Hausken Calendar in Hausken | World Anvil
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Hausken Calendar

Hausken has:
  • Before the Wrath = BEFORE (no acronym, just known as "before")
  • Example: 200 BEFORE
  • After the Wrath = YAW (Years after Wrath)
  • Example: 200 YAW
One year is made up of 364 Days  
Days of the Week
  1. Bruer 2. Qarn 3. Vlier 4. Cyvin 5. Kefvin 6. Eusk 7. Eohl  
Months of the Year (each 28 days)
  1. Of Stone (Winter) 2. Of Harth (Winter) 3. Of Oak (Spring) 4. Of Young (Spring) 5. Of Light (Spring) 6. Of Sol (Summer) 7. Of Gold (Summer) 8. Of Copper (Summer) 9. Of Leaves (Autumn) 10. Of Lords (Autumn) 11. Of Gust (Autumn) 12. Of Aqua (Winter) 13. Of Frost (Winter)


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