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Professor Genevieve Wymar


Professor Genevieve Wymar is the expedition leader for The Sunchasers at Titan's Grave. Wymar happened to be near the Titan when it fell, and has since fought hard to maintain the relationships of her rivals in Titan's Grave. Wymar is an acedemic woman first and foremost, having both studied and taught history and archaeology at Sunspire Academy. Wymar is widely known for her knowledge about guardians, and studied them for years.   Wymar sees her work as Titan's Grave as her magnum opus, being able to study this ancient being is a great honour to her. She however thoroughly despises the other at Titan's Grave, firmly believing they are destroying valuable research material with their greed. The only reason Wymar hasn't been overtaken by the others is due to the fact that local Qingshe and guardians support Wymar, giving her a larger following outside of his group of assistants and researchers.   As opposed to the other leaders in Titan's Grave, Wymar is much more open to outsiders, and is the easiest to bargain with out of the three. She does not budge on access to the Titan however, as she feels it is already being desecrated enough.   Her papers on guardians were in fact instrumental in The Stormlight League's efforts to alter and create subdued guardians for protection.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Professor Wymar is a raptor, and looks like a secretary bird. Her arms and legs are reddish pink, with her legs being relatively strong. Like other birdfolk, she wears her wings on her shoulders like a cloak. They are bound together with a Sunchasers necklace. Wymar has white feathers, with long and thin black feathers coming out the back of her head and tail. She tends to wear academic clothes and glasses, and is often seen taking notes and writing.

Personality Characteristics


Professor Wymar aims to gain as much knowledge about guardians as she can, in order to find out more about their historical significance and their connection to core stones.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Wymar is incredibly knowledgeable about guardians, the Titan of the Straits in particular. She has been studying them for most of her life. She's also an accomplished historian and archaeologist, giving her vast cultural and historical insights.

Virtues & Personality perks

Wymar is highly educated, and thus is happy to explain any of her knowledge to others. Wymar truly believes in the greater good, and firmly believes that the world is a better place with strong education.

Vices & Personality flaws

Cares too much about her status and public perception. She can be condescending quite often, and can be very impatient.

Personality Quirks

Wymar tends to act like a school teacher a lot, often addressing others as if they were her students.
Current Location
Aligned Organization

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