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Torauac (tor-RAH-oo-WAC)

To the Nawaquivoans, no other deity is as hated or feared as Torauac. Once he was the proud and mighty god of the sky, the bringer of strong winds and the rain. He was the first child of the gods Elatabe and Boyomanka and was considered the greatest of the divine pantheon after his parents. Mortals would pray to him for rain to nourish their crops, for strong winds to propel their ships and to cool them during the heat of the day. But Torauac grew prideful and domineering, often enforcing his own will over his divine siblings for he believed himself to be the greatest of the pantheon even to rival his parents.   However, his pride was to be stretched to breaking point upon the birth of his youngest sibling, Ranguajoa. Everything about Ranguajo was radiant, even as a babe, and all who looked upon him knew in their hearts that the child was destined for greatness. Torauac became overwhelmed with jealousy as he saw the love and pride his parents Elatabe and Boyomanka once reserved for him now directed solely towards the infant Ranguajoa. Even among mortals, Ranguajoa's worship spread and began to surpass the adoration that once was Torauacs. He could not even confide his frustrations with his divine siblings, for they too were as equally besotted with their new baby brother. His temperament was not improved when his mother Elatabe relayed a prophecy she had seen, which foretold of the glorious future that awaited Ranguajoa, bathed in glory as he triumphed over the evils of the cosmos.   Torauac could not abide the notion that this mewling babe would one day outshine him, and his jealousy swiftly turned to resentment. And so he hatched a plot to remove Ranguajoa from his life so that things would return to their proper order. Only one other did not share in the collective adoration of the young Ranguajoa, the moon god Gueibo. Guiebo had been the youngest deity of the Nawaquivoan pantheon before Ranguajoa was born. He was not handsome, strong or particularly wise. Bad enough that he had always seen himself as the lesser of his elder siblings and parents, but now he had a younger sibling who too would surpass him in seemingly every way. This insecurity was easily twisted and exploited by Torauac, who sought to use his brother as a scapegoat in his plot.   Torauac approached Gueibo and poured honeyed words into his ears. He lavished his younger brother with false praise, proclaiming that he had always thought he was undervalued and unappreciated by the rest of their family. Against his better judgement, Gueibo was grateful for his brother's praise, something which he had longed for for so long. It did not take much for Torauac to play upon Gueibo's insecurity and turn it against the infant Ranguajoa, and together they devised a plot.   In the dead of night, as Guiebo hid away the light of the moon, Torauac stole into Ranguajoa's nursery and stole the infant from his cradle. He could not kill Ranguajoa, for it would violate the highest cosmic laws to slay his kin, and there would be repercussions that even the prideful Torauac was not willing to face. Instead, he spirited him away and hid him in a cave deep beneath a mountain on a lonely little island, chaining the infant to the stone and leaving him in darkness.   Elatabe, Boyomanka and the other gods were overcome with grief at the loss of Ranguajoa. In another act of familial betrayal, Torauac pointed the blame towards Gueibo, claiming that he had seen the moon god stealing Ranguajoa away after hiding the light of the moon to hide his dark purpose. The other gods turned on Gueibo in fury, despite his protestations of innocence, and unable to convince them that he was a co-conspirator, he fled their wrath and hid himself away. That might have been the end of the tale and Torauac might have gotten away for his crime, were it not for a bat named Uaci, who had witnessed Torauac making off with Ranguajoa in the night and followed him to the cave where he hid Ranguajoa. While she knew she ought to say something, Uaci was fearful that for a lowly bat to accuse the mighty Torauac of such an act of betrayal would mean her death. Instead, Uaci cared for Ranguajo over many years as he grew up in the darkness of the cave beneath the mountain. She stole the divine liquor upon which the gods supped and fed it to Ranguajoa so that could grow his strength and remain healthy. Eventually, as Ranguajoa was on the cusp of adulthood, he had the strength enough to break his chains and escape his prison in a fiery explosion, turning the lonely mountain into a rumbling volcano.   With Ranguajoa's escape and reuniting with his family, he revealed the truth of what had happened that night and how Uaci had cared for him. Torauac tried to deny it, but his shock and feigned delight at Ranguajoa's return was not enough to hide his guilt. His family turned on him in outrage, denounced him and cast him from the divine realm into exile in the dark, cold waters at the lowest depths of the cosmos. There he has languished ever since, his spiteful jealousy and hate churning the waters of the world into terrible storms and whipping up hurricanes to devastate the world. To spite his parents and mortals for turning on him, he has created many terrible creatures of the deep of his own and set them loose into the world's seas to terrorise and destroy those who once praised him.   For Nawaquivoans, Torauac is the god of jealousy, hurricanes, sea storms and sea monsters. He is the great betrayer and a warning against turning on one's own family.
Edicts. Take what you desire, show your strength by dominating others, praise Torauac
Anathema. Insult Torauac, submit yourself to another, admit another's superiority over yourself
Areas of Concern. The deep ocean, sea monsters, hurricanes, jealousy
Symbol. A sea serpent encircling a storm cloud
Sacred Animal. Barracuda, sea snake
Sacred Colour. Dark blue, white
Divine Classification
Nawaquivoan Gods

Devotee Benefits

Divine Skills. Strength or Constitution
Divine Font. Harm
Divine Sanctification. Can choose unholy
Divine Skill. Intimidation
Favoured Weapon. Trident
Domains. Air, Ambition, Destruction, Lightning, Tyranny, Water

Cover image: Platinum Compass by Generated using


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