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Ranguajoa (RANG-wa-JO-ya)

Great Brother Brave, The Burning Heart

Ranguajoa is the Carneman god of battle, courage, and volcanoes, associated especially with Mount Paléa. He is the youngest child of the supreme Carneman deities Elatabe and Boyomanka, and it is he who leads the fight against his treacherous eldest sibling Torauac. From his volcanic strongholds, he keeps the fiends of the lower planes from inflitrating and corrupting the mortal world that his parents treasure so much.

Divine Domains

Duty, family, freedom, fire, might, zeal

Holy Books & Codes

In the Roaring Gateway, the principle temple to Ranguajoya, are a series of enourmous standing stone tablets, upon which the legends and divine edicts of Ranguajoya are etched, collectively known as the Unturning Duties. They speak chiefly of the virtues of loyalty, duty and self-sacrifice for the good of others.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The volcanic glass obsidian is holy to the Ranguan faith, and jewellery and icons made from the it are commonly worn among his followers. His priesthood, including the Followers of Ash, wear rainments of black, red and firery orange, with accessories depicting iguanas or black carneman shields used to denote their faith.   Ranguajoya's favoured animals are iguanas and falcons.   


Ranguajoya appears as a young Carneman man on the cusp of adulthood, dressed for battle with an obsidian shield and toothed club. The remains of the shackles that Torauac once used to bind him still clasp his wrists, glowing red hot. His feet and eyes are blackened like charcoal, but aglow with traces of fire and trailing wisps of smoke. In art, he is commonly depicted emerging from a pool of magma, or stnading before a glowing doorway in the side of a volcano.

Tenets of Faith

The faith of Ranguajoya is proactive and assertive, and his clergy proselytize throughout the lands of Nawaquivo, not just the Carneman islands. They stress the importance of loyalty to ones family, tribe and society, the defence of the innocent and helpless, and to stand against the forces of evil. The latter in partiuclar is regarded as a holy cause, for Ranguajoya's followers believe that by seeking out and vanquishing unholy influences in the world, they strengthen Rangoujoya in his cosmic struggle against Torauac and other evil deities.   While many Ranguan worshipers can appear zealous and firebrand to others, they are cautioned against excessively forcing their beliefs on others. Personal freedom is an important virtue to Ranguajoya, and so long as others do not turn to evil ways, they are to be allowed to reject his cause if they so choose.   The entire of Ranguajoya's faithful are united in their desire to cleanse the blighted islands within the Eye of Curses, for they are convinced that a great wound in the fabric of the world can be found there, allowing Torauac's malevolent influence to seep into the world.  


Ranguajoya shows his favour by the appearance of a warm, glowing light appearing around a person or object, or fires gently stoking themselves into life. His displeasure is shown by a sudden, unexplained acrid smell of sulphur, the taste of ash in ones mouth or extremly localised quakes and fissures in the ground.


Category. Nawaquivoan Gods
Edicts. Seek out and destroy evil forces, be brave and resolute in your beliefs and cause, protect the weak and innocent
Anathema. Turn a blind eye to evil, enslave another, betray a friend or family member
Areas of Concern. Battle, courage, self-sacrifice, volcanoes
Symbol. A warrior atop a volcano
Sacred Animal. Iguana, falcon
Sacred Colour. Black, red, yellow.

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability. Strength or Dexterity
Divine Font. Heal
Divine Sanctification. Can choose holy
Divine Skill. Athletics
Favoured Weapon. Macuahuitl (longsword)
Domains. Duty, Fire, Freedom, Might, Zeal
Cleric Spells. 1st; Sure Strike, 4th; Fire Shield, 7th; Volcanic Eruption

Cover image: Platinum Compass by Generated using


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