
The 'god' of violent and tempestuous change. He breeds War, Pestilence, Famine, and Death to winnow the weak from the strong; to perfect the pneuma of the strongest souls to serve him in the afterlife in his struggle against Larani and her weak-minded follower's foolish devotion to order, chivalry, sentiment, and the protection of the weak. To Agrik the final conflict is coming soon, so expediency is necessary, might makes right, and the strong have an obligation to rule the weak, for only through surviving suffering and pain can the soul be elevated.

Portrayed as a mighty humanoid figure, Agrik is shown shrouded in flame and smoke, with scalloped wings, razor-sharp claws, and cloven hooves for feet. Missing from his left hand are two of his five claws, which were severed from his left hand by goddess Larani in an ancient duel. The loss of his claws is one of the reasons for Agrik’s unabated hatred of Larani. It is believed that one day when Agrik’s hatred grows so great he will trigger the final conflict between the gods by breaking the Concordant of the Illimitable Tome and attacking Larani directly and bringing about the end of the world.

Agrik is known for his ruthless and unchivalrous methods, he is hard-hearted without sentiment or mercy. The favored weapons of Agrik are; Gashang his great burning mace which sets alight all that it touches; Syncanus, the sickle of anguish, which he uses to pull men's hearts from their bodies and reap their souls; Armahnh, the great flaming whip which strikes the ground with the sound of thunder, and brings forth the baleful music of pain from those he strikes.

The Emperor of the Purifying Flame,
Immortal Warlord of Bagashang,
Tyrant of the Foul Chamber,
Master of the V'hir,
Lord of Four Horsemen,
Fomenter of War, Pestilence, Famine, and Death,
The Reasonless Reaper,
Author of Tempestuous Transfiguration
He Who Knows the 10,000 Ways of Perfection Through Pain.
Future Articles
Church of Agrik
Religious Calendar
Symbols & Regalia

Cover image: by Columbia Games Inc
Character Portrait image: by Columbia Games


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