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Peasants are the ground beneath the bottom rung of the noble hierarchy. They are considered full members of the community and are entitled to their lord's protection and justice as well. But most are very, very poor. They must work their family farms long hours to scrape by enough to pay their rent and feed themselves. There is little opportunity for upward mobility.


Peasants are bonded to the land they occupy. Although they have freedom to move within the kingdom, they have a duty to pay the rent on their land-leases indefinately. They are not allowed to abandon their farms - except through death. Spouses of bonded peasants become bonded as well. After both parents die, the offspring may renew the lease for themselves and their families, perpetuating the system indefinately.


Low justice, or enforcement of misdemeanors, is dished out upon peasants from all of the noble ranks above them. It includes crimes such as disturbing the peace or petty theft. The justice is swift and arbitrary based on the whim of the enforcing noble. Punishments are limited to corporal punishment (15 lashes is common) and/or up to 30 days imprisonment. This is why peasants are reflexively deferential to the nobles above them - anyone of them at any time can arbitrarily convict them of disturbing the peace and have them whipped. Sentence reversals are rare, but may be applied for to the noble above the noble that ordered the sentence.
  High justice, or enforcement of felonies, is enforced by the Sheriff. It includes crimes such as murder and treason. High justice is executed in a court setting, with the sheriff sitting in as judge. The penalty for most felonies is death. High justice trials are rare and newsworthy events.

Nobility, Hereditary
Harn - Where
Harn - Who
Harn - When
Harn - How
Harn - What


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