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Beyoye (be-YO-ye)

The Heart of the Sea

Mercurial, mischievous and magpie-like, Beyoye is the Carneman spirit-deity of the sea. A lover of beauty and art, Beyoye spends her days drifting through the sea, though she much prefers tropical waters such as those around Nawaquivo, where she delights in the colour and vibrancy of the tropical fish and corals that flourish there, and occasionally spying on and playing the occasional joke on mortal sailors and fishermen.

Holy Books & Codes

Almost all of the religious works to Beyoye are art works chronicling the various myths and fables related to her; images etched into stone markers, reed tapestries and floral arrangements. Those few written Beyoyan texts are typically guides on marine life, almanacs on sailing, the tides and the like, along with instructions on the proper way to offer gifts to Beyoye.     Paeans to the Shallows and Reefs This small book is a collection of songs and hymnals that are commonly sung on Beyoye's holy days at the shorefront, singing her praises and lessons on respecting the natural beauty of the sea.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Bright colours and artistry is sacred to Beyoye, and so her priests always dress in elaborately coloured and decorated clothing. Accessories of colourful and patterned seashells, flowers and feathers of tropical birds are also common. Most priests of Beyoye also carry large conch shells which they use as horns to call worshippers to prayer. The faithful believe that the clearer the sound produced by the conch shell, the more likely they are to attract the goddesses attentions.  


Beyoye appears as a beautiful young Carneman woman, with lushious, long, multicoloured hair  flowing behind her. Her lower-half shifts between a pair of human legs and feet, and the powerful finned tail of a mermaid. Her skin is lightly tanned, excepted for her fingers and hands, and either her tail or feet, which are coloured in deep and vibrant hues of blue, green and turquoise. Depictions of Beyoye in art usually show her lounging on a rock protruding from the sea, often admiring a mortal bauble or trinket.

Tenets of Faith

Beyoye is a lover of beauty, art and vibrancy, and revels in the abundance of colourful life that thrives in the warm, tropical waters of the material plane. The natural beauty of the sea and the creatures who live in it are to be respected and safeguarded against despoilment. The coastal communities of Nawaquivo, particularly the Carneman islanders, must make sure to keep in Beyoye's favour, lest the goddess withhold the fish that feeds them, or send sudden violent squalls to wreck their boats.   Beyoye is also highly covetous of mortal-crafted objects and trinkets, particulaly shiny and expensive ones, and if she is not offered it, she is likely to take it herself. Those ships carrying precious treasures that sail into tropical waters are thus highly advised to drop a piece from their collection overboard to keep the fickle goddess appeased. Those that don't risk her sinking the entire ship in a violent sulk, where she can enjoy the entire trove of treasure at her leisure at the bottom of the sea.  


Beyoye shows her pleasure to sailors by the sudden appearance of shoals of leaping, dancing fish, dolphins and even whales. Those with her favour who are away from the sea can hear the sound of waves in the distance or have dreams of themselves peacefully floating in calm water.   Her anger is shown by sudden localised storms or turbulent waters, or by the colur and vibrancy seemingly leeching out of the world around an individual or community, along with an irrepressible feeling of moroseness and gloom.


The Rainbow Flotilla Fête is celebrated by the Siroken and Tanigua in the Carneman islands on the spring and autumnal equinox. In the lead up to the festival, people create art pieces of all varieties, be they costumes, paintings, floral arrangements or pieces of jewellery. On the day of the fête, people gather on nearby beaches and array their work like a gallery, whereby a priest of Beyoye blesses each piece. After a day of admiring and celebrating the offerings, each art piece is placed on it's own individual raft before being pushed out into the water as offerings and praise to Beyoye. It is believed that the first raft to sink was the art piece that most pleased Beyoye, and that individual and their family can expect good blessings from the godess in the near future.
Category. Nawaquivoan God
Edicts. Protect the beauty of the sea, express yourself through artistic works, be vibrant and good humoured
Anathema. Despoil the sea, destroy a work of art, dress in bland colours
Areas of Concern. Art, joy, the sea, reefs, treasure
Symbol. A multicoloured conch shell
Sacred Animal. Clownfish, coral
Sacred Colour. Blue, pink, sea green

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability. Dexterity or Charisma
Divine Font. Heal
Divine Sanctification. Can choose holy
Divine Skill. Crafting or Performance
Favoured Weapon. Spear
Domains. Creation, nature, travel, trickery, water, wealth
Cleric Spells. 1st; Dizzying Colours, 4th; Coral Eruption, 6th; Vibrant Pattern

Cover image: Platinum Compass by Generated using


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