
Odivshe is the convocation of water, cold, heaviness, and darkness. Water is an extremely powerful element due to its unrelenting nature.

In addition to mundane water Odivshe also control Ethereal Water which is easier to manipulate than mundane water.

Odivshe foci are often bowls, cups or other items that can hold water or ice, However, it can only act as a foci only when filled with water.

Odivshes opposite convocation is that of Peleahn fire, heat, quickness and action. Odivshe mages are patient and constant, they are sometimes called the wizards of gloom.

Ethereal Water

Odvishe mages often conjure Ethereal Water.  This substance is of an extra-dimensional origin and takes on a variety of forms.  It is thinner than mundane water, is extremely cold, and sometimes invisible. Ethereal Water is easier to walk through, but more difficult to swim in (double fatigue).

Ethereal Water has been described as an; "icy pallor that robs away the breath and drowns the very spirit with its dark, clinging gloom." For a mundane, "drowning" in ethereal water is not deadly, but will cause shock and unconsciousness.

Ethereal water affects ethereal creatures in the same way that mundane water affects mundane creatures, Ethereal Water will also quench Ethereal Fire.

Guild, Mages

Cover image: by Richard Luschek
Character flag image: by Richard Luschek


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