Faye Riley Character in Harry Potter: The Marauders Era | World Anvil
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Faye Riley

Faye Riley

Themistokli was born with distinct features that set him apart from other humans. His pointed ears, sharp nose, and green undertone made it evident that he was part wood nymph. Growing up in a wizarding orphanage, his fellow orphans were aware of his heritage, but he knew nothing about his family. Despite this, he couldn't help but wonder about his mother and the unanswered questions surrounding his own identity. Who was his father? Did his mother possess the ability to sense pain in nearby plants? And why did his blood have a thicker, golden brown consistency?   Eventually, Themistokli was admitted to Hogwarts, but not without difficulty. The orphanage staff had to advocate on his behalf, resulting in him starting two years later than his peers. However, his time at Hogwarts presented its own challenges. His unique appearance and smaller stature made him a target for bullying. Unfortunately, the Headmaster, Armando Dippet, turned a blind eye to the severity of the situation due to his disdain for "half-breeds." Amidst these hardships, Themistokli found solace in his budding relationship with Sarah Riley, a compassionate muggleborn witch and fellow Ravenclaw. Sarah encouraged him to find his mother and seek answers to his lingering questions.   After he graduated from Hogwarts, Themistokli went back to the woods near the orphanage he grew up in to find his mother. Lucky for him, wood nymphs love to gossip and the wood nymph with a half human baby had been a popular enough topic seventeen years ago that they all remembered whose child he was and he was able to find his mother. After reconnecting with his mother Themistokli began to learn about wood nymph culture. He learned that wood nymphs oppurate on a lunar calender and that they, like centaurs, hold divination in particularly high esteme. He learned his father was some wizard his mom hand fallen for that vistited for one brief summer. His mother imparted knowledge of wood nymph holidays, rituals tied to the moon's phases, and revealed that his unique blood shared characteristics with tree sap.   Themistokli and Sarah's love for each other deepened over time, and they eventually married. They had a daughter who they named Faye. Unlike her father, she looked mostly human except for slightly pointed ears and a sharp nose. Faye grew up as an only child with a lot of attention from her parents. Both of them wanted to protect her from the racial biases her father had to face as a half wood nymph. For starters, he was classified as half magical creature and that made it hard to get jobs anywhere in the wizarding world and the muggle world was off limits to him because of his non-human looks. Faye was homeschooled by her dad at their family farm in Upper Slaughter, Gloucestershire. Because her parents wanted to protect her, Faye grew up very sheltered and also rather lonely. She, unlike her father, also grew up with a wood nymph influence and a relationship with her grandmother.   Faye's upbringing encompassed both the wizarding and wood nymph worlds, allowing her to develop a deep affinity for herbology and inherit her father's ability to sense the pain of nearby plants. Her grandmother played an influential role in her life, insisting on teaching her the art of meditation under the full moon and the significance of singing, a cherished aspect of wood nymph culture. To ensure her safety, Faye always carried a moonstone with her as per her grandmother's insistence.   When Faye got her Hogwarts acceptance letter she was thrilled. FInally, a chances to get out and make some friends. Yes, she's nervous and yes, she knows it could very well end poorly like her father's time at Hogwarts, but she still couldn't contain her excitment.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Faye is short for her age, but both of her parents are short as well so she doesn't expect to grow much more

Identifying Characteristics

Faye has slightly pointed ears and a small, slightly pointed nose

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Faye Riley was born to a half-wood numph wizard and muggleborn witch. Because her dad was half wood nymph and had no last name, Faye has her mother's last name.   Faye grew up on her family farm where they grow mostly wheat. Her family was by no means wealthy and couldn't afford a personal tutor for Faye so she was home schooled by her father. She grew up mostly use to adults, farm animals, and wood nymphs. Children her own age has always been a socially awkward challenge for her. Faye's main social interactions came from the farmer's market where she would help her mom sell their chicken's eggs and homemade bread for a little extra money on the side.   She also grew up with a strong influence from her grandmother. Her grandmother visited twice a month on the half moons for "sacred family time" which Faye was pretty sure was just an excuse to see the family often, but she didn't mind. Her grandmother coming meant that Faye got to stay up late into the night outdoors chasing fireflies until her grandmother sensed something in the wind and declared it was time for the half moon ritual. The half moon ritual consisted of a few songs (which songs depended on the whether the moon was waxing or waning), a long meditation, and a brief prayer to what her grandmother called the Supernaturals. The songs and prayer were always in a different language so Faye knew the melodies and some of the sounds. Her father wasn't much better at it than she was though, which was a point Faye often brought up when her grandmother said she should learn "The Ancient Language".   Additionally, Faye's connection to nature and the wood nymph world deepened through her father's teachings. He imparted his knowledge of herbology and the ability to sense the pain of nearby plants, fostering Faye's affinity for botanical studies. The farm became their classroom, where she learned about the magical properties of plants and how to harness them.

Faye Riley is an excitable, young witch. She is one quarter wood nymph and a bit over sheltered as a result of protective parents. Faye is excited to start her education at Hogwarts and finally make some good friends.

View Character Profile
Date of Birth
4 March, 1960
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4' 9"

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