Peter Pettigrew Character in Harry Potter: The Marauders Era | World Anvil
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Peter Pettigrew

Peter Pettigrew

Um... hi

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short and round-ish

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Peter Pettigrew grew up in a pure-blood house hold that prided itself on duty. Both of his parents work for the Ministry of Magic. He has an older sister, who is in her last year at Hogwarts.   Peter spends most of his days with his friend and neighbor James Potter. Neighter of James' parents work so they're always around as short of second parents for him.   Peter is neverous to start at Hogwarts for two reasons. One: it's a new place that he doesn't know and not to mention his sister has told him that it is huge and the staircases move. He's sure to get lost. Two: What if James makes new friends and he's no longer Peter's friend anymore? Then Peter would have lost his best friend. Despite all his worries, Peter is determined to be in Gryffindor just like James.


Peter was homeschooled by James' mother, Euphemia.

Peter Pettigrew is a bit awkward in his body. Unlike his friend James, Peter is terrified by the prospect of starting at Hogwarts. Peter is determined not to show it though.

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Date of Birth
30 December, 1959
Mousy Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4' 9"

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