BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


PC downtime. (optional) We will handle downtime offline. At the end of each session, a number of days will have passed through travel, waiting, etc. At the end of each session, we will have logged x number of days of downtime. Each player has the choice:   1) Pay for food, lodging and supplies at 1 GP per PC level per day of downtime and then they can allocate their days to downtime activities, such as studying a new language. They gain one point per 'downtime point' day spent this way. NOTE: the player does not need to actually roleplay buying their food, lodging and supplies. You can simply spend the GPs offline to acquire the 'downtime points'.

2) Or they can use their talents and skills to cover their downtime costs and pay nothing. But this means they do not get to accumulate any downtime activity points. After you accumulate enough downtime points you can spend them to learn a new proficiency as outlined below.

100 points
* Gain proficiency with a single weapon, such as a whip or two-handed sword.
* Gain proficiency with a single tool, such as thieves tools, or brewing equipment.

The following downtime activities have multiple stages, each stage costs 100 points.
* Establish a profitable business.
* Establish a abbey, guildhall, stronghold, trading post, etc.
* Create potions, magic scrolls, magic items, learn new spells, etc.
* Search for lore on a certain topic. * Other activities are also available - talk to your DM!

Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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