Renegade Shek-Pvar

The Pvaric Code

The code are the rules that govern all Shek-Pvar and it is rigidly enforced. The code is rigidly enforced and a mage who uses magic to harm the Kvikir (ordinary folk) or who brings a House of Lore (chantry) into disrepute will be opposed by other Shek-Pvar, either because they are ethically hostile, or because they believe the organization is threatened by too much visibility.

If six or more masters agree, a mage can be declared Renegade. An infringement may prompt only a warning from a master, group of masters, or chantry; this varies from chantry to chantry and convocation to convocation.

It is the duty of all Shek-Pvar, regardless of convocation, to oppose a renegade, Shek-Pvar are not expected to commit suicide to oppose a powerful renegade. It is enough to quickly report any encounter or knowledge of a renegade's location to the nearest chantry or independent master.

Regardless of the outcome, the Shek-Pvar will try to rectify a renegade's actions. The masters who declared the mage a renegade have the primary responsibility to perform this task. This complex process may require the memory of the renegade to be removed from the minds of dozens of Kvikir.

The Pvaric Code


Bring not the scorn of the Kvikir upon thy brothers, nor make with thyne art a place for thyself above them.


Keep sacred and free from harm thy House of Lore, and make a tithe to thy House a portion of thyne arcane treasure.


Spread not they lore even among thy brothers, without first obtaining the sanction of thy peers.


Succor not a renegade of the art, but strike him down With thy power, else summon thy brothers to thyne aid.

Cover image: by Richard Luschek


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