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The Four Articles of Exploration

The Four Articles of Exploration, or 'i quattora articole di esplorazani' in classical Cassamoran, is the name used to refer to the treaties signed by the city-states of Cassamor that brought about an end to the incessant land and trade disputes that had riven Cassamor for almost two centuries.   Cassamor is not a unified nation but is composed of multiple autonomous city-states. For much of their history, these city-states competed over territory, resources, trade rights and even theocratic disagreements. The infighting was such a constant in Cassamor for so long that it affected their cultural vernacular, giving rise to numerous sayings and aphorisms about how a day couldn't go by in Cassamor without a battle being fought or a grudge being settled.   It didn't take long for the Cassamorans to realise that their country's location would allow them to become one of the greatest maritime trade cultures on the continent. The cities of Gradize, Pisantta, Arggen, Valecci, Arppeno and Recurra rose to prominence over the others thanks to their coastal positions and growing dominance over many of the most lucrative maritime trade routes. Unfortunately, the wealthier and more powerful these maritime republics grew, the more violent their trade disputes became. Whole armies of mercenaries were recruited to fight battles on their behalf, and every ship had to be accompanied by heavily armed retinues to keep them safe from enemy fleets and privateers.   Finally, the governing bodies of these six maritime republics realised that the situation could not continue any longer. An agreement had to be reached and a truce formally recognised. A great council was convened in Gradize, with representatives of all the major republics in attendance and after months of deliberation, arguments, addendums and compromises, a final document was signed and sealed by all the governing heads of the republics, which became collectively referred to as the Four Articles of Exploration.   While the full body of the Articles contains many pages with numerous stipulations, in its simplest interpretation the Four Articles of Exploration laid out and codified the parts of the world that each republic would be allowed to explore, colonise and trade with a guarantee of interference from their rival republics.    With the signing of the Four Articles, the Cassamorans were able to turn all of their attention outward, without the need to defend themselves from rivals at home. The wealth and global influence of the six maritime republics exploded. Existing trade agreements were reinforced and Cassamoran ships began travelling further and further abroad, discovering lands and cultures that had been hitherto unknown. The Cassamorans established new colonies, forts and outposts on every continent, and Cassamoran warehouses could be found in almost every major port in the world.   It should not be understated the change that the signing of the Four Articles of Exploration heralded for the world of Hatuntassi. Driven by their insatiable desire for new trade opportunities and lands to profit from, the Cassamorans became the link that began connecting all of the disparate cultures of the world together. Not only did they bring their own culture, faith and technology from Northern Parralda to the distant cultures of Xannui and Kheidia, but they also brought back artwork, exotic goods, foreign flora and fauna, as well as foreign visitors, philosophies and ideas from the furthest flung corners of Hatuntassi.
Decree, Governmental

Cover image: Platinum Compass by Generated using


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