Sirius Black Character in Harry Potter: The Marauders Era | World Anvil
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Sirius Black

Sirius Black

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sirius Black is the elder son of the Black family, not that he's proud of that. In Sirius' opinion his whole family is cruel and backwards about things, especially blood status where they pride themselves on being pure-blood and better than everyone else, even other pure-bloods. Pure-bread poodles more like it, everyone in his family looked the same with black hair and bright blue eyes, not to mention they looked like a bunch of other pureblood families they'd spider-webbed with over the generations.   Whatever, Sirius is excited to get out of his stuffy old home of Grimauld Place and start school at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He's hoping to make some new friends, hopefully someone not related to him, best case scenario he'd make a friend that makes his parents upset. Sirius lives for the thrill of defying his parents.


Sirius had a private tutor that came to his house and taught him the basics of how to read and write as well as basic mathematics.

Mental Trauma

Sirius' family has been cruel his whole life. Infact his mother is absoluetly abusive feeling that phsical pain helps lessons be remembered. This is what has enspired Sirius' rebellious spirit. The pure desire to be the exact opposite of his mother.

Sirius Black hates his family and everything they stand for: pure-blood supremacy. He can't wait for this school year to start so that he can be away from the grasps of his family and make a name all for himself.

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Date of Birth
3 November, 1959
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4' 10"

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