Bards Guild Organization in Hausken | World Anvil
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Bards Guild

They are responsible for many of the cultural subjects such as music, theatre and dance performances. Although the Bards Guild was founded in music, they have also now incorporated art and poetry into their decipline.  

The Bards Guild Emblem

The emblem used by the Bards Guild was designed by one of the founding members of the Guild, and uses key elements associated to origin of the Bards Guild.
  • mountain - signifying the mountain range that was near Hausken at the time, the original home of the founding member
  • music notes - to show the core value of the guild, music being at the very centre of what they gather for
  • silken noddy - a round flower with many petals, pink in colour. Its petals can be plucked and blown through to create a harmonic sound.
  • curled foliage - representing the sound waves and music growing from a single place, reaching and branching out.
Guild, Professional


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