
Peleahn is the convocation of heat and action which are used to produce and manipulate fire and smoke. They can also increase metabolic processes.

Pelahn is the most active, destructive, and least contemplative school of magic.

Because the element itself is difficult to grasp, firepots, flint and steel, and other fire-making tools are used as foci, A complete Peleahn focus should include both flammable and fireproof materials: the foci should be able to retain heat and must be kept dry. However, it only acts as a magickal focus only when it is lit.

Peleahn mages abhor darkness, quiescence. and water, elements of the diametric Odivshe convocation.

Ethereal Fire

Peleahn mages also deal in Ethereal Fire, which differs significantly from mundane fire. Ethereal Fire is safer and easier to manipulate than mundane fire.

Ethereal fire does not require mundane fuel: its fuel is extra-dimensional. It tends to be more transparent and less active. In the mundane world, ethereal fire can affect only conclusions creatures; it also has no effect on inanimate objects and is therefore unaffected by clothing and armour.

To a mundane creature, an Ethereal Burn causes spiritual damage causing pain, shock, and possibly unconsciousness.

Ethereal fire burns ethereal beings and objects in exactly the same way the mundane objects. Similarly, mundane fire shocks ethereal beings the same way that ethereal fire shocks mundane beings.

Guild, Mages

Cover image: by Richard Luschek
Character flag image: by Richard Luschek


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