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Session 01 - Midsummer Festivities Report

General Summary

  • Entered the Festival tournament and won (named their team 'Os Grandes e os Pequenos')
  • At night most of the village gathers at the market to see the new 'colored lights in the sky' show
  • During midsummer night something in the sky exploded into a fiery rain of blazing rocks
  • Most of Winterhaven is hit by the shower of incandescent rock and gets on fire
  • Strange spirit like creatures of blue flame appear near those who died close to the impact of the rocks
  • A small horde of Magma Mephits appear from the south
  • The party starts fighting the monsters
  • Three blazing undead skeletons accompanied with strange smoke-like snakes come from all around the village to attack the crowd at the market
  • About more than half of the monstrous horde is defeated but the rest are able to spread terror and leave most of Winterhaven in charred ruins

Rewards Granted

50gp Sapphire

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Midsummer Festival Championship:
    • Apple bobbing: Surreal Sha got 2nd place
    • Brawl: Galar got 2nd place
    • Catch the Greased Pig: Finnan got 1st place
    • Apple pie eating contest: Galar got 1st place
    • Dagger-throwing: Aphelios got 3rd place
    • Three-legged race: Aphelios and Surreal got 2nd place
  • Saved about one-fifth of the populace from the fiery shower and the elementals.
  • Character(s) interacted with

    • Huno Fildar, acolyte of the Circle of the Stars
    • Orlando Sopo: merchant
    • Konaas: fighter in the brawl
    • Emidio: fighter in the brawl
    Haven Campaign
    Galar Granito-Negro
    Surreal Sha
    Finnan Wildbridge
    Report Date
    13 Feb 2022
    Primary Location

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