
Tilea is a large fertile peninsula located within the southernmost border of the Old World, along the tranquil coast of the warm and bountiful Tilean Sea. The wealthy city-states that dot Tilea's landscape embrace the ideals of trade, exploration, progression and civil war with almost equal passion. Tilea is a land of great wealth and advancement, a land known far and wide for being the cradle from which the ideals of democracy, civil liberty and justice was birthed, founded, and established. It is only from here that the first true Republics were formed by the nation's people, such as the Republic of Remas, while others are ruled by a powerful caste of wealthy merchants, known collectively as the Merchant Princes. Tilea is the most powerful of the southern nations, a collection of city-states ruled over by the mercantile elite from the capital of Remas. While it is a land that scorns typical ideas of royalty and nobility, it is a hotbed of political wrangling, where careless outsiders may find themselves caught up in the schemes of the merchant princes.