Karak Eight Peaks

The City of Pillars, known formerly as the Dwarf stronghold of Karak Eight Peaks, or originally as Vala-Azril-Ungol - "Queen of the Silver Depths", was one of the greatest kingdoms ever created by the Dwarfs of the Golden Age, rivaling even the capital city of Karaz-a-Karak in terms of sheer power, wealth, and beauty. For many generations, the city endured throughout the ages, and no army in the surface world has ever been able to penetrate the mighty peaks that are the domains of this city. The kingdom in question lies at the middle of a bowl-like ring of mountains, each of which has 8 peaks, hence the name Eight Peaks. Each has its own name, starting from Karag Zilfin, Karag Yar, Karag Nar and Karagril peaks that guard the eastern mountains, whilst Karag Lhune, Karag Rhyn, Karag Nar and Kvinn-Wyr guards the western approach. The upper citadel of the city lies at the surface, situated at the bottom of a small valley that encompasses the interior of the Eight Peaks. From here, a mighty citadel lies at the center of the valley; but just like the tip of the iceberg, the majority of the city's grandeur lies beneath the earth itself. From below, the vast majority of the entire city is carved from the very rock itself. Beyond the great plazas and halls of kingship lay a network of mines and tunnels that stretch out for miles upon miles around. Karak Eight Peaks has been credited for having the largest network of mines in the entire Karaz Ankor, which have been known to hold an enormous abundance of valuable metal and jewels beyond counting.
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