Smithy League Organization in Hausken | World Anvil
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Smithy League

Responsible for all craftsmen such as Blacksmiths, Weaponsmiths, and Carriage production.  

The Smithy League Emblem

The Smithy League is one of the oldest guilds, second only to the Merchants guild. Once the money had been unionised, those crafting weapons and transport did the same thing. The emblem has not changed since it was first established hudreds of years ago, and remains one of the most simpley representated emblems to date. 
  • anvil with a weapon handle - signifying the smithy work, including weapon creation
  • leaf wreath - the leaf wreath was used by the monarchy to boarder offical emblems and logos, this was not changed even when the monarchy fell in 530 BEFORE.
  • circle of linkar - a circular shape with swirls inside, representing the fire and molten rock used to heat forges and bind metal.
Guild, Craftsmen


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