Nachakas, Hand Flail

Nachakas are a rare weapon on Hârn, they were originally brought to Hârn from far Shoju.  Nachakas are a one-handed light warflail consisting of two short rods joined by a leather thong or a short chain.  The rods are usually made of wood and might have lead cores or be reinforced with metal bands or studs; sometimes the rods are made of metal like brass.  Often used in pairs, one in each hand, effective use of nachakas requires many hours of practice and great skill.  Their ease of concealment and effectiveness in back-alley brawls makes them very popular with less than savory types like the Lia-Kavir.

by Unknown

Item type
Weapon, Melee

Cover image: HarnWorld Caravan by Columbia Games, Richard Luschek


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