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Kallaypapas (KA-lei-PA-pass)

Big Big Brother, The Layer of Stones

Kallaypapas is the mighty and sweet-tempered Nawaquivoan god of physical strength, labour and settlements. He is a gentle giant, venerated especially by the Sahapa halflings of northern Maye, where they refer to him as "hatnuhatnu wawqi", which translates to "Big Big Brother", a monicer which has become widespread across Nawaquivo. He is one of the ceti, the demigod children of the deities Elatabe and Boyomanka, and he is by far the strongest in terms of physical strength and stature, towering over the rest of his family. Kallaypapas' imposing stature stands in stark contrast to his gentle nature. He dislikes violence and much prefers to turn his mighty strength towards an honest days hard labour, such as tilling fields, quarrying stone or raising mighty walls. Kallaypapas remained steadfastly loyal to his parents during Torauac's rebellion, and the only time he has been spurred to violent action has been to protect his other siblings and to lend his strength to the mortals he and his parents favour.

Divine Domains

Cities, Earth, Might, Protection, Toil

Holy Books & Codes

Kallaypapas' holy books tend to be simple, rustic tomes containing basic fables and motivational tales that encourage those who perform manual labour. Stone and Soil: The Tending to the Movements of the Earth and Other Honest Undertakings is a particularly popular Kallaypapas text, giving instruction on agricultural techniques and stonework, commonly distributed among labour communities by Kallaypapasian priests.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Kallaypapas' holy symbol is known as the brick layer, two weathered hands setting down a large piece of cut stone. Those who carry this icon are recognised as dependable, honest and uncomplaining among their communities, always first to lend their hands and backs to the most stenuous of tasks. Priests of Kallaypapas tend to be tough, weathered and strong through many long days of manuable labour, for Kallaypapsian priests do not stand for idle preaching. Most of his priesthood wear belts set with all manner of tools so that they be well-equipped to lend a hand to any task they encounter. Hammers are especially sacred to his faith, and are usually worn around the neck. The traditional Kallaypapasian greeting involves the clasping of both persons shoulders to symbolise strength and support, reminiscent of the supporting beams used in construction.   Kallaypapas' sacred animals are the giant tortoise and the plough horse, along with other beasts of burden such as mules, asses and oxen.  


Kallaypapas is always depicted as a towering, hulking human man, more akin to a giant, ruggedly handsome and sporting a full beard. It is customary to depict him performing some labour or other, as it is considered insulting to depcit him standing idle. Most artworks show him raising a wall, cracking stone, tilling a field, or even bearing a boulder upon his back.

Tenets of Faith

The Kallaypapsian faith is incredibly simple, but incredibly demanding none-the-less. Kallaypapas expects everyone to pull their weight and put the good of others over themselves. A hard days work is not to be shunned, and those who labour are to be respected and thanked for their toil. This in no way suggests that Kallaypapas approves of forcing others to conduct back-breaking labour, and slave labour is particularly abhorrent to him. One must also refrain from working themselves to exhaustion or debilitating injury, as this would prevent them from helping others in the future.   Kallaypapas is also a stalwart protector of those weaker than himself, and he expects those who follow him to emulate this. Carneman halflings in particular view him as a patron protector of their folk in a world where they are often overmatched in terms of size and strength. Children also commonly offer prayers to "Big big brother", and elder siblings commonly wish to emmulate Kallaypapas' protective nature.  


Kallaypapas' pleasure is usually expressed by his favoured servants experiencing a short period of inexhaustable energy, able to push through the most arduous of tasks without feeling an ounce of fatigue. Another sign of his favour is the sudden appearance of a looming shadow as though a giant figure were blotting out the sun, bringing with it a soothing comfort and feeling of safety. His disfavour is more expressed more subtly. He does not drain a persons strength or stamina, or destroy tools, as that would disrupt the labour. Instead he fills those who have frustrated him with a restlessness, denying them sleep and compelling them lazy to perform any menial tasks they can in order to distract themselves.
Categories. Nawaquivoan Gods
Edicts. Be proud in your labours, work hard to the best of your ability, protect those smaller and weaker than yourself
Anathema. Abuse those weaker than yourself, work yourself to exhaustion or injury, destroy the fruits of another's labour
Areas of Concern. Labour, earth, settlements, physical strength
Symobl. Two hands laying a stone wall
Sacred Animal. Giant tortoise, mule
Sacred Colour. Brown, grey

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability. Strength or Constitution
Divine Font. Heal
Divine Sanctification. Can choose holy
Divine Skill. Crafting or Society
Favoured Weapon. Warhammer
Domains. Cities, Earth, Might, Protection, Toil
Cleric Spells. 1st; Ant Haul, 2nd; Enlarge, 4th; Mountain Resilience

Cover image: Platinum Compass by Generated using


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