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Red Marina (RED ma-RI-na)

The Corsair Queen, The Red Banshee

Red Marina is a goddess of piracy, swashbuckling and plunder. She is worshipped primarily by freespirited seafaring folks in places such as Nawaquivo. Supposedly once a mortal pirate herself before she ascended to become a minor god, she now sails the endless churning waters of the Pandemagos from her hidden island, the Cauldron of Wraiths, launching raids on outposts across the realms of the Great Beyond. Able to conjure ferocious localised sea storms or summon shoals of aggressive sea creatures, Red Marina eternally pursues a life of freedom, daring and infamy.

Divine Domains

Confidence, destruction, freedom, lightning, trickery, water

Holy Books & Codes

Red Marina's holy book is known simply as the Bitch's Word. Derived from the rules that Red Marina has enforced on her own vessel since she was a mortal herself, it is used by many piratical groups as a basis for their own codes of conduct and honour. Short and to the point, it lays out the laws that are to be observed on board a ship, as well as how to deal with treasure, prisoners and parley's.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Red Marina's holy symbol is the Red-Headed Skull, a skull with flowing red hair, usually with a cutlass clutched between it's teeth, wearing a bandana or captain's hat, and decorated with ostentatious earrings, gold teeth and other ostentatious accessories.  


Red Marina always cuts a dashing figure, full of swagger and bravado. Her clothes are flashy and flamboyant, usually a ruffled blouse, thick black boots, and a hat such as a feathered tricorne, bicorne, cavalier's hat, or a bandana. Her signiature red hair is long and lustrous despite her countless years upon the sea, and always billowing as though caught in a full breeze. Red Marina's original heritage has been lost to time, and she now can appear as any mortal race she pleases, though she is mostly commonly viewed as a human. She is always accompanied by her faithful companion, the black cat Lucky Rogério.

Tenets of Faith

As the deity of swashbuckling, pirates and those who seek adventure and freedom on the high seas, Red Marina promotes a daring, free-spirited lifestyle, defying all laws and restrictions save those that uphold the honour and trust of those aboard a ship. Her faith is highly utilitarian with little use for formalised ceremonies or prayers, and in truth simple lip service to her is enough for Red Marina.    Red Marina's followers become restless quickly, especially when ashore. They rarely remain in one place for too long, much prefering the freedom and promise upon the waves. The peaceful life is not for them, and those who seek out lives of high risk and high reward without the restrictions of society or laws are easily drawn to Red Marina.   Greed is practically a virtue to Red Marina's faithful, and she fully endorses her followers to take that which they want, and she is not particularly concerned about how they obtain it. Because of this, worshippers of Red Marina include everything from dashing honourable scoundrels, cruel sadistic marauders, and those in-between who act purely as their mood suits them.   Red Marina expects those who worship her to be confident and self-sufficient. She will not grant her blessings to those who cannot stand up for themselves or who brashly pick fights they cannot win. She instead gives those already with wits and skills to survive an edge.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Red Marina is in her element sailing the endless churning waters of the Pandemagos aboard her divine warship the Dona Sofia's Pursuit. She leads her loyal undying crew on raids throughout the realms of the great beyond, particularly Ouranous, Idyna, Dis and Archemeous. These realms of law and peace irk her, and she relishes bringing her own personal brand of chaos to these orderly realms.   Red Marina knows her status as a minor god makes her less powerful than the greater deities of the cosmos, but she does not much care. She is confident in her skill and cunning to avoid any reprisals other divinities might try and mete out to her, avoiding pursuit in the chaos of the Pandemagos.
Category. Minor Gods
Edicts. Seize what you want, sail the open sea, be loyal to your captain and crewmates above all
Anathema. Renounce piracy, betray your captain or crewmates
Areas of Concern. Piracy, the sea, storms, treasure
Symbol. A gaudy skull with long red hair
Sacred Animal. Black cat, barracuda
Sacred Colour. Red, white

Devotee Benefits

Divine Ability. Dexterity or Charisma
Divine Font. Harm or heal
Divine Sanctification. Can choose holy or unholy
Divine Skill. Acrobatics or Athletics
Favoured Weapon. Cutless
Domains. Confidence, destruction, lightning, trickery, water
Cleric Spells. 1st; Thunderstike, 3rd; Crashing Wave, 5th; Mariner's Curse

Cover image: Platinum Compass by Generated using


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