Dimensional Air Vessel

The Dimensional Air Vessel is a boat that can float in the sky and navigate it in all imaginable directions.
It consists of a lightweight wicker basket strapped to the seat of a large balloon.
The balloon is shaped in such a way that it has a wide, horizontal 'blade' at the front and back, allowing the entire balloon to be tilted and function as a sail.

Power Generation

To reduce the risk of igniting the lifting gas, all modern vessels are equipped with a large, coiled spring and regulation mechanisms.
These springs are usually recharged in the docks, where the springs are hooked up to the local power supply.
In emergencies, the springs may also be manually rewound, but this takes much time and effort.


Much of the speed of the vessel and change in altitude is gained by tilting the vessel toward the front or back.
This, combined with compressing or relaxing the balloon and propellers mounted at the rear of the craft, allows the craft to move in any dimension that may be desired.

Weapons & Armament

Although the vessel is not intended to contain weaponry, dropping any well-sized object onto the ground below can result in grave injury and perhaps even death.

Armor and defense

Dimensional Air Vessels carry little to no defences to keep the craft light.
This is sufficient in most cases, since the vessel may evade attack be climbing higher into the sky.
Above a certain height, there is no weapon powerful enough to hit them from the ground.

Communication Tools & Systems

At least one service pigeon is brought along, so that emergency communication is possible.
In most cases three or four are brought, so that the vessel may report on their current position and communicate any observations they may make.

Hangars & docked vessels

Many dimensional air vessels can be deflated and collapsed to facilitate transport, but it is much preferred to fly them into specially designed docks, since the lifting gas is not cheap and transporting the vessel over long distances is a nuisance.
The docks are build like large boat-sheds, and a vessel may be pulled down onto a track and dragged in to the dock.
The vessel remains inflated, but since it is securely fastened this allows easy maintenance of the vessel.
Mobile scaffolding allows horologists to inspect and repair the craft with ease.
Larger docks may have an on-site Light Air Generator, but smaller docks will have tanks of light air at hand to refill any lost lifting gas.
Owning Organization
Complement / Crew
Pilot, navigator and Horologist


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