Flower - Lucky Plum Species in Hausken | World Anvil
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Flower - Lucky Plum

Although called the Lucky Plum, the name can be misleading if the origins are unknown. The word 'plum' in its name refers to its colour rather than a fruit of the same name. The word 'lucky' is not to grant one luck in this life, but is used to grant luck to those who are dying or in death. Because of this, the Lucky Plum is also referred to as the 'Death Blossom' or 'Death Flower'.   It is seen mostly in vases at hospitals around paitents with terminal illness, or in funeral arrangments.  

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Flowers appear on the plant within months of rooting, and flower all year round. Folk lore dictates that this is so, because death does not wait for weather.

Biological Cycle

A hardy plant, it grows where it can consume a lot of refuse such as mulch or over burried organic matter. Many of Hausken's lucky plum is grown in greenhouses to accommodate for the large demand at funerals.


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