Nolomar, Star System

Nolomar is the star system that is home to Kethira, Harn's planet. There are five planets in the Nolomar system. Few Kethiran's have any real knowledge of astronomy. The majority of astronomical knowledge rests with ship's pilots, astrologers, and mages, those whose livelihood depends on their familiarity with the stars. Most stargazers study the heavens to navigate by or for astrological purposes to predict the future for rulers great and small. However, even casual sky-watchers cannot fail to notice the night sky changes with the seasons in an endlessly recurring pattern. Only the planets seem to wander aimlessly about the heavens and fewer still know the reason for this. A mere handful of scholars and Shek-Pvar practice true astronomy, fewer still have telescopes and those who do keep them a jealously guarded secret.

Nolomar (The Sun)
Nolomar is a G2 type star. The Nolomar system contains five planets.
Epeon is the closest planet to Nolomar. It is a small and can be seen from Kethira as a very bright morning/evening “star” for much of the year. Epeon has no moons.
Kethira, Hârn’s planet, is the second of five planets of the star Nolomar. Kethira has one moon, Yael.
Alaran, the third planet in the system and has three small moons: Avarkiel, Hyvrik, and Angcaradina.
Kenor, the largest planet of the Nolomar system, a gas giant is second only to Epeon in apparent brightness. Only the very wise know Kenor has six moons, none visible to the naked eye.
Mergus is the second-largest planet, it barely visible from Kethira and is often called the Sable Eye.

Cover image: HarnWorld Caravan by Columbia Games, Richard Luschek


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