
Morgath the Lord of Darkness and master of chaos and evil. Of all the Gods, Morgath is the most prone to violence and insanity, and the quickest to anger. He is a lord of retribution, yet cares nothing for justice. He is filled, it is said, with an abiding hatred of all things fair and noble. Morgath is best known as the master of the undead, particularly the Gulmorvrin, who are governed by his chief demigod Klyss. When Morgath appears to men, it is usually in some ethereal form, his true shape being unbearable to behold. He is never portrayed, but rather symbolized by the Durangash, a black circle (Bukrai) on a field of brown.

Bukrai is a sphere of black nothingness, said to have been left behind by the First Gods. Why they left such an artifact is unknown. Some theologians have reasoned the sphere is a “black gate” to the plane where the essence of the First Gods dwell. Others say it is the gaol of a “Mad First God” imprisoned within for the good of Kelestia. Some have argued it contains a portion of the original chaos that cannot be released without destroying the All. Whatever, all agree the Lesser Gods were aware of Bukrai, never fully understanding its nature, nor daring to gaze within.

"Then came a time when Morgath, the bravest of the gods, was besieged within his stronghold by three rival gods and their armies, and he feared death. He did gather the last of his strength in a mighty attack to escape. Fleeing through shadow, he came to a lifeless world where Bukrai lay, seized the orb, gazed within, and by its power, did utterly destroy his enemies.”

But Morgath too was lost. For by gazing within the Bukrai, he was forever changed. Siem, the wisest of the lesser gods, warned him, saying;

“Restore the dark orb and I shall grant thee forgetfulness, for he that seeks to be a master of souls, shall his own be forfeit, and he shall know no peace.”

But Morgath spurned the advice and fled to Yashain to study Bukrai and learn its secrets. Siem then said to the other gods;

“Now begins the end, for as he grows, so shall grow the shadow and all the strength of man and beast and god may not avail.”

The other gods made no attempt to recover Bukrai for Save-K’nor warned that the time was not right. Soon after, Siem isolated himself in the Blessed Realm, calling most of his folk to follow. Since then, Morgath has striven to increase his knowledge of the sphere’s workings, and has grown ever more insane, none will now treat with him and is opposed by all the gods.

Prince of Incarnate Evil,
Tormentor of the Wicked and the Unlamented Dead,
Unspeakable Devourer of Souls,
Knower of the Shadow of Bukrai,
Ruler of the Black Pit of Foul Undead,
Wielder of the Shadow of Death,
Maker of the Vile Pact,
Wreaker of Chaos,
Lord of Darkness.

Cover image: by Columbia Games Inc
Character Portrait image: by Columbia Games Inc


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