe wat men! we take em down pwetty quik. i dethide to wook out fo more but i dont no why becauth i cant thee in the dawk n e way but more of dem thee me tho now we gotta fite even mowe wat men. it wath fun but were pwobably tierd now thinth it happind in the middel of the nite.   well bak to bed for uth!

Writing Prompt 1

Prompt: This quest is supposed to be a trial of my abilities for the 'Iron,' as they call it in short. So far, what impression have I given my fellow recruits, and what about me have I shown my 'proctors'?   Response: WHOA wat ith thith voith in mah hed? hewwo? dwaugneer ith that you? howd you git in here? thith pwace ith THOOPAH CWEEPY wike i thaid befowe.   n e way. whoever you awe, if i hav to gib a anther i wood thay my doctor thaith my helth ith ok but he wood wike me to maybe woose a wittle wait and do thomethin to git wid of all thith angew but he dont no thath jutht how im tho gud at thwingin mah aks to take down aww deez bad gaiz. evwybodey thaw me hit dat won guy but he woke back up agin. matilda awso hit won but that one didnt come back alife agin wike mine. ill haf to whatch her and wearn fwom her. i dont no wut sortafine thinkth abowt me becauth we havnt tawked awot yet but hes got thome cool thtuff he can do. gold ith a gwate weeder tho far tho i hope he thinkth im cool. id wike to think tho. and then thereth wondaline. she thinkth im weerd and i think sheth wiered two.   well i hope you cood here me dwaugneer. ow hooevew you awe. maybe ith anuther gost wike they towd uth abowt. iono. im goin bak too thweep now. bai dwaugneer!

2. Onward and Inward

soooo... now were meating with the prints but all i can thee are thome reawwy cool wookin' gemth that gwow. how neet! he hath a big chair but itth all carved up and wookth weird. he doethnt wook at anybody but gold and grotesk pwobabwy becauth they dorfs wike him. awso he waffs weird. thewe ith a lady dorf that theemth to jutht hang owt ovew there. she hath a buk awound her neck. she mutht wike weeding.   the hole time grotke and glod awe tawking to de dorf prints im just keeping a i on the awea to make shore nuthin' gonna happin. i dont undewthand wat they thaying anyway. mathria and woldanine awe thanding nektht to me. i thtill knead to no y wonlandine doethnt eet or dwink or thweep or poop. she even thaid thomething about fwatuwes... fatwutens... fawting wyle they wath tawkin to tha pwints. i towd her ive ben pathing gath wike thwee timeth and wet me tell ya, my thniffer ith workin' WEAWWY GUD today but i aint thmewwing anything fwom wondaline. i think even maziwa ith awtho thuscthip... supthisth... agweeth that wonladine ith weird. but we thtill wike her heeling.   wong thtowy thort, beggalar wets uth path thru the mowntin and ith all gud. we get are weppinth bak and the wady dorf giveth uth thome beer. it wath tho gud that mathria dwunk the hole thang wight in fwont of madga the wady dorf! the west of uth feel gwate but she ith having a bad tyme.   gorkte wookth at the map he got fwom madgad and we off on anuther avdent... adnvetu... nadvetr... qwest! and boy it ith THOOPER dawk down hear. we got thome wanternth to help uth thee but it onwy heps tho much. and oh yah, we dethided we thould hepp adlred and the farry nites or whatever they cawwed i dont wemember ed zachary.   i cant thee muth down hewe but fwom what evwybody elf thayth theys thome BIG DORS in these hallth. it thmellth wike badneth and deth thometimeth. and thewe wath even a thcweeming wady that weawwy cweept me owt. THEN SHE FLUE THRU UTH AND GAVE ME GOOTH BUMS!!!   anyway we dethide to camp fow da nite witch ith wieird becauth you cant even thee the thun fwom in here but here we are. nite nite.

1. To Karak Eight Peaks

soooo... thith guy gortek thomething-or-other thaid he needth our help fathing hith doom. i dont no what that means but it thoundth cool. anyway gold thinkth thith other guy felisk ithn't telling the hole trooth. well come to find out he wathn't. i dont no what he didn't thay but gold got it out of him. gortek or gotrak whoever didn't wike gold athking feliks that but at leatht felkis aplogi... alopogis... appgolis... thaid thorry to gold. thomething about lotth and lotth of cowwuption goin on up in kewak twelve peeks. im just fowwoing these guyth. i towd them i wath gud help.   we camped but duwing the nite, we heard thome doggs all awound us but they wan away when we twied to pway with them. oh well. no fun for them i thuppose. we juth went back to bed. ekthept wenaldeen. she thaith she doethn't thleep. well im all worn out tho i thleep.   we wake up and thtart hedding to kewak two peekth. the not thleepy wady got uth acwoth a wavine in the woad with her slappling huk. that wath fun, but mathira made a better wanding than me which ebwassed... ebmarsed... made me feel bad.   AND THEN OUTTA NOWHERE THOME NATHTY GUYTH CAME AWOUND THE COWNER AND HAD WIKE THEVEN HEADTH AND GATHILLION ARMS EACH AND I GOT TO THWING MY BIG AKS AND TAKE ONE DOWN BUT MATHRIRA MADE ME WOOK BAD AGIN BECAUTH THE ONE SHE WATH FITING DIDN'T CUM BACK AWAKE. but we got em. thornafine didn't even have a chanth at fiting them becauth we are THO FATHT!   they wath altho thome fiting at the wiver we fownd and we kiwwed all the emeneeth and made thome more fwiendth. sortafane even got to hit thomeone thith time!   wendaline and gold dethide we thouldn't keep our new fwiendth in our gwoup and wet them go ahead of uth.   we campt out again and nuthin hapind tonite. when we woke up wonaldine towd uth she didn't need to eat or dwink anything. thith made me athk wondaline if thee ever had to poop. thee luked at me weal funny and i told her i didnt meen to ofend her, but that im wewwy cuwiuoth. even mathira agweed that it would be weiwd fro thomeone not to ever have to poop! im gonna keep my i on her. she ith vewy thuthipsus... sithpushus... suppothit... thomethingth ith off about her.   we finawy git to krack ten peeps and WHOOOAAAA it ith THOOOO HYOOGE. there are dorf faceth on the gait that are AT WEATHT ten intheth tall. i never theen thomething thoo big befowe. goterk taketh uth inthide and he fownd hith fwriend who taketh uth even mowe in. we gotta meat the prints nando iwonammer or thonething, i dont no how to thpail it. to meat him, we have to weave our weppins at the dor. we walked in and there he was.