Thyrus Gormann

Thyrus Gormann, Master of the Bright College of Magic, has been the Supreme Patriarch and the leader of all the wizards in the Empire for many years. Recently he has been defeated by a young Gold Wizard, going under the name of Balthasar Gelt. Thyrus has accepted defeat and has sworn loyalty to the new Patriarch, but his fiery blood will certainly see him in the position of the Challenger when the next Duel is held.[4] He often attends the Imperial court in Altdorf and is one of Karl Franz’s oldest and most trusted advisors. He has wielded considerable political influence during his term in office (and since) because of it.[1a]   Thyrus Gormann is an imposing figure. Well over six feet tall, he has broad shoulders, an oiled and sculpted beard of fiery copper and a fierce hawk-like nose. He has more an air of a seasoned general than a Magister, and in a sense he is both. There is no doubt that his is a commanding presence, and many at the imperial court are still wary of his tempestuous nature. Quick to laugh, even quicker to anger, and the most experienced and powerful Pyromancer in the Old World, he is not the sort of person who suffers fools at all