Remus Lupin Character in Harry Potter: The Marauders Era | World Anvil
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Remus Lupin

Remus Lupin

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Remus is scrawny and sickly looking

Body Features

Remus is covered in scars from his transformations that he keeps hidden with baggy sweaters and pants

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Remus Lupin was bitten at the age of six by Fenrir Greyback. Since then he's been having episodes where he turns into a werewolf every full moon. It's a very tiring and painful process, not to mention that Remus doesn't have any memory of his episodes.   Remus lives at St. Edmund's children home. His parents... couldn't handle having a werewolf as a son. He ended up at St. Edmunds because his mother's brother knew a women who could deal with Remus's episodes. So every full moon in St. Edmunds Remus was chained up and allowed to transform. He's never hurt anyone, though that's not to say he wouldn't in wolf form. He can always feel himself grow angrier before the full moon.   After June's full moon Remus recieved a visit from a strange man named Albus Dumbledore. He'd come to give Remus a letter stating that Remus had been excepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was a magic school, the same school his father had gone to.   The man came specially to tell Remus that they had a plan for his episodes and that so long as Remus were to keep his identity as a werewolf a secret (something Remus was already good at), Remus would be allowed to attend the magic school.   Remus agreed partially because he was curious to see where his father had gone to school and partially because they promised they could give him better care then Matron, the lady who ran St. Edmund's.


Remus has never been too fond of school. At St. Edmund's they were all enrolled in the public school about three blocks down. It was about as run down as public schools get. There was algea on every building, despite being no where near a lake or the ocean. It always smelled of cigarettes and just about everything that moved creaked, even the teachers.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Remus can touch his nose with his tongue

Mental Trauma

Remus is use to being a werewolf. Though the actual incident happened when he was young, he can still remember flashes of it, like a horrible nightmare.   Beyond that Remus's father committed suicide shortly after Remus was bitten and his mother couldn't handle having a werewolf as a son because she was a muggle.

Remus John Lupin is starting his first year at a wizarding school. Raised in a muggle orphanage, Remus has struggled his whole life with the secret that he is a werewolf. He just hopes none of his new classmates find out.

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Date of Birth
10 March, 1960
Dust Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 0"

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