
Karaz-a-Karak, which translates roughly as Everpeak, or the Pinnacle of Mountain is the Dwarf capital city, and High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer's seat of power. This is the mightiest and most populous of all Dwarf cities, the capital of the Karaz Ankor and is the stronghold of the High King. Here, amongst its ancient temples to the Ancestor Gods, High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer holds court in a vaulted Great Hall large enough to engulf a Human town. The forest of pillars that form the mile-long nave of the hall tower high into darkness. Despite suffering attacks beyond number, Karaz-a-Karak has never fallen to an invader. Here are kept the Great Book of Grudges, the Book of Remembering and countless hoarded treasures, each an object of awe and veneration to any Dwarf. After a great deal of bluster and grumbling, even the most independent of Dwarfs from one of the far-off holds will ultimately admit to a fierce pride of Karaz-a-Karak. Although their empire may have crumbled, here at the stony heart of their realm, its power and splendour endure.