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Anacuch (A-na-KUCH)

The Wise and Learned, the Sage Counsel

Anacuch is the simian god of learning, medicine, wisdom and truth in Nawaquivo. Carneman legends say that in the earlest days, Boyomanka explored and enjoyed the natural beauty of the world when he came upon the divine marmoset Anacuch meditating beneath a papaya tree. The two became quick friends, Boyomanka greatly impressed by Anacuch's wisdom and knowledge of the natural world, the animals and plants and their properties. Anacuch in turn found Boyomanka's boundless enthusiasm and gentle spirit endearing, and the two deities have been firm allies ever since. It was thanks to Anacuch's insight that the schemes of the treacherous god Tozot were discovered and was able to warn Boyomanka and Elatabe in time of the growing evil within Torauac's divine heart.

Divine Domains

Healing, Knowledge, Perfection, Repose, Truth

Holy Books & Codes

Knowledge of all kinds is sacred to the faithful of Anacuch, so any tome that increases ones knowledge is considered holy. Texts pertaining to medicine, history, philosophy or the properties and workings of natural world are held in particular esteem.   One of Anacuch's holy texts is the Rudiments of Well-being, a lengthy book full of highly detailed medicinal instruction, as well as exquisite diagrams of the anatomy of most of Tanor's mortal ancestories, not just those native to Nawaquivo. It also lays out strict codes of ethics in regards to patient care, trust and confidentiality.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The crowned tamarins native to Nawaquivo and the Carneman islands are believed to be the descendents of Anacuch's original ten-thousand children. They are regarded as his messengers, intermediaries and wardens to the people of Nawaquivo, and the they make great efforts to encourage the little simians to live among them. Marmosets and capuchins, as well as other small monkeys are sacred to Anacuch's faith, and his faithful ensure to treat the little simians kindly and with reverence. Priests of Anacuch typically dress in green and white cotton robes, usually wrapped over one shoulder with the other shoulder bare, mirroring the fashion of their divine patron. Most prominently, Anacuch's servants wear prominent feather crowns decorated with precious stones, simulacra of the crown of the tutor that Anacuch wears.  


Anauch appears as a vaguley humanoid marmoset, about the size of a human teenager. While his body is fully simian, covered in a coat of fine, glossy fur, sagacious tufts of white ear fur and long banded tail, he can walk bipedally and fully upright when he wishes, and his hands are as dexterous as a humans. He wears a fine robe of green and white cotton, covering his torso and looping around one shoulder and down his legs, decorated with numerous beaded belts and armlets. He wears a delicate, intricate crown of gold and feathers, and is most commonly depicted seated in the lotus position with his eyes either closed or open, representing his aspects of introspection and instruction.

Tenets of Faith

Anacuch is principally a deity of knowledge and learning, both attaining it and applying it for the good of others. As such, his followers prize education and instruction, and usually serve their communities as tutors, advisors or sages. Medicine and healing is Anacuch's expertise, so his faith preaches the importance of health and well-being, mental and physical. Healers of all stripes acorss Nawaquivo follow Anacuch, and are highly respected members of their communities in return.   Truth is a core principle to Anacuch's faith and it places great value on knowledgable and informed opinions. They hold lies and misinformation as great threats to society and good governance, and some priests of Anacuch see it as their duty to expose corruption or duplicitousness, especially among a communities leadership.  


Anacuch does not believe in coddling his servants, or of offering knowledge that they have not earned or could not have attained for themselves. As such, he seldom shows favour or dislike through omens or dreams. When he does, it usually comes in the form of subtle nudges that lead his faithful to new knowledge or breakthroughs. The attention of small monkeys is considered a good sign, and some Anacuchian sages talk to them or pitch them questions in the hope that doing so will spark revelation. On the other hand, if bands of monkeys pester and disrupt ones studies, it is a sign that they are on the wrong path or venturing down a road that Anacuch believes to be dangerous.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Anacuch remains content with his position as a friend and advisor of the other Nawaquivoan deities, and his reputation is such that even the deities of other pantheons at times seek him out for advice or to engage in stimulating conversation. He enjoys conversing with Boyomanka about the natural world, and offering his advice when asked.   Anacuch has set himself firmly against Tozot, the god of betrayals and deceit. Ever since Anacuch uncovered Tozot's poisonous influence behind the events that tore the divine family of Nawaquivo apart, Anacuch diverts much of his prodigious mind towards uncovering and thwarting Tozot's schemes however he can.
Category. Ascended Ceti
Edicts. Impart knowledge to others, give honest and informed counsel, aid the sick and injured
Anathema. Use medicine to harm another unless necessary for treatment, manipulate those who trust you, give false counsel
Areas of Concern. Learning, Medicine, Counsel
Symbol. Monkey seated in the lotus position
Sacred Animal. Marmosets, tamarins
Sacred Colour. Green, white
Divine Classification

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability. Intelligence, Wisdom
Divine Font. Heal
Divine Sanctification. Can choose holy
Divine Skill. Medicine
Favoured Weapon. Bola
Domains. Healing, Knowledge, Perfection, Repose, Truth
Cleric Spells. 1st; Share Lore, 3rd; Hypercognition, 7th; Retrocognition

Cover image: Platinum Compass by Generated using


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