James Potter Character in Harry Potter: The Marauders Era | World Anvil
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James Potter

James Potter

Single and ready to mingle

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Identifying Characteristics

Wild Hair

Mental characteristics

Personal history

James Potter is a proud member of the Potter family. His parents, Fleamont and Euphemia, were elderly when they had him, leaving him with lots of space and time to run around and play all growing up. They were carring parents and homeful time as James' dad was a retired cosmetic potioneer famous for Sleekeazy's Hair Potion.   The potion was origionally made to tame James' wild hair, but James preferrs his hair sticking out in all different directions. Fleamont and Euphemia made sure that James was properly socialized among other wizards his age. His closest friend was his neighbor, Peter Pettigrew. They spend most afternoons together playing at one of their houses.   James recently turned eleven, which means he'll be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry like his parents. James hopes to be in Gryffindor House like his father.


James was homeschooled with Peter by his mother.

James Potter is ready to start his education at Hogwarts like all his ancestors before him. Equipped with an invisibility cloak from his father James Potter is ready to cause mischief and go down in Hogwarts history.

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Date of Birth
27 March, 1960
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Brown
4' 11"

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