BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Summer Camp 2024 Prep

This summer camp is coming at a good time, as I have just begun working on a new world aimed at being a dynamic and exciting setting for TTRPG games of any kind. While the world of Hatuntassi is expansive with all manner of cultures and fantastical elements, I'm currently working on developing a specific region known as Nawaquivo, which is inspired by the Caribbean of our own world. It is populated by the native islanders of the Carneman Sea, a colony from a far-off nation called Porto del Paradiso, and is neighboured by the relatively young Mayunese Kingdom. Isolated and mysterious islands await to be explored, lucrative trade opportunities to be secured, and terrible monsters of the sea to overcome. All articles I submit for the Summer Camp will be added to Nawaquivo in some capacity unless the prompt just will not fit neatly, so will then be shelved to help build out the wider world later.

Week 1

Assignment 1

Change: Some broader, sweeping changes in Nawaquivo would include the disruption of maritime travel and trade, devastating weather or other natural disasters which destroy homes and kill many, and an epidemic of some unanticipated or unknown diseases new to the area. More localised changes could be a group expanding onto a new island or discovering some new valuable resource. Perhaps Porto del Paradiso proclaims itself independent from its continental sovereign. Or perhaps a holy crusade is called by the Ranguajoan faith to purge the blighted islands within the Eye of Curses. Perhaps there is an influx of Mayunese piracy or even privateers from even further afield, attracted to the area to claim wealth from Porto del Paradisian ships and the riches of the islanders.


Assignment 3

This isn't much of an issue for me. I tried to keep my articles categorised from the very start, though I haven't given much thought to tag. I've been going through the few articles I have so far and adding tags to them to help make them a bit easier to search for. I'll be sure to tag the summer camp articles appropriately.

Assignment 4

This is my big sticking point. I don't know what it is, but the Meta and Primer parts of world-building on World Anvil stump and frustrate me to no end. Despite all the ideas I have for what I want from the world, knowing what articles I should work on next and the grand image I have, the words just won't come for the prompts and sections of the Meta and Primer sections. I'll do my best to fill in as much as possible, but for me, my brain has all the details I need for now and I normally just write down my thoughts as they come in a notebook or on the whiteboard feature. Dam you Primer!

Week 2

Assignment 1

Refuge: Porto del Paradiso is the largest walled settlement within all of Nawaquivo, and the most heavily defended. Given the importance of ships and seafaring in the region, harbours, both natural and artificial, are vital places of refuge for sailors to shelter from bad weather and to resupply. Caves are also places to seek shelter from the weather and terrible creatures that stalk the islands of Nawaquivo, as well as being places of religious significance to the islanders. In terms of faith, Gueibo is the island deity of the moon and also of outcasts and runaways. He is a source of comfort and shelter for those with no one and nowhere else to turn.

Assignment 2

I'm fortunate to have a few friends and my amazing partner to hold me accountable. I've already let them know that I'm aiming for Gold this Summer Camp and I've asked them just to poke me now and then to make sure I get into it and don't let things slide. My world is designed from a DM perspective to be used as a setting for RPG games, and some of my friends from my game group have stated they enjoy reading the stuff I create for the world because it helps with immersion in our games (which also feeds my narcissistic need for praise whenever I write anything).

Assignment 3

Styling is not the most important thing to me when writing, outside of making sure the format is easily digestible when reading. So outside of decently sized paragraphs, line breaks with borders or highlighted headings, I don't go crazy with styling. I'm not a big user of images as I'm always nervous I'm breaking some copyright rule or something, plus I dislike articles that have images right in the middle of the body of the text. I find it super distracting and breaks the flow. I limit images to headings or backgrounds, and occasionally small portraits in the sidebars if that will help with visualisation (and if I can actually find an image that matches my idea).

Assignment 4

I don't use CSS. I don't understand it. It scares me. Next assignment.

Week 3

Assignment 1

Belief: Religious belief is central to almost everyone who lives in Nawaquivo. The dominant religion is that of the Carneman Islanders, who worship a closed pantheon of deities that are all related to one another in a somewhat functional family, who are countered by a number of cruel deities and archdemons. The Porto del Paradisians and Mayunese have brought some of their native beliefs with them to the area, and religious osmosis has occurred with the worship of the Carneman deities becoming more popular with the Porto del Paradisians and Mayunese, and vice versa. With seafaring being a vital part of life within Nawaquivo, superstition is rife within all of the local cultures. It wouldn't be hyperbole to say that there are as many superstitions as there are ships in Nawaquivo, as every vessel cultivates and perpetuates its own beliefs.

Week 4

Assignment 1

Decay: An instance of moral decay within the Nawaquivo setting would be the Mayunese Kingdom. This kingdom was founded by a refugee people who had fled north along the Jaravay River to escape from a tyrannical neighbouring power that had invaded their land. Since the founding their own new kingdom near the Carneman Sea, the Mayunese have not attempted to rise above those who drove them from their land, but instead have adopted a harsher, might-makes-right ideology. Mayunese privateers and corsairs are common throughout Nawaquivo, and the monarch of Mayuna makes no effort to discourage them, indeed, the other civilisations of Nawaquivo believe they actively encourage them. The Mayunese are a tragic example of a society that has grown harsh and nationalistic at the expense of their neighbours, as they now believe that their future can only be assured by exploiting their neighbours.

Cover image: Platinum Compass by Generated using


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